Commit bf33eb78 authored by Ben Konyi's avatar Ben Konyi

Enabling 'flutter test' for Windows (woohoo!).

parent 3fe19d95
......@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ class CachedArtifacts extends Artifacts {
// android_arm in profile mode because it is available on all supported host platforms.
return _getAndroidArtifactPath(artifact, TargetPlatform.android_arm, BuildMode.profile);
case Artifact.flutterTester:
if (platform == TargetPlatform.windows_x64)
throw new UnimplementedError('Artifact $artifact not available on platfrom $platform.');
continue fallThrough;
final String engineArtifactsPath = cache.getArtifactDirectory('engine').path;
final String platformDirName = getNameForTargetPlatform(platform);
String path = fs.path.join(engineArtifactsPath, platformDirName, _artifactToFileName(artifact));
return (platform == TargetPlatform.windows_x64) ? (path + '.exe') : path;
case Artifact.vmSnapshotData:
case Artifact.isolateSnapshotData:
case Artifact.frontendServerSnapshotForEngineDartSdk:
......@@ -283,6 +283,8 @@ class LocalEngineArtifacts extends Artifacts {
return fs.path.join(engineOutPath, _artifactToFileName(Artifact.flutterTester));
} else if (getCurrentHostPlatform() == HostPlatform.darwin_x64) {
return fs.path.join(engineOutPath, 'flutter_tester');
} else if (getCurrentHostPlatform() == HostPlatform.windows_x64) {
return fs.path.join(engineOutPath, 'flutter_tester.exe');
throw new Exception('Unsupported platform $platform.');
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