Unverified Commit bacc03da authored by Pierre-Louis's avatar Pierre-Louis Committed by GitHub

Refactor update_icons (#68708)

* refactor update_icons

* fix trailing space

* address feedback

* Rename to _iconsMirroredWhenRTL
parent b9195d80
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ description: Various repository development tools for flutter.
# The pub client defaults to an <2.0.0 sdk constraint which we need to explicitly overwrite.
sdk: ">=2.2.2 <3.0.0"
sdk: ">=2.6.0 <3.0.0"
archive: 2.0.13
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ const Map<String, String> _identifierRewrites = <String, String>{
'class': 'class_',
const Set<String> _mirroredIcons = <String>{
const Set<String> _iconsMirroredWhenRTL = <String>{
// This list is obtained from:
// http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/#icons-in-rtl
......@@ -197,10 +197,16 @@ void main(List<String> args) {
ArgResults _handleArguments(List<String> args) {
final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser()
..addOption(_newCodepointsPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultNewCodepointsPath)
..addOption(_oldCodepointsPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultOldCodepointsPath)
..addOption(_iconsClassPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultIconsPath)
..addOption(_newCodepointsPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultNewCodepointsPath, help: 'Location of the new codepoints directory')
..addOption(_oldCodepointsPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultOldCodepointsPath, help: 'Location of the existing codepoints directory')
..addOption(_iconsClassPathOption, defaultsTo: _defaultIconsPath, help: 'Location of the material icons file')
..addFlag(_dryRunOption, defaultsTo: false);
argParser.addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', negatable: false, callback: (bool help) {
if (help) {
return argParser.parse(args);
......@@ -236,7 +242,7 @@ String regenerateIconsFile(String iconData, Map<String, String> tokenPairMap) {
final String iconDeclarationsString = <String>[
for (MapEntry<String, String> entry in tokenPairMap.entries)
......@@ -262,52 +268,76 @@ Error: New codepoints file does not contain all the existing codepoints.\n
String _generateDeclaration(MapEntry<String, String> tokenPair) {
final String description = tokenPair.key.replaceAll('_', ' ');
String styleSuffix = '';
String webFontKey = tokenPair.key;
// The first line of each generated declaration includes a comment of html.
// DartDocs reads that to make the listings in our api docs that shows the
// icon rendered next to its key name. Unfortunately, unlike Flutter, this
// html needs to use a different web font for each style. We read the style's
// suffix from the key for Flutter's icons font, add the corresponding style's
// suffix to the class we pass into html, and then remove the suffix from the
// icon key. The keys needed for the individual web fonts do not use a suffix
// to denote style.
if (webFontKey.endsWith('_outlined') && webFontKey!='insert_chart_outlined') {
styleSuffix = '-outlined';
webFontKey = webFontKey.replaceAll('_outlined', '');
if (webFontKey.endsWith('_rounded')) {
styleSuffix = '-round';
webFontKey = webFontKey.replaceAll('_rounded', '');
enum IconStyle {
extension IconStyleSuffix on IconStyle {
// The suffix for the 'material-icons' HTML class.
String suffix() {
switch (this) {
case IconStyle.outlined: return '-outlined';
case IconStyle.rounded: return '-round';
case IconStyle.sharp: return '-sharp';
default: return '';
if (webFontKey.endsWith('_sharp')) {
styleSuffix = '-sharp';
webFontKey = webFontKey.replaceAll('_sharp', '');
class _Icon {
// Parse tokenPair (e.g. {"6_ft_apart_outlined": "e004"}).
_Icon(MapEntry<String, String> tokenPair) {
id = tokenPair.key;
hexCodepoint = tokenPair.value;
if (id.endsWith('_outlined') && id!='insert_chart_outlined') {
style = IconStyle.outlined;
shortId = id.replaceAll('_outlined', '');
} else if (id.endsWith('_rounded')) {
style = IconStyle.rounded;
shortId = id.replaceAll('_rounded', '');
} else if (id.endsWith('_sharp')) {
style = IconStyle.sharp;
shortId = id.replaceAll('_sharp', '');
} else {
style = IconStyle.regular;
shortId = id;
flutterId = id;
for (final MapEntry<String, String> rewritePair in _identifierRewrites.entries) {
if (id.startsWith(rewritePair.key)) {
flutterId = id.replaceFirst(rewritePair.key, _identifierRewrites[rewritePair.key]);
final String identifier = _generateIdentifier(tokenPair.key);
final String rtl = _mirroredIcons.contains(tokenPair.key)
? ', matchTextDirection: true'
: '';
// e.g. 5g, 5g_outlined, 5g_rounded, 5g_sharp
String id;
// e.g. 5g
String shortId;
// e.g. five_g
String flutterId;
// e.g. IconStyle.outlined
IconStyle style;
// e.g. e547
String hexCodepoint;
return '''
// TODO(guidezpl): will be fixed in a future PR to be shortId instead of id
String get mirroredInRTL => _iconsMirroredWhenRTL.contains(id) ? ', matchTextDirection: true' : '';
/// <i class="material-icons$styleSuffix md-36">$webFontKey</i> &#x2014; material icon named "$description".
static const IconData $identifier = IconData(0x${tokenPair.value}, fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons'$rtl);
String get name => id.replaceAll('_', ' ');
String _generateIdentifier(String rawIdentifier) {
for (final MapEntry<String, String> rewritePair in _identifierRewrites.entries) {
if (rawIdentifier.startsWith(rewritePair.key)) {
return rawIdentifier.replaceFirst(rewritePair.key, _identifierRewrites[rewritePair.key]);
return rawIdentifier;
String get dartDoc =>
'/// <i class="material-icons${style.suffix()} md-36">$shortId</i> &#x2014; material icon named "$name".';
String get declaration =>
"static const IconData $flutterId = IconData(0x$hexCodepoint, fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons'$mirroredInRTL);";
String get fullDeclaration => '''\n $dartDoc\n $declaration\n''';
// Replace the old codepoints file with the new.
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