newRegExp(r'^\[error\] Invalid override\. The type of [^ ]+ \(.+\) is not a subtype of [^ ]+ \(.+\)\.'),// we allow type narrowing
newRegExp('^\\[error\\] The argument type \'List<T>\' cannot be assigned to the parameter type \'List<.+>\''),// until we have generic methods, there's not much choice if you want to use map()
newRegExp(r'^\[error\] Field declaration .+ cannot be overridden in .+\.'),// we allow overriding fields (if they use super, ideally...)
newRegExp(r'^\[warning\] .+ will need runtime check to cast to type .+'),//
newRegExp(r'^\[error\] Type check failed: .*\(dynamic\) is not of type'),// allow unchecked casts from dynamic
newRegExp('^\\[error\\] Target of URI does not exist: \'dart:ui_internals\''),//
newRegExp(r'\[info\] TODO.+'),
newRegExp('\\[warning\\] Missing concrete implementation of \'RenderObject\\.applyPaintTransform\''),//