Commit b6e12ca9 authored by Viktor Lidholt's avatar Viktor Lidholt

Forwards physics body properties to box2d in sprite physics

parent 5ac4d1ea
......@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ class PhysicsBody {
double angularVelocity: 0.0,
this.linearDampening: 0.0,
double awakeangularDampening: 0.0,
this.allowSleep: true,
this.awake: true,
this.fixedRotation: false,
this.bullet: false, true,
bool allowSleep: true,
bool awake: true,
bool fixedRotation: false,
bool bullet: false,
bool active: true,
this.gravityScale: 1.0
}) {
this.density = density;
......@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ class PhysicsBody {
this.linearVelocity = linearVelocity;
this.angularVelocity = angularVelocity;
this.angularDampening = angularDampening;
this.allowSleep = allowSleep;
this.awake = awake;
this.fixedRotation = fixedRotation;
this.bullet = bullet; = active;
Object tag;
......@@ -151,15 +157,71 @@ class PhysicsBody {
_body.angularDamping = angularDampening;
bool allowSleep;
bool _allowSleep;
bool get allowSleep => _allowSleep;
set allowSleep(bool allowSleep) {
_allowSleep = allowSleep;
bool awake;
if (_body != null)
bool fixedRotation;
bool _awake;
bool get awake {
if (_body != null)
return _body.isAwake();
return _awake;
bool bullet;
set awake(bool awake) {
_awake = awake;
bool active;
if (_body != null)
bool _fixedRotation;
bool get fixedRotation => _fixedRotation;
set fixedRotation(bool fixedRotation) {
_fixedRotation = fixedRotation;
if (_body != null)
bool _bullet;
bool get bullet => _bullet;
set bullet(bool bullet) {
_bullet = bullet;
if (_body != null) {
bool _active;
bool get active {
if (_body != null)
return _body.isActive();
return _active;
set active(bool active) {
_active = active;
if (_body != null)
double gravityScale;
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