Commit b69d2494 authored by pq's avatar pq

Enumerate lints for analysis in synthesized options file.

This enables us to exclude `library_names` pending a new stable SDK push (see notes:  Also excluded are a few lints who's feedback was just getting regexp'ed out.  Moving forward, this will allow us to selectively enable specific lints of interest as well.
parent 896246ad
......@@ -235,9 +235,32 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
for (String package in packages.keys)
/// specify analysis options
/// note that until there is a default "all-in" lint rule-set we need
/// to opt-in to all desired lints (
String optionsBody = '''
- camel_case_types
# sometimes we have no choice (e.g. when matching other platforms)
# - constant_identifier_names
- empty_constructor_bodies
# disabled until regexp fix is pulled in (
# - library_names
- library_prefixes
- non_constant_identifier_names
# too many false-positives; code review should catch real instances
# - one_member_abstracts
- slash_for_doc_comments
- super_goes_last
- type_init_formals
- unnecessary_brace_in_string_interp
// save the Dart file and the .packages file to disk
Directory host = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter-analyze-');
File mainFile = new File(path.join(host.path, 'main.dart'))..writeAsStringSync(mainBody.toString());
File optionsFile = new File(path.join(host.path, '_analysis.options'))..writeAsStringSync(optionsBody.toString());
File packagesFile = new File(path.join(host.path, '.packages'))..writeAsStringSync(packagesBody.toString());
List<String> cmd = <String>[
......@@ -252,7 +275,8 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
// defines lints
'--options', optionsFile.path,
'--packages', packagesFile.path,
......@@ -295,8 +319,6 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
new RegExp(r'^\[warning\] .+ will need runtime check to cast to type .+'), //
new RegExp(r'^\[error\] Type check failed: .*\(dynamic\) is not of type'), // allow unchecked casts from dynamic
new RegExp('^\\[error\\] Target of URI does not exist: \'dart:ui_internals\''), //
new RegExp(r'\[lint\] Prefer using lowerCamelCase for constant names.'), // sometimes we have no choice (e.g. when matching other platforms)
new RegExp(r'\[lint\] Avoid defining a one-member abstract class when a simple function will do.'), // too many false-positives; code review should catch real instances
new RegExp(r'\[info\] TODO.+'),
new RegExp('\\[warning\\] Missing concrete implementation of \'RenderObject\\.applyPaintTransform\''), //
new RegExp(r'[0-9]+ (error|warning|hint|lint).+found\.'),
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