Unverified Commit b66a5474 authored by Bruno Leroux's avatar Bruno Leroux Committed by GitHub

Fix _TextEditingHistoryState reentrant calls (#120889)

Fix text history undo/redo should not add a new entry to the history
parent d3044a6e
......@@ -5285,6 +5285,10 @@ class _TextEditingHistoryState extends State<_TextEditingHistory> {
late final _Throttled<TextEditingValue> _throttledPush;
Timer? _throttleTimer;
// This is used to prevent a reentrant call to the history (a call to _undo or _redo
// should not call _push to add a new entry in the history).
bool _locked = false;
// This duration was chosen as a best fit for the behavior of Mac, Linux,
// and Windows undo/redo state save durations, but it is not perfect for any
// of them.
......@@ -5305,13 +5309,19 @@ class _TextEditingHistoryState extends State<_TextEditingHistory> {
if (nextValue.text == widget.controller.text) {
_locked = true;
text: nextValue.text,
selection: nextValue.selection,
_locked = false;
void _push() {
// Do not try to push a new state when the change is related to an undo or redo.
if (_locked) {
if (widget.controller.value == TextEditingValue.empty) {
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