Unverified Commit b4019f98 authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

Reland "Remove single view assumption from TestViewConfiguration (#122352)" (#122414)

Reland "Remove single view assumption from TestViewConfiguration (#122352)"
parent e078c93b
......@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ Future<void> main() async {
await tester.pump(); // Start drawer animation
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // Complete drawer animation
final TestViewConfiguration big = TestViewConfiguration(
final TestViewConfiguration big = TestViewConfiguration.fromView(
size: const Size(360.0, 640.0),
window: RendererBinding.instance.window,
view: RendererBinding.instance.window,
final TestViewConfiguration small = TestViewConfiguration(
final TestViewConfiguration small = TestViewConfiguration.fromView(
size: const Size(355.0, 635.0),
window: RendererBinding.instance.window,
view: RendererBinding.instance.window,
final RenderView renderView = WidgetsBinding.instance.renderView;
binding.framePolicy = LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBindingFramePolicy.benchmark;
......@@ -1912,9 +1912,9 @@ class LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding extends TestWidgetsFlutterBinding {
ViewConfiguration createViewConfiguration() {
return TestViewConfiguration(
return TestViewConfiguration.fromView(
size: _surfaceSize ?? _kDefaultTestViewportSize,
window: window,
view: window,
......@@ -1938,20 +1938,31 @@ class LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding extends TestWidgetsFlutterBinding {
/// size is in logical pixels. The resulting ViewConfiguration maps the given
/// size onto the actual display using the [BoxFit.contain] algorithm.
class TestViewConfiguration extends ViewConfiguration {
/// Creates a [TestViewConfiguration] with the given size. Defaults to 800x600.
/// Deprecated. Will be removed in a future version of Flutter.
/// This property has been deprecated to prepare for Flutter's upcoming
/// support for multiple views and multiple windows.
/// If a [window] instance is not provided it defaults to [ui.window].
/// Use [TestViewConfiguration.fromView] instead.
'Use TestViewConfiguration.fromView instead. '
'Deprecated to prepare for the upcoming multi-window support. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.7.0-32.0.pre.'
factory TestViewConfiguration({
Size size = _kDefaultTestViewportSize,
ui.FlutterView? window,
}) {
return TestViewConfiguration._(size, window ?? ui.window);
return TestViewConfiguration.fromView(size: size, view: window ?? ui.window);
TestViewConfiguration._(Size size, ui.FlutterView window)
: _paintMatrix = _getMatrix(size, window.devicePixelRatio, window),
_hitTestMatrix = _getMatrix(size, 1.0, window),
super(size: size, devicePixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio);
/// Creates a [TestViewConfiguration] with the given size and view.
/// The [size] defaults to 800x600.
TestViewConfiguration.fromView({required ui.FlutterView view, super.size = _kDefaultTestViewportSize})
: _paintMatrix = _getMatrix(size, view.devicePixelRatio, view),
_hitTestMatrix = _getMatrix(size, 1.0, view),
super(devicePixelRatio: view.devicePixelRatio);
static Matrix4 _getMatrix(Size size, double devicePixelRatio, ui.FlutterView window) {
final double inverseRatio = devicePixelRatio / window.devicePixelRatio;
......@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ https://flutter.dev/docs/testing/integration-tests#testing-on-firebase-test-lab
ViewConfiguration createViewConfiguration() {
final double devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
final Size size = _surfaceSize ?? window.physicalSize / devicePixelRatio;
return TestViewConfiguration(
return TestViewConfiguration.fromView(
size: size,
window: window,
view: window,
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