Unverified Commit b33c7891 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Fix the sample analyzer to analyze dart:ui and make the analyzer null safe (#80742)

parent a84ac2ec
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.12
// This is a dummy dart:ui package for the sample code analyzer tests to use.
library dart.ui;
/// Annotation used by Flutter's Dart compiler to indicate that an
/// [Object.toString] override should not be replaced with a supercall.
/// {@tool sample}
/// A sample if using keepToString to prevent replacement by a supercall.
/// ```dart
/// class MyStringBuffer {
/// StringBuffer _buffer = StringBuffer();
/// @keepToString
/// @override
/// String toString() {
/// return _buffer.toString();
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
const _KeepToString keepToString = _KeepToString();
class _KeepToString {
const _KeepToString();
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7,35 +7,42 @@ import 'dart:io';
import 'common.dart';
void main() {
test('analyze_sample_code', () {
// These tests don't run on Windows because the sample analyzer doesn't
// support Windows as a platform, since it is only run on Linux in the
// continuous integration tests.
if (Platform.isWindows) {
test('analyze_sample_code smoke test', () {
final ProcessResult process = Process.runSync(
<String>['analyze_sample_code.dart', 'test/analyze-sample-code-test-input'],
<String>['analyze_sample_code.dart', '--no-include-dart-ui', 'test/analyze-sample-code-test-input'],
final List<String> stdoutLines = process.stdout.toString().split('\n');
final List<String> stderrLines = process.stderr.toString().split('\n')
..removeWhere((String line) => line.startsWith('Analyzer output:') || line.startsWith('Building flutter tool...'));
expect(process.exitCode, isNot(equals(0)));
expect(stderrLines, <String>[
'In sample starting at known_broken_documentation.dart:117:bool? _visible = true;',
'In sample starting at dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:117:bool? _visible = true;',
'>>> info: Use late for private members with non-nullable type (use_late_for_private_fields_and_variables)',
'In sample starting at known_broken_documentation.dart:117: child: Text(title),',
'In sample starting at dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:117: child: Text(title),',
'>>> error: The final variable \'title\' can\'t be read because it is potentially unassigned at this point (read_potentially_unassigned_final)',
'known_broken_documentation.dart:30:9: new Opacity(',
'dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:30:9: new Opacity(',
'>>> info: Unnecessary new keyword (unnecessary_new)',
'known_broken_documentation.dart:62:9: new Opacity(',
'dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:62:9: new Opacity(',
'>>> info: Unnecessary new keyword (unnecessary_new)',
'known_broken_documentation.dart:95:9: const text0 = Text(\'Poor wandering ones!\');',
'dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:95:9: const text0 = Text(\'Poor wandering ones!\');',
'>>> info: Specify type annotations (always_specify_types)',
'known_broken_documentation.dart:103:9: const text1 = _Text(\'Poor wandering ones!\');',
'dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:103:9: const text1 = _Text(\'Poor wandering ones!\');',
'>>> info: Specify type annotations (always_specify_types)',
'known_broken_documentation.dart:111:9: final String? bar = \'Hello\';',
'dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:111:9: final String? bar = \'Hello\';',
'>>> info: Prefer const over final for declarations (prefer_const_declarations)',
'known_broken_documentation.dart:111:23: final String? bar = \'Hello\';',
'dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:111:23: final String? bar = \'Hello\';',
'>>> info: Use a non-nullable type for a final variable initialized with a non-nullable value (unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations)',
'known_broken_documentation.dart:112:9: final int foo = null;',
'dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:112:9: final int foo = null;',
'>>> info: Prefer const over final for declarations (prefer_const_declarations)',
'known_broken_documentation.dart:112:25: final int foo = null;',
'dev/bots/test/analyze-sample-code-test-input/known_broken_documentation.dart:112:25: final int foo = null;',
'>>> error: A value of type \'Null\' can\'t be assigned to a variable of type \'int\' (invalid_assignment)',
'Found 2 sample code errors.',
......@@ -46,5 +53,23 @@ void main() {
'Starting analysis of code samples.',
}, skip: Platform.isWindows);
test('Analyzes dart:ui code', () {
final ProcessResult process = Process.runSync(
final List<String> stdoutLines = process.stdout.toString().split('\n');
expect(process.exitCode, isNot(equals(0)));
expect(stdoutLines, equals(<String>[
// There is one sample code section in the test's dummy dart:ui code.
'Found 8 snippet code blocks, 1 sample code sections, and 2 dartpad sections.',
......@@ -179,7 +179,9 @@ class SnippetGenerator {
} else {
assert(language != null);
if (components.isNotEmpty) {
return <_ComponentTuple>[
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