Commit b314a7d9 authored by Viktor Lidholt's avatar Viktor Lidholt

Adds NineSliceSprite and optimizes gallery front page (#3485)

* Adds NineSliceSprite and optimizes gallery front page
parent 03f92106
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ dependencies:
path: ../../../packages/flutter
path: ../../../packages/flutter_driver
flutter_gallery_assets: '0.0.15'
flutter_gallery_assets: '0.0.16'
......@@ -37,4 +37,5 @@ assets:
- packages/flutter_gallery_assets/landscape_9.jpg
- packages/flutter_gallery_assets/landscape_10.jpg
- packages/flutter_gallery_assets/landscape_11.jpg
- packages/flutter_gallery_assets/shadow.png
- lib/gallery/example_code.dart
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class _GalleryHeaderState extends State<GalleryHeader> {
_images = new ImageMap(bundle);
await _images.load(<String>[
......@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ class _FlutterHeaderNode extends NodeWithSize {
clippingLayer.addChild(new _BackgroundBox());
paperAnimation = new _PaperAnimation(_images);
paperAnimation.position = _kCenterPoint;
......@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ class _FlutterHeaderNode extends NodeWithSize {
final ImageMap _images;
final Layer clippingLayer = new Layer();
final _PaperAnimation paperAnimation = new _PaperAnimation();
_PaperAnimation paperAnimation;
void spriteBoxPerformedLayout() {
......@@ -108,11 +110,11 @@ final List<_PaperConfig> _kPaperConfigs = <_PaperConfig>[
class _PaperAnimation extends Node {
_PaperAnimation() {
_PaperAnimation(ImageMap images) {
for (_PaperConfig config in _kPaperConfigs) {
final _PaperSheet sheet = new _PaperSheet(config);
final _PaperSheetShadow shadow = new _PaperSheetShadow(config);
final _PaperSheetShadow shadow = new _PaperSheetShadow(config, images);
......@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ class _PaperAnimation extends Node {
shadow.constraints = <Constraint>[
new ConstraintRotationToNodeRotation(sheet),
new ConstraintPositionToNode(sheet, offset: const Offset(0.0, 10.0))
new ConstraintPositionToNode(sheet, offset: const Offset(0.0, 8.0))
......@@ -169,18 +171,21 @@ class _PaperSheet extends Node {
class _PaperSheetShadow extends Node {
_PaperSheetShadow(this._config) {
_paperPaint.color = Colors.black45;
_paperPaint.maskFilter = new MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.normal, 10.0);
_PaperSheetShadow(this._config, ImageMap images) {
NineSliceSprite shadow = new NineSliceSprite.fromImage(
new Size(
_config.rect.size.width + 32.0,
_config.rect.size.height + 32.0
const EdgeInsets.all(0.375)
shadow.drawCenterPart = false;
shadow.opacity = 0.5;
final _PaperConfig _config;
final Paint _paperPaint = new Paint();
void paint(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(_config.rect, _paperPaint);
class _BackgroundBox extends Node {
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ dependencies:
path: ../../packages/flutter_sprites
path: ../../packages/flutter_markdown
flutter_gallery_assets: '0.0.15'
flutter_gallery_assets: '0.0.16'
test: any # flutter_test provides the version constraints
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ part 'src/effect_line.dart';
part 'src/image_map.dart';
part 'src/label.dart';
part 'src/layer.dart';
part 'src/nine_slice_sprite.dart';
part 'src/node.dart';
part 'src/node3d.dart';
part 'src/node_with_size.dart';
part of flutter_sprites;
/// A NineSliceSprite is similar to a [Sprite], but it it can strech its
/// inner area to fit the size of the [Node]. This is ideal for fast drawing
/// of things like buttons.
class NineSliceSprite extends NodeWithSize with SpritePaint {
/// Creates a new NineSliceSprite from the privided [texture], [size], and
/// texture [insets].
NineSliceSprite(Texture texture, Size size, EdgeInsets insets) : super(size) {
assert(texture != null && !texture.rotated);
assert(size != null);
assert(insets != null);
pivot = const Point(0.5, 0.5);
this.texture = texture;
this.insets = insets;
/// Creates a new NineSliceSprite from the provided [image], [size], and
/// texture [insets].
NineSliceSprite.fromImage(ui.Image image, Size size, EdgeInsets insets)
: this(new Texture(image), size, insets);
/// The texture that the sprite will render to screen. Cannot be null.
/// my9Sprite.texture = myTexture;
Texture get texture => _texture;
Texture _texture;
void set texture(Texture texture) {
_texture = texture;
_isDirty = true;
if (texture == null) {
_cachedPaint = new Paint();
} else {
Matrix4 matrix = new Matrix4.identity();
ImageShader shader = new ImageShader(texture.image,
TileMode.repeated, TileMode.repeated,;
_cachedPaint = new Paint()
..shader = shader;
/// The insets of the texture as normalized values. The insets define the
/// areas of the texture that will not be deformed as the sprite stretches.
EdgeInsets get insets => _insets;
EdgeInsets _insets;
void set insets(EdgeInsets insets) {
assert(insets != null);
_insets = insets;
_isDirty = true;
/// If true, the center part of the sprite will be drawn, this is the default
/// behavior.
bool get drawCenterPart => _drawCenterPart;
bool _drawCenterPart = true;
void set drawCenterPart(bool drawCenterPart) {
_drawCenterPart = drawCenterPart;
_isDirty = true;
void set size(Size size) {
super.size = size;
_isDirty = true;
Paint _cachedPaint = new Paint()
..filterQuality = FilterQuality.low
..isAntiAlias = false;
// Cached values.
bool _isDirty = true;
List<Point> _vertices;
List<Point> _textureCoordinates;
List<Color> _colors;
List<int> _indicies;
void paint(Canvas canvas) {
// Setup paint object for opacity and transfer mode.
if (_isDirty) {
// Calcuate vertices and indices.
_vertices = [
// Texture width and height.
double tw = texture.frame.width;
double th = texture.frame.height;
_textureCoordinates = <Point>[];
_vertices = <Point>[];
_colors = <Color>[];
for (int y = 0; y < 4; y += 1) {
double vy;
double ty;
switch(y) {
case 0:
vy = 0.0;
ty =;
case 1:
vy = * th;
ty = + * th;
case 2:
vy = size.height - insets.bottom * th;
ty = texture.frame.bottom - insets.bottom * th;
case 3:
vy = size.height;
ty = texture.frame.bottom;
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x += 1) {
double vx;
double tx;
switch(x) {
case 0:
vx = 0.0;
tx = texture.frame.left;
case 1:
vx = insets.left * tw;
tx = texture.frame.left + insets.left * tw;
case 2:
vx = size.width - insets.right * tw;
tx = texture.frame.right - insets.right * tw;
case 3:
vx = size.width;
tx = texture.frame.right;
_vertices.add(new Point(vx, vy));
_textureCoordinates.add(new Point(tx, ty));
_colors.add(const Color(0xffffffff));
// Build indices.
_indicies = <int>[];
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y += 1) {
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x += 1) {
// Check if we should skip the middle rectangle.
if (!drawCenterPart && x == 1 && y == 1)
// Add a rectangle (two triangles).
int index = y * 4 + x;
_indicies.add(index + 1);
_indicies.add(index + 4);
_indicies.add(index + 1);
_indicies.add(index + 5);
_indicies.add(index + 4);
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