Unverified Commit b227df30 authored by hangyu's avatar hangyu Committed by GitHub

Hint text semantics to be excluded in a11y read out if hintText is not visible. (#119198)

* Update input_decorator.dart

* Update text_field_test.dart

* Update time_picker.dart

Update time_picker.dart
parent 6c12e399
......@@ -2193,7 +2193,6 @@ class _InputDecoratorState extends State<InputDecorator> with TickerProviderStat
opacity: (isEmpty && !_hasInlineLabel) ? 1.0 : 0.0,
duration: _kTransitionDuration,
curve: _kTransitionCurve,
alwaysIncludeSemantics: isEmpty || (decoration.labelText == null && decoration.label == null),
child: Text(
style: hintStyle,
......@@ -2050,12 +2050,9 @@ class _HourMinuteTextFieldState extends State<_HourMinuteTextField> with Restora
final InputDecorationTheme inputDecorationTheme = timePickerTheme.inputDecorationTheme ?? defaultTheme.inputDecorationTheme;
InputDecoration inputDecoration = const InputDecoration().applyDefaults(inputDecorationTheme);
// If screen reader is in use, make the hint text say hours/minutes.
// Otherwise, remove the hint text when focused because the centered cursor
// Remove the hint text when focused because the centered cursor
// appears odd above the hint text.
final String? hintText = MediaQuery.accessibleNavigationOf(context) || View.of(context).platformDispatcher.semanticsEnabled
? widget.semanticHintText
: (focusNode.hasFocus ? null : _formattedValue);
final String? hintText = focusNode.hasFocus ? null : _formattedValue;
// Because the fill color is specified in both the inputDecorationTheme and
// the TimePickerTheme, if there's one in the user's input decoration theme,
......@@ -2102,26 +2099,29 @@ class _HourMinuteTextFieldState extends State<_HourMinuteTextField> with Restora
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1),
child: UnmanagedRestorationScope(
bucket: bucket,
child: TextFormField(
restorationId: 'hour_minute_text_form_field',
autofocus: widget.autofocus ?? false,
expands: true,
maxLines: null,
inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[
focusNode: focusNode,
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
textInputAction: widget.inputAction,
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
style: effectiveStyle,
controller: controller.value,
decoration: inputDecoration,
validator: widget.validator,
onEditingComplete: () => widget.onSavedSubmitted(controller.value.text),
onSaved: widget.onSavedSubmitted,
onFieldSubmitted: widget.onSavedSubmitted,
onChanged: widget.onChanged,
child: Semantics(
label: widget.semanticHintText,
child: TextFormField(
restorationId: 'hour_minute_text_form_field',
autofocus: widget.autofocus ?? false,
expands: true,
maxLines: null,
inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[
focusNode: focusNode,
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
textInputAction: widget.inputAction,
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
style: effectiveStyle,
controller: controller.value,
decoration: inputDecoration,
validator: widget.validator,
onEditingComplete: () => widget.onSavedSubmitted(controller.value.text),
onSaved: widget.onSavedSubmitted,
onFieldSubmitted: widget.onSavedSubmitted,
onChanged: widget.onChanged,
......@@ -6862,7 +6862,7 @@ void main() {
await tester.tap(find.byKey(key));
await tester.pump();
expect(node.label, 'label\nhint');
expect(node.label, 'label');
expect(node.value, '');
......@@ -6930,7 +6930,7 @@ void main() {
testWidgets('TextField semantics always include hint when no label is given', (WidgetTester tester) async {
testWidgets('TextField semantics only include hint when it is visible', (WidgetTester tester) async {
final SemanticsTester semantics = SemanticsTester(tester);
final TextEditingController controller = TextEditingController(text: 'value');
final Key key = UniqueKey();
......@@ -6949,15 +6949,23 @@ void main() {
final SemanticsNode node = tester.getSemantics(find.byKey(key));
expect(node.label, 'hint');
expect(node.label, '');
expect(node.value, 'value');
// Focus text field.
await tester.tap(find.byKey(key));
await tester.pump();
expect(node.label, 'hint');
expect(node.label, '');
expect(node.value, 'value');
// Clear the Text.
await tester.enterText(find.byType(TextField), '');
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(node.value, '');
expect(node.label, 'hint');
......@@ -7698,7 +7706,7 @@ void main() {
expect(semantics, hasSemantics(TestSemantics.root(
children: <TestSemantics>[
label: 'label\nhint',
label: 'label',
id: 1,
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
textSelection: const TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: 0),
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