Commit b20113ee authored by Matt Perry's avatar Matt Perry

Material: Fix selected tab indicator animation.

- The indicator no longer goes crazy when you select another tab while
  it's animating.
- The indicator's trailing edge lags behind the trailing edge, giving it
  a neat stretchy feel.

parent 50a249e3
......@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ const EdgeInsets _kTabLabelPadding = const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12.0
const double _kTabBarScrollDrag = 0.025;
const Duration _kTabBarScroll = const Duration(milliseconds: 300);
// Curves for the leading and trailing edge of the selected tab indicator.
const Curve _kTabIndicatorLeadingCurve = const Interval(0.0, 0.6, curve: Curves.easeOut);
const Curve _kTabIndicatorTrailingCurve = const Interval(0.3, 1.0, curve: Curves.easeIn);
// The scrollOffset (velocity) provided to fling() is pixels/ms, and the
// tolerance velocity is pixels/sec.
final double _kMinFlingVelocity = kPixelScrollTolerance.velocity / 2000.0;
......@@ -589,9 +593,9 @@ class TabBar<T> extends Scrollable {
class _TabBarState<T> extends ScrollableState<TabBar<T>> implements TabBarSelectionAnimationListener {
TabBarSelectionState<T> _selection;
bool _valueIsChanging = false;
int _lastSelectedIndex = -1;
void _initSelection(TabBarSelectionState<T> selection) {
......@@ -645,13 +649,15 @@ class _TabBarState<T> extends ScrollableState<TabBar<T>> implements TabBarSelect
if (config.labels.length == 0 || _selection == null)
if (!_valueIsChanging && _selection.valueIsChanging) {
if (_lastSelectedIndex != _selection.index) {
// Initialize our indicator animation when we change selected tabs.
if (config.isScrollable)
scrollTo(_centeredTabScrollOffset(_selection.index), duration: _kTabBarScroll);
..begin = _indicatorRect ?? _tabIndicatorRect(_selection.previousIndex)
..end = _tabIndicatorRect(_selection.index);
_valueIsChanging = true;
_lastSelectedIndex = _selection.index;
Rect oldRect = _indicatorRect;
double t = _selection.animation.value;
......@@ -660,13 +666,29 @@ class _TabBarState<T> extends ScrollableState<TabBar<T>> implements TabBarSelect
// want to curve the animation. When _valueIsChanging is false, we're
// animating based on a pointer event and want linear feedback. It's
// possible we should move this curve into the selection animation.
t = Curves.ease.transform(t);
// We animate the leading and trailing edges of the rect differently.
// The easiest way to do this is to lerp 2 rects, and piece them together
// into 1.
Rect leftRect, rightRect;
if (_selection.index > _selection.previousIndex) {
// Moving to the right - right edge is leading.
rightRect = _indicatorTween.lerp(_kTabIndicatorLeadingCurve.transform(t));
leftRect = _indicatorTween.lerp(_kTabIndicatorTrailingCurve.transform(t));
} else {
// Moving to the left - left edge is leading.
leftRect = _indicatorTween.lerp(_kTabIndicatorLeadingCurve.transform(t));
rightRect = _indicatorTween.lerp(_kTabIndicatorTrailingCurve.transform(t));
_indicatorRect = new Rect.fromLTRB(
leftRect.left,, rightRect.right, rightRect.bottom
} else {
// TODO(abarth): If we've never gone through handleStatusChange before, we
// might not have set up our _indicatorTween yet.
_indicatorRect = _indicatorTween.lerp(t);
// TODO(abarth): If we've never gone through handleStatusChange before, we
// might not have set up our _indicatorTween yet.
_indicatorRect = _indicatorTween.lerp(t);
if (oldRect != _indicatorRect)
setState(() { });
setState(() { /* The indicator rect has changed. */ });
Size _viewportSize =;
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