Unverified Commit af21e74f authored by Mouad Debbar's avatar Mouad Debbar Committed by GitHub

[web] Write benchmarks to measure canvas-based text layout (#52434)

parent 1cbbe726
......@@ -2,37 +2,144 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:js_util' as js_util;
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'recorder.dart';
int _counter = 0;
const String chars = '1234567890'
Paragraph _generateParagraph() {
final ParagraphBuilder builder =
ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle(fontFamily: 'sans-serif'))
..pushStyle(TextStyle(fontSize: 12.0))
'$_counter Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, '
'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.',
return builder.build();
String _randomize(String text) {
return text.replaceAllMapped(
// Passing a seed so the results are reproducible.
(_) => chars[Random(0).nextInt(chars.length)],
class ParagraphGenerator {
int _counter = 0;
/// Randomizes the given [text] and creates a paragraph with a unique
/// font-size so that the engine doesn't reuse a cached ruler.
Paragraph generate(
String text, {
int maxLines,
bool hasEllipsis = false,
}) {
final ParagraphBuilder builder = ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
maxLines: maxLines,
ellipsis: hasEllipsis ? '...' : null,
// Start from a font-size of 8.0 and go up by 0.01 each time.
..pushStyle(TextStyle(fontSize: 8.0 + _counter * 0.01))
return builder.build();
/// Sends a platform message to the web engine to enable/disable the usage of
/// the new canvas-based text measurement implementation.
void _useCanvasText(bool useCanvasText) {
<dynamic>['useCanvasText', useCanvasText],
/// Repeatedly lays out a paragraph using the DOM measurement approach.
/// Creates a different paragraph each time in order to avoid hitting the cache.
class BenchTextDomLayout extends RawRecorder {
BenchTextDomLayout() : super(name: benchmarkName);
class BenchTextLayout extends RawRecorder {
BenchTextLayout({@required this.useCanvas})
: super(name: useCanvas ? canvasBenchmarkName : domBenchmarkName);
static const String domBenchmarkName = 'text_dom_layout';
static const String canvasBenchmarkName = 'text_canvas_layout';
static const String benchmarkName = 'text_dom_layout';
final ParagraphGenerator generator = ParagraphGenerator();
/// Whether to use the new canvas-based text measurement implementation.
final bool useCanvas;
static const String singleLineText = '*** ** ****';
static const String multiLineText = '*** ****** **** *** ******** * *** '
'******* **** ********** *** ******* '
'**** ***** *** ******** *** ********* '
'** * *** ******* ***********';
void body(Profile profile) {
final Paragraph paragraph = _generateParagraph();
profile.record('layout', () {
paragraph.layout(const ParagraphConstraints(width: double.infinity));
profile: profile,
paragraph: generator.generate(singleLineText),
text: singleLineText,
keyPrefix: 'single_line',
maxWidth: 800.0,
profile: profile,
paragraph: generator.generate(multiLineText),
text: multiLineText,
keyPrefix: 'multi_line',
maxWidth: 200.0,
profile: profile,
paragraph: generator.generate(multiLineText, maxLines: 2),
text: multiLineText,
keyPrefix: 'max_lines',
maxWidth: 200.0,
profile: profile,
paragraph: generator.generate(multiLineText, hasEllipsis: true),
text: multiLineText,
keyPrefix: 'ellipsis',
maxWidth: 200.0,
void recordParagraphOperations({
@required Profile profile,
@required Paragraph paragraph,
@required String text,
@required String keyPrefix,
@required double maxWidth,
}) {
profile.record('$keyPrefix.layout', () {
paragraph.layout(ParagraphConstraints(width: maxWidth));
profile.record('$keyPrefix.getBoxesForRange', () {
for (int start = 0; start < text.length; start += 3) {
for (int end = start + 1; end < text.length; end *= 2) {
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(start, end);
profile.record('$keyPrefix.getPositionForOffset', () {
for (double dx = 0.0; dx < paragraph.width; dx += 10.0) {
for (double dy = 0.0; dy < paragraph.height; dy += 10.0) {
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(Offset(dx, dy));
......@@ -42,10 +149,15 @@ class BenchTextDomLayout extends RawRecorder {
/// Uses the same paragraph content to make sure we hit the cache. It doesn't
/// use the same paragraph instance because the layout method will shortcircuit
/// in that case.
class BenchTextDomCachedLayout extends RawRecorder {
BenchTextDomCachedLayout() : super(name: benchmarkName);
class BenchTextCachedLayout extends RawRecorder {
BenchTextCachedLayout({@required this.useCanvas})
: super(name: useCanvas ? canvasBenchmarkName : domBenchmarkName);
static const String domBenchmarkName = 'text_dom_cached_layout';
static const String canvasBenchmarkName = 'text_canvas_cached_layout';
static const String benchmarkName = 'text_dom_cached_layout';
/// Whether to use the new canvas-based text measurement implementation.
final bool useCanvas;
final ParagraphBuilder builder =
ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle(fontFamily: 'sans-serif'))
......@@ -57,9 +169,11 @@ class BenchTextDomCachedLayout extends RawRecorder {
void body(Profile profile) {
final Paragraph paragraph = builder.build();
profile.record('layout', () {
paragraph.layout(const ParagraphConstraints(width: double.infinity));
......@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ class Profile {
'SUCCESS: Benchmark converged below ${_ratioToPercent(_kNoiseThreshold)}. '
'SUCCESS: Benchmark "$name.$key" converged below ${_ratioToPercent(_kNoiseThreshold)}. '
'Noise level is ${_ratioToPercent(timeseries.noise)}.',
return false;
......@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ final Map<String, RecorderFactory> benchmarks = <String, RecorderFactory>{
// Benchmarks that we don't want to run using CanvasKit.
if (!isCanvasKit) ...<String, RecorderFactory>{
BenchTextDomLayout.benchmarkName: () => BenchTextDomLayout(),
BenchTextDomCachedLayout.benchmarkName: () => BenchTextDomCachedLayout(),
BenchTextLayout.domBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout(useCanvas: false),
BenchTextLayout.canvasBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout(useCanvas: true),
BenchTextCachedLayout.domBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout(useCanvas: false),
BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout(useCanvas: true),
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