Unverified Commit ab4506ca authored by Todd Volkert's avatar Todd Volkert Committed by GitHub

Add annotations to ignore analyzer errors on pre-dev.22 SDKs (#14599)

parent 30fcc4b0
......@@ -1276,24 +1276,31 @@ class ServiceMap extends ServiceObject implements Map<String, dynamic> {
int get length => _map.length;
String toString() => _map.toString();
// TODO(tvolkert): Remove these ignores once dev.22 SDK is everywhere
// ignore: undefined_method, override_on_non_overriding_method, non_type_as_type_argument
void addEntries(Iterable<MapEntry<String, dynamic>> entries) => _map.addEntries(entries);
// ignore: undefined_method, override_on_non_overriding_method
Map<RK, RV> cast<RK, RV>() => _map.cast<RK, RV>();
// ignore: undefined_method, override_on_non_overriding_method
void removeWhere(bool test(String key, dynamic value)) => _map.removeWhere(test);
Map<K2, V2> map<K2, V2>(MapEntry<K2, V2> transform(String key, dynamic value)) =>
// ignore: undefined_class, undefined_method, override_on_non_overriding_method
Map<K2, V2> map<K2, V2>(MapEntry<K2, V2> transform(String key, dynamic value)) => _map.map(transform);
// ignore: undefined_getter, override_on_non_overriding_getter, non_type_as_type_argument
Iterable<MapEntry<String, dynamic>> get entries => _map.entries;
// ignore: undefined_method, override_on_non_overriding_method
void updateAll(dynamic update(String key, dynamic value)) => _map.updateAll(update);
// ignore: undefined_method, override_on_non_overriding_method
Map<RK, RV> retype<RK, RV>() => _map.retype<RK, RV>();
dynamic update(String key, dynamic update(dynamic value), {dynamic ifAbsent()}) =>
_map.update(key, update, ifAbsent: ifAbsent);
// ignore: undefined_method, override_on_non_overriding_method
dynamic update(String key, dynamic update(dynamic value), {dynamic ifAbsent()}) => _map.update(key, update, ifAbsent: ifAbsent);
/// Peered to a Android/iOS FlutterView widget on a device.
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