Unverified Commit a8247e78 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Simplify the pull request template further. (#73376)

parent 1420d956
## Description
*Replace this paragraph with a description of what this PR is changing or adding, and why. Consider including before/after screenshots.*
*Replace this paragraph with a description of what this PR is doing. If you're modifying existing behavior, describe the existing behavior, how this PR is changing it, and what motivated the change. If you're changing visual properties, consider including before/after screenshots (and runnable code snippets to reproduce them).*
*List which issues are fixed by this PR. You must list at least one issue.*
## Related Issues
*If you had to change anything in the [flutter/tests] repo, include a link to the migration guide as per the [breaking change policy].*
*Replace this paragraph with a list of issues related to this PR from our [issue database]. Indicate, which of these issues are resolved or fixed by this PR. There should be at least one issue listed here.*
## Tests
I added the following tests:
*Replace this with a list of the tests that you added as part of this PR. A change in behavior with no test covering it
will likely get reverted accidentally sooner or later. PRs must include tests for all changed/updated/fixed behaviors. See [Test Coverage].*
## Checklist
Before you create this PR, confirm that it meets all requirements listed below by checking the relevant checkboxes (`[x]`). This will ensure a smooth and quick review process.
## Pre-launch Checklist
- [ ] I read the [Contributor Guide] and followed the process outlined there for submitting PRs.
- [ ] I signed the [CLA].
- [ ] I read and followed the [Flutter Style Guide], including [Features we expect every widget to implement].
- [ ] I read the [Tree Hygiene] wiki page, which explains my responsibilities.
- [ ] I read and followed the [Flutter Style Guide], including [Features we expect every widget to implement].
- [ ] I listed at least one issue that this PR fixes in the description above.
- [ ] I added new tests to check the change I am making or feature I am adding, or Hixie said the PR is test exempt.
- [ ] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with `///`).
- [ ] I signed the [CLA].
- [ ] All existing and new tests are passing.
- [ ] The analyzer (`flutter analyze --flutter-repo`) does not report any problems on my PR.
- [ ] I am willing to follow-up on review comments in a timely manner.
## Breaking Change
Did any tests fail when you ran them? Please read [Handling breaking changes].
- [ ] No, no existing tests failed, so this is *not* a breaking change.
- [ ] Yes, this is a breaking change. *If not, delete the remainder of this section.*
- [ ] I wrote a design doc: https://flutter.dev/go/template *Replace this with a link to your design doc's short link*
- [ ] I got input from the developer relations team, specifically from: *Replace with the names of who gave advice*
- [ ] I wrote a migration guide: https://flutter.dev/go/breaking-changes-template *Replace this with a link to a pull request that adds the migration guide to https://flutter.dev/docs/release/breaking-changes*
If you need help, consider asking for advice on the #hackers-new channel on [Discord].
<!-- Links -->
[issue database]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues
[Contributor Guide]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene#overview
[Test Coverage]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Test-coverage-for-package%3Aflutter
[Tree Hygiene]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene
[Flutter Style Guide]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Style-guide-for-Flutter-repo
[Features we expect every widget to implement]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Style-guide-for-Flutter-repo#features-we-expect-every-widget-to-implement
[CLA]: https://cla.developers.google.com/
[Tree Hygiene]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene
[Handling breaking changes]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene#handling-breaking-changes
[flutter/tests]: https://github.com/flutter/tests
[breaking change policy]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene#handling-breaking-changes
[Discord]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Chat
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