Unverified Commit a76212f8 authored by Hans Muller's avatar Hans Muller Committed by GitHub

Deprecate ThemeData.fixTextFieldOutlineLabel (#87281)

parent caf876cf
......@@ -15,6 +15,39 @@
version: 1
# Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/87281
- title: "Remove 'fixTextFieldOutlineLabel'"
date: 2021-04-30
uris: [ 'material.dart' ]
method: 'copyWith'
inClass: 'ThemeData'
- kind: 'removeParameter'
name: 'fixTextFieldOutlineLabel'
# Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/87281
- title: "Remove 'fixTextFieldOutlineLabel'"
date: 2021-04-30
uris: [ 'material.dart' ]
constructor: 'raw'
inClass: 'ThemeData'
- kind: 'removeParameter'
name: 'fixTextFieldOutlineLabel'
# Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/87281
- title: "Remove 'fixTextFieldOutlineLabel'"
date: 2021-04-30
uris: [ 'material.dart' ]
constructor: ''
inClass: 'ThemeData'
- kind: 'removeParameter'
name: 'fixTextFieldOutlineLabel'
# Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/81336
- title: "Remove 'buttonColor'"
date: 2021-04-30
......@@ -336,6 +336,10 @@ class ThemeData with Diagnosticable {
RadioThemeData? radioTheme,
SwitchThemeData? switchTheme,
ProgressIndicatorThemeData? progressIndicatorTheme,
'This "fix" is now enabled by default. '
'This feature was deprecated after v2.5.0-1.0.pre.',
bool? fixTextFieldOutlineLabel,
'No longer used by the framework, please remove any reference to it. '
......@@ -475,7 +479,7 @@ class ThemeData with Diagnosticable {
switchTheme ??= const SwitchThemeData();
progressIndicatorTheme ??= const ProgressIndicatorThemeData();
fixTextFieldOutlineLabel ??= false;
fixTextFieldOutlineLabel ??= true;
useTextSelectionTheme ??= true;
return ThemeData.raw(
......@@ -687,6 +691,10 @@ class ThemeData with Diagnosticable {
required this.radioTheme,
required this.switchTheme,
required this.progressIndicatorTheme,
'This "fix" is now enabled by default. '
'This feature was deprecated after v2.5.0-1.0.pre.',
required this.fixTextFieldOutlineLabel,
'No longer used by the framework, please remove any reference to it. '
......@@ -1326,16 +1334,18 @@ class ThemeData with Diagnosticable {
/// A theme for customizing the appearance and layout of [ProgressIndicator] widgets.
final ProgressIndicatorThemeData progressIndicatorTheme;
/// A temporary flag to allow apps to opt-in to a
/// An obsolete flag to allow apps to opt-out of a
/// [small fix](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/54028) for the Y
/// coordinate of the floating label in a [TextField] [OutlineInputBorder].
/// Setting this flag to true causes the floating label to be more precisely
/// vertically centered relative to the border's outline.
/// The flag is currently false by default. It will be default true and
/// deprecated before the next beta release (1.18), and removed before the next
/// stable release (1.19).
/// The flag is true by default and its use is deprecated.
'This "fix" is now enabled by default. '
'This feature was deprecated after v2.5.0-1.0.pre.',
final bool fixTextFieldOutlineLabel;
/// A temporary flag that was used to opt-in to the new [TextSelectionTheme]
......@@ -1469,6 +1479,10 @@ class ThemeData with Diagnosticable {
RadioThemeData? radioTheme,
SwitchThemeData? switchTheme,
ProgressIndicatorThemeData? progressIndicatorTheme,
'This "fix" is now enabled by default. '
'This feature was deprecated after v2.5.0-1.0.pre.',
bool? fixTextFieldOutlineLabel,
'No longer used by the framework, please remove any reference to it. '
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ Widget buildInputDecorator({
TextStyle? baseStyle,
TextAlignVertical? textAlignVertical,
VisualDensity? visualDensity,
bool fixTextFieldOutlineLabel = false,
Widget child = const Text(
style: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Ahem', fontSize: 16.0),
......@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ Widget buildInputDecorator({
data: (theme ?? Theme.of(context)).copyWith(
inputDecorationTheme: inputDecorationTheme,
visualDensity: visualDensity,
fixTextFieldOutlineLabel: fixTextFieldOutlineLabel,
child: Align(
alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
......@@ -3963,17 +3961,17 @@ void main() {
await pumpDecorator(focused: false, empty: false);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -4)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -5.5)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).size, equals(const Size(80, 16)));
await pumpDecorator(focused: true, empty: true);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -4)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -5.5)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).size, equals(const Size(80, 16)));
await pumpDecorator(focused: true, empty: false);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -4)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -5.5)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).size, equals(const Size(80, 16)));
await pumpDecorator(focused: false, empty: true, enabled: false);
......@@ -3983,7 +3981,7 @@ void main() {
await pumpDecorator(focused: false, empty: false, enabled: false);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -4)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -5.5)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).size, equals(const Size(80, 16)));
// Focused and disabled happens with NavigationMode.directional.
......@@ -3994,7 +3992,7 @@ void main() {
await pumpDecorator(focused: true, empty: false, enabled: false);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -4)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).topLeft, equals(const Offset(12, -5.5)));
expect(getLabelRect(tester).size, equals(const Size(80, 16)));
......@@ -4589,10 +4587,6 @@ void main() {
// Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/54028
await tester.pumpWidget(
// Temporary opt-in fix for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/54028
// Ensures that the floating label is vertically centered relative to
// center of the top edge of the InputDecorator's outline border.
fixTextFieldOutlineLabel: true,
isEmpty: true,
decoration: const InputDecoration(
labelText: 'label',
......@@ -755,7 +755,6 @@ void main() {
radioTheme: const RadioThemeData(),
switchTheme: const SwitchThemeData(),
progressIndicatorTheme: const ProgressIndicatorThemeData(),
fixTextFieldOutlineLabel: false,
useTextSelectionTheme: false,
......@@ -387,4 +387,11 @@ void main() {
listWheelViewport = ListWheelViewport(clipToSize: true);
listWheelViewport = ListWheelViewport(clipToSize: false);
// Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/87281
ThemeData themeData = ThemeData();
themeData = ThemeData(fixTextFieldOutlineLabel: true);
themeData = ThemeData.raw(fixTextFieldOutlineLabel: true);
themeData = themeData.copyWith(fixTextFieldOutlineLabel: true);
themeData.fixTextFieldOutlineLabel; // Removing field reference not supported.
......@@ -359,4 +359,11 @@ void main() {
listWheelViewport = ListWheelViewport(clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge);
listWheelViewport = ListWheelViewport(clipBehavior: Clip.none);
// Changes made in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/87281
ThemeData themeData = ThemeData();
themeData = ThemeData();
themeData = ThemeData.raw();
themeData = themeData.copyWith();
themeData.fixTextFieldOutlineLabel; // Removing field reference not supported.
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