Commit a46e3377 authored by Hans Muller's avatar Hans Muller Committed by GitHub

AppBar: pad toolbars not tab bars (#5124)

parent b11b2a1d
......@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ abstract class AppBarBottomWidget extends Widget {
/// The AppBar displays the toolbar widgets, [leading], [title], and
/// [actions], above the [bottom] (if any). If a [flexibleSpace] widget is
/// specified then it is stacked behind the toolbar and the bottom widget.
/// The [Scaffold] typically creates the appbar with an initial height equal to
/// The [Scaffold] typically creates the app bar with an initial height equal to
/// [expandedHeight]. If the [Scaffold.appBarBehavior] is set then the
/// AppBar's [collapsedHeight] and [bottomHeight] define how small the app bar
/// will become when the application is scrolled.
......@@ -288,7 +289,10 @@ class AppBar extends StatelessWidget {
if (actions != null)
Widget toolBar = new Row(children: toolBarRow);
Widget toolBar = new Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
child: new Row(children: toolBarRow)
if (effectiveCenterTitle && centerWidget != null) {
toolBar = new Stack(
......@@ -330,18 +334,15 @@ class AppBar extends StatelessWidget {
// The padding applies to the toolbar and tabbar, not the flexible space.
// The incoming padding parameter's top value typically equals the height
// of the status bar - so that the toolbar appears below the status bar.
EdgeInsets combinedPadding = new EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0);
if (padding != null)
combinedPadding += padding;
appBar = new Padding(
padding: combinedPadding,
padding: padding,
child: appBar
// If the appBar's height shrinks below collapsedHeight, it will be clipped and bottom
// justified. This is so that the toolbar and the tabbar appear to move upwards as
// the appBar's height is reduced below collapsedHeight.
final double paddedCollapsedHeight = collapsedHeight + + combinedPadding.bottom;
final double paddedCollapsedHeight = collapsedHeight + + padding.bottom;
if (size.height < paddedCollapsedHeight) {
appBar = new ClipRect(
child: new OverflowBox(
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