Commit a41e354a authored by Chris Bracken's avatar Chris Bracken Committed by GitHub

Emit CocoaPods output if pod install fails (#11018)

In the case where the CocoaPods 'pod install' step fails, emit its
stdout to provide any potentially-useful error messages to the user.
parent cb4a54db
......@@ -434,16 +434,15 @@ Future<Null> _runPodInstall(Directory bundle, String engineDirectory) async {
try {
final Status status = logger.startProgress('Running pod install...', expectSlowOperation: true);
await runCheckedAsync(
final ProcessResult result = await
<String>['pod', 'install'],
workingDirectory: bundle.path,
environment: <String, String>{'FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_DIR': engineDirectory},
} catch (e) {
throwToolExit('Error running pod install: $e');
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throwToolExit('Error running pod install:\n${result.stdout}');
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