Commit a2dac85f authored by pq's avatar pq

Re-added conflictingNamesPattern.

parent aedef513
......@@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
RegExp generalPattern = new RegExp(r'^\[(error|warning|hint|lint)\] (.+) \(([^(),]+), line ([0-9]+), col ([0-9]+)\)$');
RegExp allowedIdentifiersPattern = new RegExp(r'_?([A-Z]|_+)\b');
RegExp constructorTearOffsPattern = new RegExp('.+#.+// analyzer doesn\'t like constructor tear-offs');
RegExp conflictingNamesPattern = new RegExp('^The imported libraries \'([^\']+)\' and \'([^\']+)\' cannot have the same name \'([^\']+)\'\$');
RegExp missingFilePattern = new RegExp('^Target of URI does not exist: \'([^\')]+)\'\$');
Set<String> changedFiles = new Set<String>(); // files about which we've complained that they changed
......@@ -371,8 +372,11 @@ class AnalyzeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
bool shouldIgnore = false;
if (filename == mainFile.path) {
Match libs = conflictingNamesPattern.firstMatch(errorMessage);
Match missing = missingFilePattern.firstMatch(errorMessage);
if (missing != null) {
if (libs != null) {
errorLine = '[$level] $errorMessage (${dartFiles[lineNumber-1]})'; // strip the reference to the generated main.dart
} else if (missing != null) {
errorLine = '[$level] File does not exist (${missing[1]})';
} else {
errorLine += ' (Please file a bug on the "flutter analyze" command saying that you saw this message.)';
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