Commit 9ed4e417 authored by Chinmay Garde's avatar Chinmay Garde

Fix flutter_tools tests

parent 512f5764
......@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
class MockApplicationPackageStore extends ApplicationPackageStore {
MockApplicationPackageStore() : super(
android: new AndroidApk(localPath: '/mock/path/to/android/SkyShell.apk'),
iOS: new IOSApp(iosProjectDir: '/mock/path/to/iOS/'),
iOSSimulator: new IOSApp(iosProjectDir: '/mock/path/to/iOSSimulator/'));
iOS: new IOSApp(iosProjectDir: '/mock/path/to/iOS/',
iosProjectBundleId: 'io.flutter.ios.mock'),
iOSSimulator: new IOSApp(iosProjectDir: '/mock/path/to/iOSSimulator/',
iosProjectBundleId: 'io.flutter.ios.mock'));
class MockCompiler extends Mock implements Compiler {
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