Unverified Commit 9c0337f3 authored by Dan Field's avatar Dan Field Committed by GitHub

Remove listeners for live images when we clear them (#51898)

* Remove listeners for live images when we clear them

* review, more test

* explanation
parent bd182e39
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class ImageCache {
/// not fit into the _pendingImages or _cache objects.
/// Unlike _cache, the [_CachedImage] for this may have a null byte size.
final Map<Object, _CachedImage> _liveImages = <Object, _CachedImage>{};
final Map<Object, _LiveImage> _liveImages = <Object, _LiveImage>{};
/// Maximum number of entries to store in the cache.
......@@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ class ImageCache {
// will never complete, e.g. it was loaded in a FakeAsync zone.
// In such a case, we need to make sure subsequent calls to
// putIfAbsent don't return this image that may never complete.
final _LiveImage image = _liveImages.remove(key);
final _PendingImage pendingImage = _pendingImages.remove(key);
if (pendingImage != null) {
......@@ -285,18 +286,17 @@ class ImageCache {
void _trackLiveImage(Object key, _CachedImage image) {
void _trackLiveImage(Object key, _LiveImage image, { bool debugPutOk = true }) {
// Avoid adding unnecessary callbacks to the completer.
_liveImages.putIfAbsent(key, () {
// Even if no callers to ImageProvider.resolve have listened to the stream,
// the cache is listening to the stream and will remove itself once the
// image completes to move it from pending to keepAlive.
// Even if the cache size is 0, we still add this listener.
image.completer.addOnLastListenerRemovedCallback(() {
return image;
}).sizeBytes ??= image.sizeBytes;
/// Returns the previously cached [ImageStream] for the given key, if available;
......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class ImageCache {
// The image might have been keptAlive but had no listeners (so not live).
// Make sure the cache starts tracking it as live again.
_trackLiveImage(key, image);
_trackLiveImage(key, _LiveImage(image.completer, image.sizeBytes, () => _liveImages.remove(key)));
_cache[key] = image;
return image.completer;
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class ImageCache {
try {
result = loader();
_trackLiveImage(key, _CachedImage(result, null));
_trackLiveImage(key, _LiveImage(result, null, () => _liveImages.remove(key)));
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
if (!kReleaseMode) {
timelineTask.finish(arguments: <String, dynamic>{
......@@ -392,13 +392,20 @@ class ImageCache {
final int imageSize = info?.image == null ? 0 : info.image.height * info.image.width * 4;
final _CachedImage image = _CachedImage(result, imageSize);
if (!_liveImages.containsKey(key)) {
result.addOnLastListenerRemovedCallback(() {
_liveImages[key] = image;
() => _liveImages.remove(key),
// This should result in a put if `loader()` above executed
// synchronously, in which case syncCall is true and we arrived here
// before we got a chance to track the image otherwise.
debugPutOk: syncCall,
final _PendingImage pendingImage = untrackedPendingImage ?? _pendingImages.remove(key);
if (pendingImage != null) {
......@@ -469,6 +476,9 @@ class ImageCache {
/// memory pressure, since the live image caching only tracks image instances
/// that are also being held by at least one other object.
void clearLiveImages() {
for (final _LiveImage image in _liveImages.values) {
......@@ -577,7 +587,18 @@ class _CachedImage {
_CachedImage(this.completer, this.sizeBytes);
final ImageStreamCompleter completer;
final int sizeBytes;
int sizeBytes;
class _LiveImage extends _CachedImage {
_LiveImage(ImageStreamCompleter completer, int sizeBytes, this.handleRemove)
: super(completer, sizeBytes);
final VoidCallback handleRemove;
void removeListener() {
class _PendingImage {
......@@ -416,6 +416,13 @@ abstract class ImageStreamCompleter extends Diagnosticable {
/// Removes a callback previously suppplied to
/// [addOnLastListenerRemovedCallback].
void removeOnLastListenerRemovedCallback(VoidCallback callback) {
assert(callback != null);
/// Calls all the registered listeners to notify them of a new image.
void setImage(ImageInfo image) {
......@@ -398,5 +398,86 @@ void main() {
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, false);
test('Clearing liveImages removes callbacks', () async {
const TestImage testImage = TestImage(width: 8, height: 8);
final ImageStreamListener listener = ImageStreamListener((ImageInfo info, bool syncCall) {});
final TestImageStreamCompleter completer1 = TestImageStreamCompleter()
final TestImageStreamCompleter completer2 = TestImageStreamCompleter()
imageCache.putIfAbsent(testImage, () => completer1);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).pending, false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).pending, false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, false);
imageCache.putIfAbsent(testImage, () => completer2);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).pending, false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).pending, false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, true);
test('Live image gets size updated', () async {
// Add an image to the cache in pending state
// Complete it once it is in there as live
// Evict it but leave the live one.
// Add it again.
// If the live image did not track the size properly, the last line of
// this test will fail.
const TestImage testImage = TestImage(width: 8, height: 8);
const int testImageSize = 8 * 8 * 4;
final ImageStreamListener listener = ImageStreamListener((ImageInfo info, bool syncCall) {});
final TestImageStreamCompleter completer1 = TestImageStreamCompleter()
imageCache.putIfAbsent(testImage, () => completer1);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).pending, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, false);
expect(imageCache.currentSizeBytes, 0);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).pending, false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, true);
expect(imageCache.currentSizeBytes, testImageSize);
imageCache.evict(testImage, includeLive: false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).pending, false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, false);
expect(imageCache.currentSizeBytes, 0);
imageCache.putIfAbsent(testImage, () => completer1);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).pending, false);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).live, true);
expect(imageCache.statusForKey(testImage).keepAlive, true);
expect(imageCache.currentSizeBytes, testImageSize);
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