Unverified Commit 998bf194 authored by Jason Simmons's avatar Jason Simmons Committed by GitHub

Fixes to a text_painter_rtl whitespace test (#13551)

* Query selection rectangles for all three characters in the text
* Change the last character to be non-whitespace.  Minikin's line breaker will
  truncate whitespace characters at the end of a line.
parent c2a86a65
......@@ -615,6 +615,9 @@ void main() {
text: ' ',
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 200.0),
// Add a non-whitespace character because the renderer's line breaker
// may strip trailing whitespace on a line.
const TextSpan(text: 'A'),
......@@ -640,20 +643,19 @@ void main() {
// | | |
// |________v___________|
expect(painter.width, 310.0);
expect(painter.width, 410.0);
expect(painter.height, 200.0);
expect(painter.computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline.alphabetic), 160.0);
expect(painter.preferredLineHeight, 100.0);
painter.getBoxesForSelection(const TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: 2)),
painter.getBoxesForSelection(const TextSelection(baseOffset: 0, extentOffset: 3)),
const <TextBox>[
const TextBox.fromLTRBD( 0.0, 80.0, 100.0, 180.0, TextDirection.ltr),
const TextBox.fromLTRBD(100.0, 152.0, 110.0, 162.0, TextDirection.ltr),
const TextBox.fromLTRBD(110.0, 0.0, 310.0, 200.0, TextDirection.ltr),
// Horizontal offsets are currently one pixel off in places; vertical offsets are good.
// Somehow today we also lose the last space.
skip: skipExpectsWithKnownBugs,
}, skip: skipTestsWithKnownBugs);
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