Unverified Commit 985ccb6d authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

Revert "Replace netls and netaddr with dev_finder" (#26249)

* Revert "Replace netls and netaddr with dev_finder (#26090)"

This reverts commit eee154af.
parent 322afbb1
......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
final String buildDirectory = argResults['build-dir'];
final File frontendServer = fs.file('$buildDirectory/host_x64/gen/third_party/flutter/frontend_server/frontend_server_tool.snapshot');
final File sshConfig = fs.file('$buildDirectory/ssh-keys/ssh_config');
final File devFinder = fs.file('$buildDirectory/host_x64/dev_finder');
final File platformKernelDill = fs.file('$buildDirectory/flutter_runner_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill');
final File flutterPatchedSdk = fs.file('$buildDirectory/flutter_runner_patched_sdk');
final String packages = '$buildDirectory/dartlang/gen/$path/${name}_dart_library.packages';
......@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
muteCommandLogging: false,
verboseHelp: false,
overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FuchsiaArtifacts: () => FuchsiaArtifacts(sshConfig: sshConfig, devFinder: devFinder),
FuchsiaArtifacts: () => FuchsiaArtifacts(sshConfig: sshConfig),
Artifacts: () => OverrideArtifacts(
parent: CachedArtifacts(),
frontendServer: frontendServer,
......@@ -108,8 +108,12 @@ class FuchsiaDevices extends PollingDeviceDiscovery {
if (!fuchsiaWorkflow.canListDevices) {
return <Device>[];
final String text = await fuchsiaSdk.listDevices();
final List<FuchsiaDevice> devices = parseListDevices(text);
final String text = await fuchsiaSdk.netls();
final List<FuchsiaDevice> devices = <FuchsiaDevice>[];
for (String name in parseFuchsiaDeviceOutput(text)) {
final String id = await fuchsiaSdk.netaddr();
devices.add(FuchsiaDevice(id, name: name));
return devices;
......@@ -117,18 +121,24 @@ class FuchsiaDevices extends PollingDeviceDiscovery {
Future<List<String>> getDiagnostics() async => const <String>[];
/// Parses output from the netls tool into fuchsia devices names.
/// Example output:
/// $ ./netls
/// > device liliac-shore-only-last (fe80::82e4:da4d:fe81:227d/3)
List<FuchsiaDevice> parseListDevices(String text) {
final List<FuchsiaDevice> devices = <FuchsiaDevice>[];
List<String> parseFuchsiaDeviceOutput(String text) {
final List<String> names = <String>[];
for (String rawLine in text.trim().split('\n')) {
final String line = rawLine.trim();
// ['ip', 'device name']
if (!line.startsWith('device'))
// ['device', 'device name', '(id)']
final List<String> words = line.split(' ');
final String name = words[1];
final String id = words[0];
devices.add(FuchsiaDevice(id, name: name));
return devices;
return names;
class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
......@@ -24,15 +24,21 @@ FuchsiaArtifacts get fuchsiaArtifacts => context[FuchsiaArtifacts];
/// This workflow assumes development within the fuchsia source tree,
/// including a working fx command-line tool in the user's PATH.
class FuchsiaSdk {
static const List<String> _netaddrCommand = <String>['fx', 'netaddr', '--fuchsia', '--nowait'];
static const List<String> _netlsCommand = <String>['fx', 'netls', '--nowait'];
static const List<String> _syslogCommand = <String>['fx', 'syslog', '--clock', 'Local'];
/// Invokes the `netaddr` command.
/// This returns the network address of an attached fuchsia device. Does
/// not currently support multiple attached devices.
/// Example output:
/// $ dev_finder list -full
/// > paper-pulp-bush-angel
Future<String> listDevices() async {
/// $ fx netaddr --fuchsia --nowait
/// > fe80::9aaa:fcff:fe60:d3af%eth1
Future<String> netaddr() async {
try {
final String path = fuchsiaArtifacts.devFinder.absolute.path;
final RunResult process = await runAsync(<String>[path, 'list', '-full']);
final RunResult process = await runAsync(_netaddrCommand);
return process.stdout.trim();
} on ArgumentError catch (exception) {
......@@ -63,19 +69,36 @@ class FuchsiaSdk {
return null;
/// Invokes the `netls` command.
/// This lists attached fuchsia devices with their name and address. Does
/// not currently support multiple attached devices.
/// Example output:
/// $ fx netls --nowait
/// > device liliac-shore-only-last (fe80::82e4:da4d:fe81:227d/3)
Future<String> netls() async {
try {
final RunResult process = await runAsync(_netlsCommand);
return process.stdout;
} on ArgumentError catch (exception) {
return null;
/// Fuchsia-specific artifacts used to interact with a device.
class FuchsiaArtifacts {
/// Creates a new [FuchsiaArtifacts].
/// May optionally provide a file `sshConfig` file and `devFinder` file.
FuchsiaArtifacts({File sshConfig, File devFinder})
: _sshConfig = sshConfig,
_devFinder = devFinder;
/// May optionally provide a file `sshConfig` file.
FuchsiaArtifacts({File sshConfig})
: _sshConfig = sshConfig;
/// The location of the SSH configuration file used to interact with a
/// Fuchsia device.
/// fuchsia device.
/// Requires the env variable `BUILD_DIR` to be set if not provided by
/// the constructor.
......@@ -91,22 +114,4 @@ class FuchsiaArtifacts {
return _sshConfig;
File _sshConfig;
/// The location of the dev finder tool used to locate connected
/// Fuchsia devices.
/// Requires the env variable `BUILD_DIR` to be set if not provided by
/// the constructor.
File get devFinder {
if (_devFinder == null) {
final String buildDirectory = platform.environment['BUILD_DIR'];
if (buildDirectory == null) {
throwToolExit('BUILD_DIR must be supplied to dev_finder. For example:\n'
' export BUILD_DIR=path/to/fuchsia/out/x64\n');
_devFinder = fs.file('$buildDirectory/host_x64/dev_finder');
return _devFinder;
File _devFinder;
......@@ -29,13 +29,12 @@ void main() {
expect(device.name, name);
test('parse dev_finder output', () {
const String example = ' paper-pulp-bush-angel';
final List<FuchsiaDevice> names = parseListDevices(example);
test('parse netls log output', () {
const String example = 'device lilia-shore-only-last (fe80::0000:a00a:f00f:2002/3)';
final List<String> names = parseFuchsiaDeviceOutput(example);
expect(names.length, 1);
expect(names.first.name, 'paper-pulp-bush-angel');
expect(names.first.id, '');
expect(names.first, 'lilia-shore-only-last');
test('default capabilities', () async {
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