Unverified Commit 984a24c5 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Fix error handling for the packaging script (#15351)

This fixes the error handling for the packaging script so that it will properly report a failure exit code when it can't find the executable that it's looking for.

Added a test too.
parent 4b56ba17
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class ProcessRunnerException implements Exception {
final String message;
final ProcessResult result;
int get exitCode => result.exitCode ?? -1;
int get exitCode => result?.exitCode ?? -1;
String toString() {
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class ProcessRunnerException implements Exception {
final String stderr = result?.stderr ?? '';
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
output += ':\n${result.stderr}';
output += ':\n$stderr';
return output;
......@@ -157,6 +157,10 @@ class ProcessRunner {
final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} '
'failed with:\n${e.toString()}';
throw new ProcessRunnerException(message);
} on ArgumentError catch (e) {
final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} '
'failed with:\n${e.toString()}';
throw new ProcessRunnerException(message);
final int exitCode = await allComplete();
......@@ -441,7 +445,7 @@ class ArchivePublisher {
final String destGsPath = '$gsReleaseFolder/$destinationArchivePath';
await _cloudCopy(outputFile.absolute.path, destGsPath);
return _updateMetadata();
await _updateMetadata();
Future<Null> _updateMetadata() async {
......@@ -632,6 +636,9 @@ Future<Null> main(List<String> argList) async {
} on ProcessRunnerException catch (e) {
exitCode = e.exitCode;
message = e.message;
} catch (e) {
exitCode = -1;
message = e.toString();
} finally {
if (removeTempDir) {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
......@@ -17,6 +17,24 @@ import 'fake_process_manager.dart';
void main() {
final String testRef = 'deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef';
test('Throws on missing executable', () async {
// Uses a *real* process manager, since we want to know what happens if
// it can't find an executable.
final ProcessRunner processRunner = new ProcessRunner(subprocessOutput: false);
expectAsync1((List<String> commandLine) async {
return processRunner.runProcess(commandLine);
throwsA(const isInstanceOf<ProcessRunnerException>()));
try {
await processRunner.runProcess(<String>['this_executable_better_not_exist_2857632534321']);
} on ProcessRunnerException catch (e) {
contains('Invalid argument(s): Cannot find executable for this_executable_better_not_exist_2857632534321.'),
for (String platformName in <String>['macos', 'linux', 'windows']) {
final FakePlatform platform = new FakePlatform(
operatingSystem: platformName,
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