Commit 94cac1a6 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

flutter test --start-paused (#7584)

Make debugging tests in a debugger easier.

parent ef1d7a19
......@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ import '../toolchain.dart';
class TestCommand extends FlutterCommand {
TestCommand() {
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Start in a paused mode and wait for a debugger to connect.\n'
'You must specify a single test file to run, explicitly.\n'
'Instructions for connecting with a debugger and printed to the\n'
'console once the test has started.'
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
......@@ -164,19 +172,27 @@ class TestCommand extends FlutterCommand {
Directory testDir;
List<String> files = testPath) => path.absolute(testPath)).toList();
if (files.isEmpty) {
if (argResults['start-paused']) {
if (files.length != 1)
throwToolExit('When using --start-paused, you must specify a single test file to run.', exitCode: 1);
} else if (files.isEmpty) {
testDir = _currentPackageTestDir;
if (!testDir.existsSync())
throwToolExit("Test directory '${testDir.path}' not found.");
} else {
throwToolExit('Test directory "${testDir.path}" not found.');
files = _findTests(testDir);
if (files.isEmpty) {
'Test directory "${testDir.path}" does not appear to contain any test files.\n'
'Test files must be in that directory and end with the pattern "_test.dart".'
final String shellPath = tools.getHostToolPath(HostTool.SkyShell) ?? Platform.environment['SKY_SHELL'];
if (!fs.isFileSync(shellPath))
throwToolExit('Cannot find Flutter shell at $shellPath');
loader.installHook(shellPath: shellPath, collector: collector);
loader.installHook(shellPath: shellPath, collector: collector, debuggerMode: argResults['start-paused']);
......@@ -45,20 +45,22 @@ final InternetAddress _kHost = InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4;
/// Configure the `test` package to work with Flutter.
/// On systems where each [FlutterPlatform] is only used to run one test suite
/// On systems where each [_FlutterPlatform] is only used to run one test suite
/// (that is, one Dart file with a `*_test.dart` file name and a single `void
/// main()`), you can set an observatory port and a diagnostic port explicitly.
void installHook({
@required String shellPath,
CoverageCollector collector,
bool debuggerMode: false,
int observatoryPort,
int diagnosticPort,
}) {
() => new FlutterPlatform(
() => new _FlutterPlatform(
shellPath: shellPath,
collector: collector,
debuggerMode: debuggerMode,
explicitObservatoryPort: observatoryPort,
explicitDiagnosticPort: diagnosticPort,
......@@ -69,13 +71,14 @@ enum _InitialResult { crashed, timedOut, connected }
enum _TestResult { crashed, harnessBailed, testBailed }
typedef Future<Null> _Finalizer();
class FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
FlutterPlatform({ this.shellPath, this.collector, this.explicitObservatoryPort, this.explicitDiagnosticPort }) {
class _FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
_FlutterPlatform({ this.shellPath, this.collector, this.debuggerMode, this.explicitObservatoryPort, this.explicitDiagnosticPort }) {
assert(shellPath != null);
final String shellPath;
final CoverageCollector collector;
final bool debuggerMode;
final int explicitObservatoryPort;
final int explicitDiagnosticPort;
......@@ -90,9 +93,9 @@ class FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
StreamChannel<dynamic> loadChannel(String testPath, TestPlatform platform) {
if (explicitObservatoryPort != null || explicitDiagnosticPort != null) {
if (explicitObservatoryPort != null || explicitDiagnosticPort != null || debuggerMode) {
if (_testCount > 0)
throwToolExit('installHook() was called with an observatory port or a diagnostic port (or both) but then more than one test suite was run.');
throwToolExit('installHook() was called with an observatory port, a diagnostic port, both, or debugger mode enabled, but then more than one test suite was run.');
int ourTestCount = _testCount;
_testCount += 1;
......@@ -171,7 +174,8 @@ class FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
packages: PackageMap.globalPackagesPath,
enableObservatory: collector != null,
enableObservatory: collector != null || debuggerMode,
startPaused: debuggerMode,
observatoryPort: explicitObservatoryPort,
diagnosticPort: explicitDiagnosticPort,
......@@ -198,10 +202,18 @@ class FlutterPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
int processObservatoryPort;
storeObservatoryPort: (int detectedPort) {
reportObservatoryPort: (int detectedPort) {
assert(processObservatoryPort == null);
assert(explicitObservatoryPort == null || explicitObservatoryPort == detectedPort);
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: using observatory port $detectedPort from pid ${} to collect coverage');
assert(explicitObservatoryPort == null ||
explicitObservatoryPort == detectedPort);
if (debuggerMode) {
printStatus('The test process has been started.');
printStatus('You can now connect to it using observatory. To connect, load the following Web site in your browser:');
printStatus(' http://${_kHost.address}:$detectedPort/');
printStatus('You should first set appropriate breakpoints, then resume the test in the debugger.');
} else {
printTrace('test $ourTestCount: using observatory port $detectedPort from pid ${} to collect coverage');
processObservatoryPort = detectedPort;
startTimeoutTimer: () {
......@@ -409,18 +421,20 @@ void main() {
String testPath, {
String packages,
bool enableObservatory: false,
bool startPaused: false,
int observatoryPort,
int diagnosticPort,
}) {
assert(executable != null); // Please provide the path to the shell in the SKY_SHELL environment variable.
assert(!startPaused || enableObservatory);
List<String> arguments = <String>[];
if (enableObservatory) {
// Some systems drive the FlutterPlatform class in an unusual way, where
// Some systems drive the _FlutterPlatform class in an unusual way, where
// only one test file is processed at a time, and the operating
// environment hands out specific ports ahead of time in a cooperative
// manner, where we're only allowed to open ports that were given to us in
// advance like this. For those esoteric systems, we have this feature
// whereby you can create FlutterPlatform with a pair of ports.
// whereby you can create _FlutterPlatform with a pair of ports.
// I mention this only so that you won't be tempted, as I was, to apply
// the obvious simplification to this code and remove this entire feature.
......@@ -428,6 +442,8 @@ void main() {
if (diagnosticPort != null)
if (startPaused)
} else {
arguments.addAll(<String>['--disable-observatory', '--disable-diagnostic']);
......@@ -452,7 +468,7 @@ void main() {
void _pipeStandardStreamsToConsole(
Process process, {
void startTimeoutTimer(),
void storeObservatoryPort(int port),
void reportObservatoryPort(int port),
}) {
for (Stream<List<int>> stream in
<Stream<List<int>>>[process.stderr, process.stdout]) {
......@@ -470,8 +486,8 @@ void main() {
printTrace('Shell: $line');
try {
int port = int.parse(line.substring(observatoryPortString.length, line.length - 1)); // last character is a slash
if (storeObservatoryPort != null)
if (reportObservatoryPort != null)
} catch (error) {
printError('Could not parse shell observatory port message: $error');
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