Commit 90d47520 authored by Mehmet Akin's avatar Mehmet Akin

Make checkbox widget to fit more closely to material design standard. Make...

Make checkbox widget to fit more closely to  material design standard. Make changes to remove animation artefacts.
parent cf17dd96
......@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ export 'package:sky/src/rendering/toggleable.dart' show ValueChanged;
const double _kMidpoint = 0.5;
const sky.Color _kLightUncheckedColor = const sky.Color(0x8A000000);
const sky.Color _kDarkUncheckedColor = const sky.Color(0xB2FFFFFF);
const double _kEdgeSize = 20.0;
const double _kEdgeSize = 18.0;
const double _kEdgeRadius = 1.0;
const double _kStrokeWidth = 2.0;
/// A material design checkbox
......@@ -127,13 +128,18 @@ class _RenderCheckbox extends RenderToggleable {
final PaintingCanvas canvas = context.canvas;
// Choose a color between grey and the theme color
sky.Paint paint = new sky.Paint()
..strokeWidth = 2.0
..strokeWidth = _kStrokeWidth
..color = uncheckedColor;
// The rrect contracts slightly during the animation
// The rrect contracts slightly during the transition animation from checked states.
// Because we have a stroke size of 2, we should have a minimum 1.0 inset.
double inset = 2.0 - (position - _kMidpoint).abs() * 2.0;
sky.Rect rect = new sky.Rect.fromLTWH(offset.dx + inset, offset.dy + inset,
_kEdgeSize - inset, _kEdgeSize - inset);
double rectSize = _kEdgeSize - inset * _kStrokeWidth;
sky.Rect rect =
new sky.Rect.fromLTWH(offset.dx + inset, offset.dy + inset, rectSize, rectSize);
// Create an inner rectangle to cover inside of rectangle. This is needed to avoid
// painting artefacts caused by overlayed paintings.
sky.Rect innerRect = rect.deflate(1.0);
sky.RRect rrect = new sky.RRect()
..setRectXY(rect, _kEdgeRadius, _kEdgeRadius);
......@@ -150,25 +156,27 @@ class _RenderCheckbox extends RenderToggleable {
const sky.Color(0x00000000),
canvas.drawRRect(rrect, paint);
canvas.drawRect(innerRect, paint);
if (position > _kMidpoint) {
double t = (position - _kMidpoint) / (1.0 - _kMidpoint);
// Solid filled rrect
// First draw a rounded rect outline then fill inner rectangle with accent color.
paint.color = new Color.fromARGB((t * 255).floor(),,,;
canvas.drawRRect(rrect, paint);
canvas.drawRect(innerRect, paint);
// White inner check
paint.color = const sky.Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
sky.Path path = new sky.Path();
sky.Point start = new sky.Point(_kEdgeSize * 0.2, _kEdgeSize * 0.5);
sky.Point start = new sky.Point(_kEdgeSize * 0.15, _kEdgeSize * 0.45);
sky.Point mid = new sky.Point(_kEdgeSize * 0.4, _kEdgeSize * 0.7);
sky.Point end = new sky.Point(_kEdgeSize * 0.8, _kEdgeSize * 0.3);
sky.Point end = new sky.Point(_kEdgeSize * 0.85, _kEdgeSize * 0.25);
Point lerp(Point p1, Point p2, double t) =>
new Point(p1.x * (1.0 - t) + p2.x * t, p1.y * (1.0 - t) + p2.y * t);
sky.Point drawStart = lerp(start, mid, 1.0 - t);
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