Unverified Commit 8eb6a925 authored by Jenn Magder's avatar Jenn Magder Committed by GitHub

Always compile with isysroot on iOS to point to SDK root (#45436) (#45560)

parent d0ea9ed2
......@@ -242,8 +242,16 @@ class AOTSnapshotter {
const String embedBitcodeArg = '-fembed-bitcode';
final String assemblyO = fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot_assembly.o');
List<String> isysrootArgs;
if (isIOS) {
final String iPhoneSDKLocation = await xcode.iPhoneSdkLocation();
if (iPhoneSDKLocation != null) {
isysrootArgs = <String>['-isysroot', iPhoneSDKLocation];
final RunResult compileResult = await xcode.cc(<String>[
'-arch', targetArch,
if (isysrootArgs != null) ...isysrootArgs,
if (bitcode) embedBitcodeArg,
......@@ -265,7 +273,7 @@ class AOTSnapshotter {
'-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', '@loader_path/Frameworks',
'-install_name', '@rpath/App.framework/App',
if (bitcode) embedBitcodeArg,
if (bitcode && isIOS) ...<String>[embedBitcodeArg, '-isysroot', await xcode.iPhoneSdkLocation()],
if (isysrootArgs != null) ...isysrootArgs,
'-o', appLib,
......@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ void main() {
group('Snapshotter - AOT', () {
const String kSnapshotDart = 'snapshot.dart';
const String kSDKPath = '/path/to/sdk';
String skyEnginePath;
_FakeGenSnapshot genSnapshot;
......@@ -243,6 +244,8 @@ void main() {
mockAndroidSdk = MockAndroidSdk();
mockArtifacts = MockArtifacts();
mockXcode = MockXcode();
when(mockXcode.iPhoneSdkLocation()).thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value(kSDKPath));
bufferLogger = BufferLogger();
for (BuildMode mode in BuildMode.values) {
......@@ -334,8 +337,19 @@ void main() {
final VerificationResult toVerifyCC = verify(xcode.cc(captureAny));
expect(toVerifyCC.callCount, 1);
final dynamic ccArgs = toVerifyCC.captured.first;
expect(ccArgs, contains('-fembed-bitcode'));
expect(ccArgs, contains('-isysroot'));
expect(ccArgs, contains(kSDKPath));
final VerificationResult toVerifyClang = verify(xcode.clang(captureAny));
expect(toVerifyClang.callCount, 1);
final dynamic clangArgs = toVerifyClang.captured.first;
expect(clangArgs, contains('-fembed-bitcode'));
expect(clangArgs, contains('-isysroot'));
expect(clangArgs, contains(kSDKPath));
final File assemblyFile = fs.file(assembly);
expect(assemblyFile.existsSync(), true);
......@@ -380,8 +394,19 @@ void main() {
final VerificationResult toVerifyCC = verify(xcode.cc(captureAny));
expect(toVerifyCC.callCount, 1);
final dynamic ccArgs = toVerifyCC.captured.first;
expect(ccArgs, contains('-fembed-bitcode'));
expect(ccArgs, contains('-isysroot'));
expect(ccArgs, contains(kSDKPath));
final VerificationResult toVerifyClang = verify(xcode.clang(captureAny));
expect(toVerifyClang.callCount, 1);
final dynamic clangArgs = toVerifyClang.captured.first;
expect(clangArgs, contains('-fembed-bitcode'));
expect(clangArgs, contains('-isysroot'));
expect(clangArgs, contains(kSDKPath));
final File assemblyFile = fs.file(assembly);
final File assemblyBitcodeFile = fs.file('$assembly.stripped.S');
......@@ -431,6 +456,9 @@ void main() {
final File assemblyFile = fs.file(assembly);
expect(assemblyFile.existsSync(), true);
expect(assemblyFile.readAsStringSync().contains('.section __DWARF'), true);
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