Commit 8baf7694 authored by Devon Carew's avatar Devon Carew

update gitignore and analysis_options

parent 1cbd61d3
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import '../android/android.dart' as android;
import '../artifacts.dart';
import '../base/globals.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import 'ios.dart';
class CreateCommand extends Command {
final String name = 'create';
......@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ abstract class Template {
final String name;
final String description;
Map<String, String> files = {};
Map<String, String> files = <String, String>{};
Template(, this.description);
......@@ -119,9 +120,11 @@ abstract class Template {
dir.createSync(recursive: true);
String relativeFlutterPackagePath = path.relative(flutterPackagePath, from: dirPath);
Iterable<String> paths = files.keys.toList()..sort();
files.forEach((String filePath, String contents) {
Map m = {
for (String filePath in paths) {
String contents = files[filePath];
Map m = <String, String>{
'projectName': projectName,
'description': description,
'flutterPackagePath': relativeFlutterPackagePath
......@@ -129,10 +132,10 @@ abstract class Template {
contents = mustache.render(contents, m);
filePath = filePath.replaceAll('/', Platform.pathSeparator);
File file = new File(path.join(dir.path, filePath));
file.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
printStatus(' ${file.path}');
String toString() => name;
......@@ -145,8 +148,15 @@ class FlutterSimpleTemplate extends Template {
files['flutter.yaml'] = _flutterYaml;
files['pubspec.yaml'] = _pubspec;
files[''] = _readme;
files['android/AndroidManifest.xml'] = _apkManifest;
files['lib/main.dart'] = _libMain;
// Android files.
files['android/AndroidManifest.xml'] = _apkManifest;
// Create a file here, so we create the directory for the user and it gets committed with git.
files['android/res/'] = _androidResReadme;
// iOS files.
......@@ -161,7 +171,7 @@ String _normalizeProjectName(String name) {
const String _analysis_options = r'''
- 'ios/build/**'
- 'ios/.generated/**'
const String _gitignore = r'''
......@@ -171,6 +181,7 @@ const String _gitignore = r'''
......@@ -273,3 +284,7 @@ final String _apkManifest = '''
final String _androidResReadme = '''
Place Android resources here (
......@@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ import "../base/process.dart";
import "../runner/flutter_command.dart";
import "../runner/flutter_command_runner.dart";
/// A map from file path to file contents.
final Map<String, String> iosTemplateFiles = <String, String>{
'ios/Info.plist': _infoPlistInitialContents,
'ios/LaunchScreen.storyboard': _launchScreenInitialContents,
'ios/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json': _iconAssetInitialContents
class IOSCommand extends FlutterCommand {
final String name = "ios";
final String description = "Commands for creating and updating Flutter iOS projects.";
......@@ -93,46 +100,23 @@ class IOSCommand extends FlutterCommand {
return true;
void _writeUserEditableFilesIfNecessary(String directory) {
printStatus("Checking if user editable files need updates");
// Step 1: Check if the Info.plist exists and write one if not
File infoPlist = new File(path.join(directory, "Info.plist"));
if (!infoPlist.existsSync()) {
printStatus("Did not find an existing Info.plist. Creating one.");
} else {
printStatus("Info.plist present. Using existing.");
// Step 2: Check if the LaunchScreen.storyboard exists and write one if not
File launchScreen = new File(path.join(directory, "LaunchScreen.storyboard"));
if (!launchScreen.existsSync()) {
printStatus("Did not find an existing LaunchScreen.storyboard. Creating one.");
} else {
printStatus("LaunchScreen.storyboard present. Using existing.");
iosTemplateFiles.forEach((String filePath, String contents) {
File file = new File(filePath);
// Step 3: Check if the Assets.xcassets exists and write one if not
Directory xcassets = new Directory(path.join(directory, "Assets.xcassets"));
if (!xcassets.existsSync()) {
printStatus("Did not find an existing Assets.xcassets. Creating one.");
Directory iconsAssetsDir = new Directory(path.join(xcassets.path, "AppIcon.appiconset"));
iconsAssetsDir.createSync(recursive: true);
File iconContents = new File(path.join(iconsAssetsDir.path, "Contents.json"));
} else {
printStatus("Assets.xcassets present. Using existing.");
if (!file.existsSync()) {
file.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
printStatus('Created $filePath.');
void _setupXcodeProjXcconfig(String filePath) {
StringBuffer localsBuffer = new StringBuffer();
localsBuffer.writeln("// Generated. Do not edit or check into version control!");
localsBuffer.writeln("// Recreate using `flutter ios`.");
localsBuffer.writeln("// Recreate using `flutter ios --init`.");
String flutterRoot = path.normalize(Platform.environment[kFlutterRootEnvironmentVariableName]);
......@@ -167,27 +151,19 @@ class IOSCommand extends FlutterCommand {
return 1;
// Step 3: The generated project should NOT be checked into the users
// version control system. Be nice and write a gitignore for them if
// one does not exist.
File generatedGitignore = new File(path.join(iosFilesPath, ".gitignore"));
if (!generatedGitignore.existsSync()) {
// Step 4: Setup default user editable files if this is the first run of
// Step 3: Setup default user editable files if this is the first run of
// the init command.
// Step 5: Populate the Local.xcconfig with project specific paths
// Step 4: Populate the Local.xcconfig with project specific paths
_setupXcodeProjXcconfig(path.join(xcodeprojPath, "Local.xcconfig"));
// Step 6: Write the REVISION file
// Step 5: Write the REVISION file
File revisionFile = new File(path.join(xcodeprojPath, "REVISION"));
// Step 7: Tell the user the location of the generated project.
// Step 6: Tell the user the location of the generated project.
printStatus("An Xcode project has been placed in 'ios/'.");
printStatus("You may edit it to modify iOS specific configuration.");
return 0;
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