Commit 8b16c025 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth Committed by GitHub

Add custom clipping to ClipRRect (#6346)

Fixes #773
parent 32037579
......@@ -1015,25 +1015,30 @@ class RenderClipRect extends _RenderCustomClip<Rect> {
/// Clips its child using a rounded rectangle.
/// Creates a rounded rectangle from its layout dimensions and the given border
/// radius and prevents its child from painting outside that rounded
/// rectangle.
class RenderClipRRect extends RenderProxyBox {
/// By default, [RenderClipRRect] uses its own bounds as the base rectangle for
/// the clip, but the size and location of the clip can be customized using a
/// custom [clipper].
class RenderClipRRect extends _RenderCustomClip<RRect> {
/// Creates a rounded-rectangular clip.
/// The [borderRadius] defaults to [], i.e. a rectangle with
/// right-angled corners.
/// If [clipper] is non-null, then [borderRadius] is ignored.
RenderBox child,
BorderRadius borderRadius:
}) : _borderRadius = borderRadius, super(child) {
assert(_borderRadius != null);
BorderRadius borderRadius:,
CustomClipper<RRect> clipper,
}) : _borderRadius = borderRadius, super(child: child, clipper: clipper) {
assert(_borderRadius != null || clipper != null);
/// The border radius of the rounded corners..
/// The border radius of the rounded corners.
/// Values are clamped so that horizontal and vertical radii sums do not
/// exceed width/height.
/// This value is ignored if [clipper] is non-null.
BorderRadius get borderRadius => _borderRadius;
BorderRadius _borderRadius;
set borderRadius (BorderRadius value) {
......@@ -1041,19 +1046,28 @@ class RenderClipRRect extends RenderProxyBox {
if (_borderRadius == value)
_borderRadius = value;
// TODO(ianh): either convert this to the CustomClipper world, or
// TODO(ianh): implement describeApproximatePaintClip for this class
// TODO(ianh): implement hit testing for this class
RRect get _defaultClip => _borderRadius.toRRect(Point.origin & size);
bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, { Point position }) {
if (_clipper != null) {
assert(_clip != null);
if (!_clip.contains(position))
return false;
return super.hitTest(result, position: position);
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null) {
Rect rect = Point.origin & size;
RRect rrect = borderRadius.toRRect(rect);
context.pushClipRRect(needsCompositing, offset, rect, rrect, super.paint);
context.pushClipRRect(needsCompositing, offset, _clip.outerRect, _clip, super.paint);
......@@ -270,30 +270,44 @@ class ClipRect extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// A widget that clips its child using a rounded rectangle.
/// Creates a rounded rectangle from its layout dimensions and the given x and
/// y radius values and prevents its child from painting outside that rounded
/// rectangle.
/// By default, [ClipRRect] uses its own bounds as the base rectangle for the
/// clip, but the size and location of the clip can be customized using a custom
/// [clipper].
class ClipRRect extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a rounded-rectangular clip.
/// The [borderRadius] defaults to [], i.e. a rectangle with
/// right-angled corners.
/// If [clipper] is non-null, then [borderRadius] is ignored.
Key key,
@required this.borderRadius,
Widget child
}) : super(key: key, child: child);
Widget child,
}) : super(key: key, child: child) {
assert(borderRadius != null || clipper != null);
/// The border radius of the rounded corners.
/// Values are clamped to be between zero and half the width of the render
/// object.
/// Values are clamped so that horizontal and vertical radii sums do not
/// exceed width/height.
/// This value is ignored if [clipper] is non-null.
final BorderRadius borderRadius;
/// If non-null, determines which clip to use.
final CustomClipper<RRect> clipper;
RenderClipRRect createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => new RenderClipRRect(borderRadius: borderRadius);
RenderClipRRect createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => new RenderClipRRect(borderRadius: borderRadius, clipper: clipper);
void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderClipRRect renderObject) {
..borderRadius = borderRadius;
..borderRadius = borderRadius
..clipper = clipper;
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