Commit 89c11447 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson

Merge pull request #762 from Hixie/flex-bug

Reimplement 'stretch' for flexible items correctly.
parents b61fe238 d81ec90c
......@@ -396,6 +396,7 @@ abstract class RenderBox extends RenderObject {
assert(value._owner.parent == this);
_size = inDebugBuild ? new _DebugSize(value, this, debugCanParentUseSize) : value;
void applyPaintTransform(Matrix4 transform) {
......@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ class RenderFlex extends RenderBox with ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, Fl
// Set during layout if overflow occurred on the main axis
TextBaseline _textBaseline;
TextBaseline get textBaseline => _textBaseline;
void set textBaseline (TextBaseline value) {
......@@ -95,6 +94,7 @@ class RenderFlex extends RenderBox with ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, Fl
// Set during layout if overflow occurred on the main axis
double _overflow;
void setupParentData(RenderBox child) {
......@@ -344,29 +344,29 @@ class RenderFlex extends RenderBox with ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, Fl
if (alignItems == FlexAlignItems.stretch) {
switch (_direction) {
case FlexDirection.horizontal:
innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(minWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
minHeight: constraints.minHeight,
innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(minWidth: spaceForChild,
maxWidth: spaceForChild,
minHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
maxHeight: constraints.maxHeight);
case FlexDirection.vertical:
innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(minWidth: constraints.minWidth,
innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(minWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
minHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
maxHeight: constraints.maxHeight);
minHeight: spaceForChild,
maxHeight: spaceForChild);
} else {
switch (_direction) {
case FlexDirection.horizontal:
innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(maxHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
minWidth: spaceForChild,
maxWidth: spaceForChild);
innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(minWidth: spaceForChild,
maxWidth: spaceForChild,
maxHeight: constraints.maxHeight);
case FlexDirection.vertical:
innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(minHeight: spaceForChild,
maxHeight: spaceForChild,
maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth);
innerConstraints = new BoxConstraints(maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
minHeight: spaceForChild,
maxHeight: spaceForChild);
......@@ -467,35 +467,54 @@ class RenderFlex extends RenderBox with ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderBox, Fl
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (_overflow > 0) {;
context.canvas.clipRect(offset & size);
defaultPaint(context, offset);
} else {
if (_overflow <= 0.0) {
defaultPaint(context, offset);
void debugPaintSize(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
super.debugPaintSize(context, offset);
if (_overflow <= 0)
// We have overflow. Clip it.;
context.canvas.clipRect(offset & size);
defaultPaint(context, offset);
assert(() {
// In debug mode, if you have overflow, we highlight where the
// overflow would be by painting that area red. Since that is
// likely to be clipped by an ancestor, we also draw a thick red
// line at the edge that's overflowing.
// If you do want clipping, use a RenderClip (Clip in the
// Widgets library).
Paint markerPaint = new Paint()..color = const Color(0xE0FF0000);
Paint highlightPaint = new Paint()..color = const Color(0x7FFF0000);
const kMarkerSize = 0.1;
Rect markerRect, overflowRect;
switch(direction) {
case FlexDirection.horizontal:
markerRect = offset + new Offset(size.width * (1.0 - kMarkerSize), 0.0) &
new Size(size.width * kMarkerSize, size.height);
overflowRect = offset + new Offset(size.width, 0.0) &
new Size(_overflow, size.height);
case FlexDirection.vertical:
markerRect = offset + new Offset(0.0, size.height * (1.0 - kMarkerSize)) &
new Size(size.width, size.height * kMarkerSize);
overflowRect = offset + new Offset(0.0, size.height) &
new Size(size.width, _overflow);
context.canvas.drawRect(markerRect, markerPaint);
context.canvas.drawRect(overflowRect, highlightPaint);
return true;
// Draw a red rectangle over the overflow area in debug mode
// You should be using a Clip if you want to clip your children
Paint paint = new Paint()..color = const Color(0x7FFF0000);
Rect overflowRect;
switch(direction) {
case FlexDirection.horizontal:
overflowRect = offset + new Offset(size.width, 0.0) &
new Size(_overflow, size.height);
case FlexDirection.vertical:
overflowRect = offset + new Offset(0.0, size.height) &
new Size(size.width, _overflow);
context.canvas.drawRect(overflowRect, paint);
String toStringName() {
String header = super.toStringName();
if (_overflow > 0.0)
header += ' OVERFLOWING';
return header;
......@@ -738,6 +738,13 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
String toString([String prefix = '']) {
RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout;
_debugActiveLayout = null;
String header = toStringName();
prefix += ' ';
String result = '${header}\n${debugDescribeSettings(prefix)}${debugDescribeChildren(prefix)}';
_debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout;
return result;
String toStringName() {
String header = '${runtimeType}';
if (_relayoutSubtreeRoot != null && _relayoutSubtreeRoot != this) {
int count = 1;
......@@ -752,10 +759,7 @@ abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget {
header += ' NEEDS-LAYOUT';
if (!attached)
header += ' DETACHED';
prefix += ' ';
String result = '${header}\n${debugDescribeSettings(prefix)}${debugDescribeChildren(prefix)}';
_debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout;
return result;
return header;
String debugDescribeSettings(String prefix) => '${prefix}parentData: ${parentData}\n${prefix}constraints: ${constraints}\n';
String debugDescribeChildren(String prefix) => '';
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