Commit 89566fee authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Run pub with --trace (#12328)

parent 21899ce6
......@@ -81,12 +81,18 @@ typedef String MessageFilter(String message);
/// Runs pub in 'batch' mode, forwarding complete lines written by pub to its
/// stdout/stderr streams to the corresponding stream of this process, optionally
/// applying filtering. The pub process will not receive anything on its stdin stream.
/// The `--trace` argument is passed to `pub` (by mutating the provided
/// `arguments` list) unless `showTraceForErrors` is false.
Future<Null> pub(List<String> arguments, {
String directory,
MessageFilter filter,
String failureMessage: 'pub failed',
@required bool retry,
bool showTraceForErrors: true,
}) async {
if (showTraceForErrors)
arguments.insert(0, '--trace');
int attempts = 0;
int duration = 1;
int code;
......@@ -82,10 +82,11 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('test', () async {
await createTestCommandRunner(new PackagesCommand()).run(<String>['packages', 'test']);
final List<String> commands = mockProcessManager.commands;
expect(commands, hasLength(3));
expect(commands, hasLength(4));
expect(commands[0], matches(r'dart-sdk[\\/]bin[\\/]pub'));
expect(commands[1], 'run');
expect(commands[2], 'test');
expect(commands[1], '--trace');
expect(commands[2], 'run');
expect(commands[3], 'test');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
ProcessManager: () => mockProcessManager,
Stdio: () => mockStdio,
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