Unverified Commit 890b9394 authored by Alexandre Ardhuin's avatar Alexandre Ardhuin Committed by GitHub

indent formal parameters correctly (#41644)

parent dc03c443
......@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@ abstract class _ErrorDiagnostic extends DiagnosticsProperty<List<Object>> {
/// interactive display of errors.
String message, {
DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.flat,
DiagnosticLevel level = DiagnosticLevel.info,
}) : assert(message != null),
showName: false,
showSeparator: false,
defaultValue: null,
style: style,
level: level,
DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.flat,
DiagnosticLevel level = DiagnosticLevel.info,
}) : assert(message != null),
showName: false,
showSeparator: false,
defaultValue: null,
style: style,
level: level,
/// In debug builds, a kernel transformer rewrites calls to the default
/// constructors for [ErrorSummary], [ErrorDetails], and [ErrorHint] to use
......@@ -1097,8 +1097,8 @@ class TextTreeRenderer {
/// single line style does not provide any meaningful style for how children
/// should be connected to their parents.
TextTreeConfiguration _childTextConfiguration(
DiagnosticsNode child,
TextTreeConfiguration textStyle,
DiagnosticsNode child,
TextTreeConfiguration textStyle,
) {
final DiagnosticsTreeStyle childStyle = child?.style;
return (_isSingleLine(childStyle) || childStyle == DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty) ? textStyle : child.textTreeConfiguration;
......@@ -1588,9 +1588,9 @@ abstract class DiagnosticsNode {
/// The provided `nodes` may be properties or children of the `parent`
/// [DiagnosticsNode].
static List<Map<String, Object>> toJsonList(
List<DiagnosticsNode> nodes,
DiagnosticsNode parent,
DiagnosticsSerializationDelegate delegate,
List<DiagnosticsNode> nodes,
DiagnosticsNode parent,
DiagnosticsSerializationDelegate delegate,
) {
bool truncated = false;
if (nodes == null)
......@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ class BottomNavigationBar extends StatefulWidget {
// [BottomNavigationBarType.fixed] is used for 3 or fewer items, and
// [BottomNavigationBarType.shifting] is used for 4+ items.
static BottomNavigationBarType _type(
BottomNavigationBarType type,
List<BottomNavigationBarItem> items,
BottomNavigationBarType type,
List<BottomNavigationBarItem> items,
) {
if (type != null) {
return type;
......@@ -476,13 +476,13 @@ class _RangeSliderState extends State<RangeSlider> with TickerProviderStateMixin
// non-zero displacement is negative, then the left thumb is selected, and if its
// positive, then the right thumb is selected.
static final RangeThumbSelector _defaultRangeThumbSelector = (
TextDirection textDirection,
RangeValues values,
double tapValue,
Size thumbSize,
Size trackSize,
double dx, // The horizontal delta or displacement of the drag update.
) {
TextDirection textDirection,
RangeValues values,
double tapValue,
Size thumbSize,
Size trackSize,
double dx, // The horizontal delta or displacement of the drag update.
) {
final double touchRadius = math.max(thumbSize.width, RangeSlider._minTouchTargetWidth) / 2;
final bool inStartTouchTarget = (tapValue - values.start).abs() * trackSize.width < touchRadius;
final bool inEndTouchTarget = (tapValue - values.end).abs() * trackSize.width < touchRadius;
......@@ -1626,16 +1626,16 @@ class RoundedRectSliderTrackShape extends SliderTrackShape with BaseSliderTrackS
void paint(
PaintingContext context,
Offset offset, {
@required RenderBox parentBox,
@required SliderThemeData sliderTheme,
@required Animation<double> enableAnimation,
@required TextDirection textDirection,
@required Offset thumbCenter,
bool isDiscrete = false,
bool isEnabled = false,
}) {
PaintingContext context,
Offset offset, {
@required RenderBox parentBox,
@required SliderThemeData sliderTheme,
@required Animation<double> enableAnimation,
@required TextDirection textDirection,
@required Offset thumbCenter,
bool isDiscrete = false,
bool isEnabled = false,
}) {
assert(context != null);
assert(offset != null);
assert(parentBox != null);
......@@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@ class MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData extends CupertinoThemeData {
/// The [materialTheme] parameter must not be null.
@required ThemeData materialTheme,
@required ThemeData materialTheme,
}) : this._(
(materialTheme.cupertinoOverrideTheme ?? const CupertinoThemeData()).noDefault(),
......@@ -469,10 +469,10 @@ class ColorProperty extends DiagnosticsProperty<Color> {
String name,
Color value, {
bool showName = true,
Object defaultValue = kNoDefaultValue,
DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine,
DiagnosticLevel level = DiagnosticLevel.info,
bool showName = true,
Object defaultValue = kNoDefaultValue,
DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine,
DiagnosticLevel level = DiagnosticLevel.info,
}) : assert(showName != null),
assert(style != null),
assert(level != null),
......@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ Color _sample(List<Color> colors, List<double> stops, double t) {
_ColorsAndStops _interpolateColorsAndStops(
List<Color> aColors,
List<double> aStops,
List<Color> bColors,
List<double> bStops,
double t,
List<Color> aColors,
List<double> aStops,
List<Color> bColors,
List<double> bStops,
double t,
) {
assert(aColors.length >= 2);
assert(bColors.length >= 2);
......@@ -164,9 +164,7 @@ class MatrixUtils {
static Float64List _minMax;
static void _accumulate(Float64List m, double x, double y,
bool first, bool isAffine)
static void _accumulate(Float64List m, double x, double y, bool first, bool isAffine) {
final double w = isAffine ? 1.0 : 1.0 / (m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[15]);
final double tx = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[12]) * w;
final double ty = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[13]) * w;
......@@ -99,9 +99,10 @@ abstract class ShaderWarmUp {
/// issues seen so far.
class DefaultShaderWarmUp extends ShaderWarmUp {
/// Allow [DefaultShaderWarmUp] to be used as the default value of parameters.
const DefaultShaderWarmUp(
{this.drawCallSpacing = 0.0,
this.canvasSize = const ui.Size(100.0, 100.0)});
const DefaultShaderWarmUp({
this.drawCallSpacing = 0.0,
this.canvasSize = const ui.Size(100.0, 100.0),
/// Constant that can be used to space out draw calls for visualizing the draws
/// for debugging purposes (example: 80.0). Be sure to also change your canvas
......@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ class Hero extends StatefulWidget {
// should be considered for animation when `navigator` transitions from one
// PageRoute to another.
static Map<Object, _HeroState> _allHeroesFor(
BuildContext context,
bool isUserGestureTransition,
NavigatorState navigator,
BuildContext context,
bool isUserGestureTransition,
NavigatorState navigator,
) {
assert(context != null);
assert(isUserGestureTransition != null);
......@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ class IconDataProperty extends DiagnosticsProperty<IconData> {
String name,
IconData value, {
String ifNull,
bool showName = true,
DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine,
DiagnosticLevel level = DiagnosticLevel.info,
String ifNull,
bool showName = true,
DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.singleLine,
DiagnosticLevel level = DiagnosticLevel.info,
}) : assert(showName != null),
assert(style != null),
assert(level != null),
......@@ -1625,17 +1625,17 @@ mixin WidgetInspectorService {
/// * [getChildrenDetailsSubtree], a method to get children of a node
/// in the details subtree.
String getDetailsSubtree(
String id,
String groupName, {
int subtreeDepth = 2,
}) {
String id,
String groupName, {
int subtreeDepth = 2,
}) {
return _safeJsonEncode(_getDetailsSubtree( id, groupName, subtreeDepth));
Map<String, Object> _getDetailsSubtree(
String id,
String groupName,
int subtreeDepth,
String id,
String groupName,
int subtreeDepth,
) {
final DiagnosticsNode root = toObject(id);
if (root == null) {
......@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ class PathBoundsMatcher extends Matcher {
class PathPointsMatcher extends Matcher {
const PathPointsMatcher({
this.includes = const <Offset>[],
this.excludes = const <Offset>[],
this.includes = const <Offset>[],
this.excludes = const <Offset>[],
}) : super();
final Iterable<Offset> includes;
......@@ -1291,9 +1291,7 @@ void main() {
expect(selectedIndex, 13);
testWidgets('Dropdown button will accept widgets as its underline', (
WidgetTester tester) async {
testWidgets('Dropdown button will accept widgets as its underline', (WidgetTester tester) async {
const BoxDecoration decoration = BoxDecoration(
border: Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFFCCBB00), width: 4.0)),
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ class TestCanvas implements Canvas {
Widget _buildBoilerplate({
TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr,
EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.zero,
Widget child,
TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr,
EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.zero,
Widget child,
}) {
return Directionality(
textDirection: textDirection,
......@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ class LoggingThumbShape extends SliderComponentShape {
void paint(
PaintingContext context,
Offset thumbCenter, {
Animation<double> activationAnimation,
Animation<double> enableAnimation,
bool isEnabled,
bool isDiscrete,
bool onActiveTrack,
TextPainter labelPainter,
RenderBox parentBox,
SliderThemeData sliderTheme,
TextDirection textDirection,
double value,
}) {
PaintingContext context,
Offset thumbCenter, {
Animation<double> activationAnimation,
Animation<double> enableAnimation,
bool isEnabled,
bool isDiscrete,
bool onActiveTrack,
TextPainter labelPainter,
RenderBox parentBox,
SliderThemeData sliderTheme,
TextDirection textDirection,
double value,
}) {
final Paint thumbPaint = Paint()..color = Colors.red;
context.canvas.drawCircle(thumbCenter, 5.0, thumbPaint);
......@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ class TallSliderTickMarkShape extends SliderTickMarkShape {
void paint(
PaintingContext context,
Offset offset, {
Offset thumbCenter,
RenderBox parentBox,
SliderThemeData sliderTheme,
Animation<double> enableAnimation,
bool isEnabled,
TextDirection textDirection,
}) {
PaintingContext context,
Offset offset, {
Offset thumbCenter,
RenderBox parentBox,
SliderThemeData sliderTheme,
Animation<double> enableAnimation,
bool isEnabled,
TextDirection textDirection,
}) {
final Paint paint = Paint()..color = Colors.red;
context.canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromLTWH(offset.dx, offset.dy, 10.0, 20.0), paint);
......@@ -104,30 +104,55 @@ class TestRecordingPaintingContext extends ClipContext implements PaintingContex
ClipRectLayer pushClipRect(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect clipRect,
PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge, ClipRectLayer oldLayer }) {
ClipRectLayer pushClipRect(
bool needsCompositing,
Offset offset,
Rect clipRect,
PaintingContextCallback painter, {
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
ClipRectLayer oldLayer,
}) {
clipRectAndPaint(clipRect.shift(offset), clipBehavior, clipRect.shift(offset), () => painter(this, offset));
return null;
ClipRRectLayer pushClipRRect(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect bounds, RRect clipRRect,
PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, ClipRRectLayer oldLayer }) {
ClipRRectLayer pushClipRRect(
bool needsCompositing,
Offset offset,
Rect bounds,
RRect clipRRect,
PaintingContextCallback painter, {
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
ClipRRectLayer oldLayer,
}) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
clipRRectAndPaint(clipRRect.shift(offset), clipBehavior, bounds.shift(offset), () => painter(this, offset));
return null;
ClipPathLayer pushClipPath(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect bounds, Path clipPath,
PaintingContextCallback painter, { Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, ClipPathLayer oldLayer }) {
ClipPathLayer pushClipPath(
bool needsCompositing,
Offset offset,
Rect bounds,
Path clipPath,
PaintingContextCallback painter, {
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
ClipPathLayer oldLayer,
}) {
clipPathAndPaint(clipPath.shift(offset), clipBehavior, bounds.shift(offset), () => painter(this, offset));
return null;
TransformLayer pushTransform(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Matrix4 transform,
PaintingContextCallback painter, { TransformLayer oldLayer }) {
TransformLayer pushTransform(
bool needsCompositing,
Offset offset,
Matrix4 transform,
PaintingContextCallback painter, {
TransformLayer oldLayer,
}) {
painter(this, offset);
......@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ class TestRenderSliverBoxChildManager extends RenderSliverBoxChildManager {
double estimateMaxScrollOffset(
SliverConstraints constraints, {
int firstIndex,
int lastIndex,
double leadingScrollOffset,
double trailingScrollOffset,
}) {
SliverConstraints constraints, {
int firstIndex,
int lastIndex,
double leadingScrollOffset,
double trailingScrollOffset,
}) {
assert(lastIndex >= firstIndex);
return children.length * (trailingScrollOffset - leadingScrollOffset) / (lastIndex - firstIndex + 1);
......@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ class ViewportOffsetSpy extends ViewportOffset {
Future<void> animateTo(
double to, {
@required Duration duration,
@required Curve curve,
}) async {
double to, {
@required Duration duration,
@required Curve curve,
}) async {
// Do nothing, not required in test.
......@@ -224,10 +224,11 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
String runAdbCheckedSync(
List<String> params, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter = false,
Map<String, String> environment}) {
List<String> params, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter = false,
Map<String, String> environment,
}) {
return processUtils.runSync(
throwOnError: true,
......@@ -239,10 +240,10 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
Future<RunResult> runAdbCheckedAsync(
List<String> params, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter = false,
}) async {
List<String> params, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter = false,
}) async {
return processUtils.run(
throwOnError: true,
......@@ -79,9 +79,10 @@ import 'dart:async';
/// [onError] must have type `FutureOr<T> Function(Object error)` or
/// `FutureOr<T> Function(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace)` otherwise an
/// [ArgumentError] will be thrown synchronously.
Future<T> asyncGuard<T>(Future<T> Function() fn, {
Function onError,
}) {
Future<T> asyncGuard<T>(
Future<T> Function() fn, {
Function onError,
}) {
if (onError != null &&
onError is! _UnaryOnError<T> &&
onError is! _BinaryOnError<T>) {
......@@ -71,12 +71,10 @@ void ensureDirectoryExists(String filePath) {
/// Skips files if [shouldCopyFile] returns `false`.
void copyDirectorySync(
Directory srcDir,
Directory destDir,
bool shouldCopyFile(File srcFile, File destFile),
void onFileCopied(File srcFile, File destFile),
) {
Directory destDir, {
bool shouldCopyFile(File srcFile, File destFile),
void onFileCopied(File srcFile, File destFile),
}) {
if (!srcDir.existsSync()) {
throw Exception('Source directory "${srcDir.path}" does not exist, nothing to copy');
......@@ -629,8 +629,14 @@ void verifyOutputDirectories(List<File> outputs, Environment environment, Target
/// A node in the build graph.
class Node {
Node(this.target, this.inputs, this.outputs, this.dependencies,
Environment environment, this.missingDepfile) {
Environment environment,
) {
final File stamp = target._findStampFile(environment);
// If the stamp file doesn't exist, we haven't run this step before and
......@@ -215,8 +215,7 @@ abstract class Source {
/// The source is provided by an [Artifact].
/// If [artifact] points to a directory then all child files are included.
const factory Source.artifact(Artifact artifact, {TargetPlatform platform,
BuildMode mode}) = _ArtifactSource;
const factory Source.artifact(Artifact artifact, {TargetPlatform platform, BuildMode mode}) = _ArtifactSource;
/// The source is provided by a depfile generated at runtime.
......@@ -92,8 +92,7 @@ class FuchsiaAmberCtl {
/// Instructs the pkg_resolver instance running on [device] to prefetch the
/// package [packageName].
Future<bool> pkgCtlResolve(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server,
String packageName) async {
Future<bool> pkgCtlResolve(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server, String packageName) async {
final String packageUrl = 'fuchsia-pkg://${server.name}/$packageName';
final RunResult result = await device.shell('pkgctl resolve $packageUrl');
return result.exitCode == 0;
......@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ Future<void> _timedBuildStep(String name, Future<void> Function() action) async
// 2. Create a manifest file for assets.
// 3. Using these manifests, use the Fuchsia SDK 'pm' tool to create the
// Fuchsia package.
Future<void> buildFuchsia(
{@required FuchsiaProject fuchsiaProject,
@required String target, // E.g., lib/main.dart
BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo.debug}) async {
Future<void> buildFuchsia({
@required FuchsiaProject fuchsiaProject,
@required String target, // E.g., lib/main.dart
BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo.debug,
}) async {
final Directory outDir = fs.directory(getFuchsiaBuildDirectory());
if (!outDir.existsSync()) {
outDir.createSync(recursive: true);
......@@ -53,9 +54,10 @@ Future<void> buildFuchsia(
Future<void> _buildAssets(
FuchsiaProject fuchsiaProject,
String target, // lib/main.dart
BuildInfo buildInfo) async {
FuchsiaProject fuchsiaProject,
String target, // lib/main.dart
BuildInfo buildInfo,
) async {
final String assetDir = getAssetBuildDirectory();
final AssetBundle assets = await buildAssets(
manifestPath: fuchsiaProject.project.pubspecFile.path,
......@@ -110,9 +112,10 @@ void _rewriteCmx(BuildMode mode, File src, File dst) {
// TODO(zra): Allow supplying a signing key.
Future<void> _buildPackage(
FuchsiaProject fuchsiaProject,
String target, // lib/main.dart
BuildInfo buildInfo) async {
FuchsiaProject fuchsiaProject,
String target, // lib/main.dart
BuildInfo buildInfo,
) async {
final String outDir = getFuchsiaBuildDirectory();
final String pkgDir = fs.path.join(outDir, 'pkg');
final String appName = fuchsiaProject.project.manifest.appName;
......@@ -498,9 +498,9 @@ class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
return null;
FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol getIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(
String isolateName) =>
FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(this, isolateName);
FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol getIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(String isolateName) {
return FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(this, isolateName);
bool isSupportedForProject(FlutterProject flutterProject) {
......@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ class FuchsiaPM {
/// where $APPNAME is the same [appName] passed to [init], and meta/package
/// is set up to be the file `meta/package` created by [init].
Future<bool> build(
String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) {
Future<bool> build(String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) {
return _runPMCommand(<String>[
......@@ -279,7 +279,8 @@ class XcodeProjectInterpreter {
/// Asynchronously retrieve xcode build settings. This one is preferred for
/// new call-sites.
Future<Map<String, String>> getBuildSettings(
String projectPath, String target, {
String projectPath,
String target, {
Duration timeout = const Duration(minutes: 1),
}) async {
final Status status = Status.withSpinner(
......@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ import 'cocoapods.dart';
/// For a given build, determines whether dependencies have changed since the
/// last call to processPods, then calls processPods with that information.
Future<void> processPodsIfNeeded(XcodeBasedProject xcodeProject,
String buildDirectory, BuildMode buildMode) async {
Future<void> processPodsIfNeeded(XcodeBasedProject xcodeProject, String buildDirectory, BuildMode buildMode) async {
final FlutterProject project = xcodeProject.parent;
// Ensure that the plugin list is up to date, since hasPlugins relies on it.
......@@ -157,8 +157,13 @@ class MDnsObservatoryDiscoveryResult {
final String authCode;
Future<Uri> buildObservatoryUri(Device device,
String host, int devicePort, [int observatoryPort, String authCode]) async {
Future<Uri> buildObservatoryUri(
Device device,
String host,
int devicePort, [
int observatoryPort,
String authCode,
]) async {
String path = '/';
if (authCode != null) {
path = authCode;
......@@ -484,8 +484,12 @@ abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<void> {
/// For example, the command path (e.g. `build/apk`) and the result,
/// as well as the time spent running it.
void _sendPostUsage(String commandPath, FlutterCommandResult commandResult,
DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) {
void _sendPostUsage(
String commandPath,
FlutterCommandResult commandResult,
DateTime startTime,
DateTime endTime,
) {
if (commandPath == null) {
......@@ -205,8 +205,12 @@ class FlutterWebPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
Future<RunnerSuite> load(String path, SuitePlatform platform,
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig, Object message) async {
Future<RunnerSuite> load(
String path,
SuitePlatform platform,
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig,
Object message,
) async {
if (_closed) {
return null;
......@@ -509,8 +513,11 @@ class BrowserManager {
/// Returns the browser manager, or throws an [ApplicationException] if a
/// connection fails to be established.
static Future<BrowserManager> start(
Runtime runtime, Uri url, Future<WebSocketChannel> future,
{bool debug = false}) async {
Runtime runtime,
Uri url,
Future<WebSocketChannel> future, {
bool debug = false,
}) async {
final Chrome chrome =
await chromeLauncher.launch(url.toString(), headless: true);
......@@ -671,8 +678,12 @@ class BrowserManager {
/// All methods forward directly to [BrowserManager].
class _BrowserEnvironment implements Environment {
_BrowserEnvironment(this._manager, this.observatoryUrl,
this.remoteDebuggerUrl, this.onRestart);
final BrowserManager _manager;
......@@ -180,8 +180,7 @@ class MockFuchsiaPM extends Mock implements FuchsiaPM {
Future<bool> build(
String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
Future<bool> build(String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
if (!fs.file(fs.path.join(buildPath, 'meta', 'package')).existsSync() ||
!fs.file(keyPath).existsSync() ||
!fs.file(manifestPath).existsSync()) {
......@@ -192,8 +191,7 @@ class MockFuchsiaPM extends Mock implements FuchsiaPM {
Future<bool> archive(
String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
Future<bool> archive(String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
if (!fs.file(fs.path.join(buildPath, 'meta', 'package')).existsSync() ||
!fs.file(keyPath).existsSync() ||
!fs.file(manifestPath).existsSync()) {
......@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ void main() {
Future<void> _testFile(
String testName,
String workingDirectory,
String testDirectory, {
Matcher exitCode,
List<String> extraArguments = const <String>[],
}) async {
String testName,
String workingDirectory,
String testDirectory, {
Matcher exitCode,
List<String> extraArguments = const <String>[],
}) async {
exitCode ??= isNonZero;
final String fullTestExpectation = fs.path.join(testDirectory, '${testName}_expectation.txt');
final File expectationFile = fs.file(fullTestExpectation);
......@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ void main() {
caughtByHandler = false;
zone = Zone.current.fork(specification: ZoneSpecification(
handleUncaughtError: (
Zone self,
ZoneDelegate parent,
Zone zone,
Object error,
StackTrace stackTrace,
) {
Zone self,
ZoneDelegate parent,
Zone zone,
Object error,
StackTrace stackTrace,
) {
caughtByZone = true;
if (!caughtInZone.isCompleted) {
......@@ -336,8 +336,7 @@ void main() {
group(FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol, () {
Future<Uri> findUri(
List<MockFlutterView> views, String expectedIsolateName) {
Future<Uri> findUri(List<MockFlutterView> views, String expectedIsolateName) {
final MockPortForwarder portForwarder = MockPortForwarder();
final MockVMService vmService = MockVMService();
final MockVM vm = MockVM();
......@@ -641,11 +640,11 @@ class MockFile extends Mock implements File {}
class MockProcess extends Mock implements Process {}
Process _createMockProcess({
int exitCode = 0,
String stdout = '',
String stderr = '',
bool persistent = false,
}) {
int exitCode = 0,
String stdout = '',
String stderr = '',
bool persistent = false,
}) {
final Stream<List<int>> stdoutStream = Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(<List<int>>[
......@@ -717,9 +716,9 @@ class FuchsiaDeviceWithFakeDiscovery extends FuchsiaDevice {
FuchsiaDeviceWithFakeDiscovery(String id, {String name}) : super(id, name: name);
FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol getIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(
String isolateName) =>
FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol getIsolateDiscoveryProtocol(String isolateName) {
return FakeFuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol();
class FakeFuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol implements FuchsiaIsolateDiscoveryProtocol {
......@@ -752,8 +751,7 @@ class FakeFuchsiaAmberCtl implements FuchsiaAmberCtl {
Future<bool> pkgCtlResolve(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server,
String packageName) async {
Future<bool> pkgCtlResolve(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server, String packageName) async {
return true;
......@@ -785,8 +783,7 @@ class FailingAmberCtl implements FuchsiaAmberCtl {
Future<bool> pkgCtlResolve(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server,
String packageName) async {
Future<bool> pkgCtlResolve(FuchsiaDevice device, FuchsiaPackageServer server, String packageName) async {
return false;
......@@ -910,8 +907,7 @@ class FakeFuchsiaPM implements FuchsiaPM {
Future<bool> build(
String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
Future<bool> build(String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
if (!fs.file(fs.path.join(buildPath, 'meta', 'package')).existsSync() ||
!fs.file(keyPath).existsSync() ||
!fs.file(manifestPath).existsSync()) {
......@@ -922,8 +918,7 @@ class FakeFuchsiaPM implements FuchsiaPM {
Future<bool> archive(
String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
Future<bool> archive(String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
if (!fs.file(fs.path.join(buildPath, 'meta', 'package')).existsSync() ||
!fs.file(keyPath).existsSync() ||
!fs.file(manifestPath).existsSync()) {
......@@ -975,14 +970,12 @@ class FailingPM implements FuchsiaPM {
Future<bool> build(
String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
Future<bool> build(String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
return false;
Future<bool> archive(
String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
Future<bool> archive(String buildPath, String keyPath, String manifestPath) async {
return false;
......@@ -88,13 +88,14 @@ void main() {
class MockProcessManager extends Mock implements ProcessManager {}
class MockPlatform extends Mock implements Platform {
{this.windows = false,
this.macos = false,
this.linux = false,
this.environment = const <String, String>{
kChromeEnvironment: 'chrome',
this.windows = false,
this.macos = false,
this.linux = false,
this.environment = const <String, String>{
kChromeEnvironment: 'chrome',
final bool windows;
final bool macos;
......@@ -67,10 +67,11 @@ void main() {
// Sets up the mock environment so that searching for Visual Studio with
// exactly the given required components will provide a result. By default it
// return a preset installation, but the response can be overridden.
void setMockVswhereResponse(
[List<String> requiredComponents,
List<String> additionalArguments,
Map<String, dynamic> response]) {
void setMockVswhereResponse([
List<String> requiredComponents,
List<String> additionalArguments,
Map<String, dynamic> response,
]) {
fs.file(vswherePath).createSync(recursive: true);
fs.file(vcvarsPath).createSync(recursive: true);
......@@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ class MockProcessManager extends Mock implements ProcessManager {
/// a given number of times before succeeding. The returned processes will
/// fail after a delay if one is supplied.
ProcessFactory flakyProcessFactory({
int flakes,
bool Function(List<String> command) filter,
Duration delay,
Stream<List<int>> Function() stdout,
Stream<List<int>> Function() stderr,
}) {
int flakes,
bool Function(List<String> command) filter,
Duration delay,
Stream<List<int>> Function() stdout,
Stream<List<int>> Function() stderr,
}) {
int flakesLeft = flakes;
stdout ??= () => const Stream<List<int>>.empty();
stderr ??= () => const Stream<List<int>>.empty();
......@@ -188,25 +188,19 @@ class FakeHttpClient implements HttpClient {
String userAgent;
void addCredentials(
Uri url, String realm, HttpClientCredentials credentials) {}
void addCredentials(Uri url, String realm, HttpClientCredentials credentials) {}
void addProxyCredentials(
String host, int port, String realm, HttpClientCredentials credentials) {}
void addProxyCredentials(String host, int port, String realm, HttpClientCredentials credentials) {}
set authenticate(
Future<bool> Function(Uri url, String scheme, String realm) f) {}
set authenticate(Future<bool> Function(Uri url, String scheme, String realm) f) {}
set authenticateProxy(
Future<bool> Function(String host, int port, String scheme, String realm)
f) {}
set authenticateProxy(Future<bool> Function(String host, int port, String scheme, String realm) f) {}
set badCertificateCallback(
bool Function(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) callback) {}
set badCertificateCallback(bool Function(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) callback) {}
void close({bool force = false}) {}
......@@ -68,8 +68,12 @@ class VMPlatform extends PlatformPlugin {
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<RunnerSuite> load(String codePath, SuitePlatform platform,
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig, Object message) async {
Future<RunnerSuite> load(
String codePath,
SuitePlatform platform,
SuiteConfiguration suiteConfig,
Object message,
) async {
final ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
Isolate isolate;
try {
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