Commit 8847b866 authored by stevemessick's avatar stevemessick

Add validity checks to create (#3215)

* Add validity checks to create

* Adjust indent
parent d9e0c32d
......@@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ class CreateCommand extends Command {
String dirPath = path.normalize(projectDir.absolute.path);
String projectName = _normalizeProjectName(path.basename(dirPath));
if (_validateProjectDir(dirPath) != null) {
return 1;
if (_validateProjectName(projectName) != null) {
return 1;
......@@ -217,9 +221,32 @@ final Set<String> _packageDependencies = new Set<String>.from(<String>[
String _validateProjectName(String projectName) {
if (_packageDependencies.contains(projectName)) {
return "Invalid project name: '$projectName' - this will conflict with Flutter "
"package dependencies.";
"package dependencies.";
return null;
/// Return `null` if the project directory is legal. Return a validation message
/// if we should disallow the directory name.
String _validateProjectDir(String projectName) {
FileSystemEntityType type = FileSystemEntity.typeSync(projectName);
if (type != FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND) {
switch(type) {
case FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY:
// Do not re-use directory if it is not empty.
if (new Directory(projectName).listSync(followLinks: false).isNotEmpty) {
return "Invalid project name: '$projectName' - refers to a directory "
"that is not empty.";
case FileSystemEntityType.FILE:
// Do not overwrite files.
return "Invalid project name: '$projectName' - file exists.";
case FileSystemEntityType.LINK:
// Do not overwrite links.
return "Invalid project name: '$projectName' - refers to a link.";
return null;
......@@ -48,5 +48,31 @@ void main() {
// This test can take a while due to network requests.
timeout: new Timeout(new Duration(minutes: 2)));
// Verify that we fail with an error code when the file exists.
testUsingContext('fails when file exists', () async {
ArtifactStore.flutterRoot = '../..';
CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
CommandRunner runner = new CommandRunner('test_flutter', '')
File existingFile = new File("${temp.path.toString()}/bad");
if (!existingFile.existsSync()) existingFile.createSync();
await['create', existingFile.path])
.then((int code) => expect(code, equals(1)));
// Verify that we fail with an error code when the file exists.
testUsingContext('fails with non-empty directory', () async {
ArtifactStore.flutterRoot = '../..';
CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
CommandRunner runner = new CommandRunner('test_flutter', '')
File existingFile = new File("${temp.path.toString()}/bad");
if (!existingFile.existsSync()) existingFile.createSync();
RandomAccessFile raf = existingFile.openSync();
await['create', temp.path])
.then((int code) => expect(code, equals(1)));
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