Commit 86a490ff authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Tracked skipped tests in technical debt benchmark (#9206)

parent a52c7b47
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
// the numbers below are odd, so that the totals don't seem round. :-)
const double todoCost = 1009.0; // about two average SWE days, in dollars
const double ignoreCost = 2003.0; // four average SWE days, in dollars
const double pythonCost = 3001.0; // six average SWE days, in dollars
const double pythonCost = 3001.0; // six average SWE days, in dollars
const double skipCost = 2473.0; // 20 hours: 5 to fix the issue we're ignoring, 15 to fix the bugs we missed because the test was off
final RegExp todoPattern = new RegExp(r'(?://|#) *TODO');
final RegExp ignorePattern = new RegExp(r'// *ignore:');
......@@ -25,12 +26,15 @@ Future<double> findCostsForFile(File file) async {
path.extension(file.path) != '.yaml' &&
path.extension(file.path) != '.sh')
return 0.0;
final bool isTest = file.path.endsWith('_test.dart');
double total = 0.0;
for (String line in await file.readAsLines()) {
if (line.contains(todoPattern))
total += todoCost;
if (line.contains(ignorePattern))
total += ignoreCost;
if (isTest && line.contains('skip:'))
total += skipCost;
return total;
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