Commit 8469ef03 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by Adam Barth

Trivial tabs-related fixes (#9191)

Add some commentary around DefaultTabController.initialIndex.
Fix typo (nuull) in TabBar.
Make some asserts more detailed.
parent fbcade59
......@@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ class DefaultTabController extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a default tab controller for the given [child] widget.
/// The [length] argument must be great than one.
/// The [initialIndex] argument must not be null.
Key key,
@required this.length,
......@@ -232,6 +234,8 @@ class DefaultTabController extends StatefulWidget {
final int length;
/// The initial index of the selected tab.
/// Defaults to zero.
final int initialIndex;
/// This widget's child. Often a [Scaffold] whose [AppBar] includes a [TabBar].
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class _DragAnimation extends Animation<double> with AnimationWithParentMixin<dou
class TabBar extends StatefulWidget implements AppBarBottomWidget {
/// Creates a material design tab bar.
/// The [tabs] argument must not be nuull and must have more than one widget.
/// The [tabs] argument must not be null and must have more than one widget.
/// If a [TabController] is not provided, then there must be a
/// [DefaultTabController] ancestor.
......@@ -446,6 +446,18 @@ class _TabBarState extends State<TabBar> {
void _updateTabController() {
final TabController newController = config.controller ?? DefaultTabController.of(context);
assert(() {
if (newController == null) {
throw new FlutterError(
'No TabController for ${config.runtimeType}.\n'
'When creating a ${config.runtimeType}, you must either provide an explicit '
'TabController using the "controller" property, or you must ensure that there '
'is a DefaultTabController above the ${config.runtimeType}.\n'
'In this case, there was neither an explicit controller nor a default controller.'
return true;
if (newController == _controller)
......@@ -700,6 +712,18 @@ class _TabBarViewState extends State<TabBarView> {
void _updateTabController() {
final TabController newController = config.controller ?? DefaultTabController.of(context);
assert(() {
if (newController == null) {
throw new FlutterError(
'No TabController for ${config.runtimeType}.\n'
'When creating a ${config.runtimeType}, you must either provide an explicit '
'TabController using the "controller" property, or you must ensure that there '
'is a DefaultTabController above the ${config.runtimeType}.\n'
'In this case, there was neither an explicit controller nor a default controller.'
return true;
if (newController == _controller)
......@@ -876,7 +900,18 @@ class TabPageSelector extends StatelessWidget {
final ColorTween selectedColor = new ColorTween(begin: Colors.transparent, end: color);
final ColorTween previousColor = new ColorTween(begin: color, end: Colors.transparent);
final TabController tabController = controller ?? DefaultTabController.of(context);
assert(tabController != null);
assert(() {
if (tabController == null) {
throw new FlutterError(
'No TabController for $runtimeType.\n'
'When creating a $runtimeType, you must either provide an explicit TabController '
'using the "controller" property, or you must ensure that there is a '
'DefaultTabController above the $runtimeType.\n'
'In this case, there was neither an explicit controller nor a default controller.'
return true;
final Animation<double> animation = new CurvedAnimation(
parent: tabController.animation,
curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
......@@ -9,25 +9,28 @@ import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
Widget buildSliverAppBarApp({ bool floating, bool pinned, double expandedHeight }) {
return new Scaffold(
body: new CustomScrollView(
primary: true,
slivers: <Widget>[
new SliverAppBar(
title: new Text('AppBar Title'),
floating: floating,
pinned: pinned,
expandedHeight: expandedHeight,
bottom: new TabBar(
tabs: <String>['A','B','C'].map((String t) => new Tab(text: 'TAB $t')).toList(),
body: new DefaultTabController(
length: 3,
child: new CustomScrollView(
primary: true,
slivers: <Widget>[
new SliverAppBar(
title: new Text('AppBar Title'),
floating: floating,
pinned: pinned,
expandedHeight: expandedHeight,
bottom: new TabBar(
tabs: <String>['A','B','C'].map((String t) => new Tab(text: 'TAB $t')).toList(),
new SliverToBoxAdapter(
child: new Container(
height: 1200.0,
new SliverToBoxAdapter(
child: new Container(
height: 1200.0,
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