Commit 82a92afe authored by Fedor Korotkov's avatar Fedor Korotkov Committed by Christopher Fujino

[ci] Use the latest Cirrus Image for macOS (#44576)

* [ci] use Xcode 11.2.1
* Always use the latest image
* sudo bundle install
parent 20169f0d
......@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ task:
# than just fetching the data in the first place.
image: mojave-xcode-10.2-flutter # see for list of images (we should update regularly)
image: mojave-flutter # see for list of images (we should update regularly)
# cpu is always 2
# memory is always 8G
......@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ task:
- date
- which flutter
- sudo gem install bundler -v 2.0.2 -N
- bundle install --system --gemfile=dev/ci/mac/Gemfile
- bundle --version
- sudo bundle install --system --gemfile=dev/ci/mac/Gemfile
- git clean -xffd
- git fetch origin
- git fetch origin master # To set FETCH_HEAD, so that "git merge-base" works.
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