Unverified Commit 81734be7 authored by Elliott Brooks (she/her)'s avatar Elliott Brooks (she/her) Committed by GitHub

Remove `package:shelf` version pin (#105261)

parent f9e190a6
......@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ const Map<String, String> kManuallyPinnedDependencies = <String, String>{
'archive': '3.1.11', // Breaking changes in 3.2.0, see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/98536
'flutter_gallery_assets': '1.0.2', // Tests depend on the exact version.
'flutter_template_images': '4.1.0', // Must always exactly match flutter_tools template.
// "shelf" is pinned to avoid the performance regression from a reverted
// feature from https://github.com/dart-lang/shelf/issues/189 . This can be
// removed when a new major version of shelf is published.
'shelf': '1.1.4',
'video_player': '2.2.11',
// Could potentially break color scheme tests on upgrade,
// so pin and manually update as needed.
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