Unverified Commit 81087ef2 authored by Michael Goderbauer's avatar Michael Goderbauer Committed by GitHub

Fix "unresolved doc reference" in widgets layer - part 1 (#62452)

parent a317c2c0
......@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ abstract class RenderSliverBoxChildManager {
/// If no child corresponds to `index`, then do nothing.
/// Which child is indicated by index zero depends on the [GrowthDirection]
/// specified in the [RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor.constraints]. For example
/// if the children are the alphabet, then if
/// specified in the `constraints` of the [RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor]. For
/// example if the children are the alphabet, then if
/// [SliverConstraints.growthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.forward] then
/// index zero is A, and index 25 is Z. On the other hand if
/// [SliverConstraints.growthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.reverse]
/// then index zero is Z, and index 25 is A.
/// [SliverConstraints.growthDirection] is [GrowthDirection.reverse] then
/// index zero is Z, and index 25 is A.
/// During a call to [createChild] it is valid to remove other children from
/// the [RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor] object if they were not created during
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ abstract class RenderSliverBoxChildManager {
/// Remove the given child from the child list.
/// Called by [RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor.collectGarbage], which itself is
/// called from [RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor.performLayout].
/// called from [RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor]'s `performLayout`.
/// The index of the given child can be obtained using the
/// [RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor.indexOf] method, which reads it from the
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ BuildContext _getParent(BuildContext context) {
/// A class representing a particular configuration of an [Action].
/// This class is what a key map in a [ShortcutMap] has as values, and is used
/// This class is what the [Shortcuts.shortcuts] map has as values, and is used
/// by an [ActionDispatcher] to look up an action and invoke it, giving it this
/// object to extract configuration information from.
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class WidgetsApp extends StatefulWidget {
/// _must_ contain an entry for `'/'`.
/// If [home] or [routes] are not null, the routing implementation needs to know how
/// appropriately build [PageRoutes]. This can be achieved by supplying the
/// appropriately build [PageRoute]s. This can be achieved by supplying the
/// [pageRouteBuilder] parameter. The [pageRouteBuilder] is used by [MaterialApp]
/// and [CupertinoApp] to create [MaterialPageRoute]s and [CupertinoPageRoute],
/// respectively.
......@@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ class WidgetsApp extends StatefulWidget {
/// rather than [builder] if you intend to only display a single route in your app.
/// [WidgetsApp] is also possible to provide a custom implementation of routing via the
/// [onGeneratedRoute] and [onUnknownRoute] parameters. These parameters correspond
/// [onGenerateRoute] and [onUnknownRoute] parameters. These parameters correspond
/// to [Navigator.onGenerateRoute] and [Navigator.onUnknownRoute]. If [home], [routes],
/// and [builder] are null, or if they fail to create a requested route,
/// [onGeneratedRoute] will be invoked. If that fails, [onUnknownRoute] will be invoked.
/// [onGenerateRoute] will be invoked. If that fails, [onUnknownRoute] will be invoked.
/// The [pageRouteBuilder] will create a [PageRoute] that wraps newly built routes.
/// If the [builder] is non-null and the [onGenerateRoute] argument is null, then the
......@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ class StreamBuilder<T> extends StreamBuilderBase<T, AsyncSnapshot<T>> {
/// a [Future].
/// The [future] must have been obtained earlier, e.g. during [State.initState],
/// [State.didUpdateConfig], or [State.didChangeDependencies]. It must not be
/// [State.didUpdateWidget], or [State.didChangeDependencies]. It must not be
/// created during the [State.build] or [StatelessWidget.build] method call when
/// constructing the [FutureBuilder]. If the [future] is created at the same
/// time as the [FutureBuilder], then every time the [FutureBuilder]'s parent is
......@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ class AutofillGroup extends StatefulWidget {
/// The [AutofillGroupState] class also provides an [attach] method that can be
/// called by [TextInputClient]s that support autofill, instead of
/// [TextInputClient.attach], to create a [TextInputConnection] to interact with
/// the platform's text input system.
/// [TextInputConnection.attach], to create a [TextInputConnection] to interact
/// with the platform's text input system.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// Typically obtained using [AutofillGroup.of].
......@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ class PhysicalModel extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// See also:
/// * [ShapeBorderClipper], which converts a [ShapeBorder] to a [CustomerClipper], as
/// * [ShapeBorderClipper], which converts a [ShapeBorder] to a [CustomClipper], as
/// needed by this widget.
class PhysicalShape extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// Creates a physical model with an arbitrary shape clip.
......@@ -1236,10 +1236,10 @@ class Transform extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// This is equivalent to setting an origin based on the size of the box.
/// If it is specified at the same time as the [origin], both are applied.
/// An [AlignmentDirectional.start] value is the same as an [Alignment]
/// An [AlignmentDirectional.centerStart] value is the same as an [Alignment]
/// whose [Alignment.x] value is `-1.0` if [textDirection] is
/// [TextDirection.ltr], and `1.0` if [textDirection] is [TextDirection.rtl].
/// Similarly [AlignmentDirectional.end] is the same as an [Alignment]
/// Similarly [AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd] is the same as an [Alignment]
/// whose [Alignment.x] value is `1.0` if [textDirection] is
/// [TextDirection.ltr], and `-1.0` if [textDirection] is [TextDirection.rtl].
final AlignmentGeometry alignment;
......@@ -1694,8 +1694,8 @@ class Padding extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// {@tool snippet}
/// The [Align] widget in this example uses one of the defined constants from
/// [Alignment], [topRight]. This places the [FlutterLogo] in the top right corner
/// of the parent blue [Container].
/// [Alignment], [Alignment.topRight]. This places the [FlutterLogo] in the top
/// right corner of the parent blue [Container].
/// ![A blue square container with the Flutter logo in the top right corner.](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/widgets/align_constant.png)
......@@ -5587,7 +5587,7 @@ class RawImage extends LeafRenderObjectWidget {
/// {@end-tool}
/// Assuming that `TestWidget` uses [DefaultAssetBundle.of] to obtain its
/// [AssetBundle], it will now see the [TestAssetBundle]'s "Hello World!" data
/// [AssetBundle], it will now see the `TestAssetBundle`'s "Hello World!" data
/// when requesting the "resources/test" asset.
/// See also:
......@@ -6607,8 +6607,8 @@ class MetaData extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// * [ExcludeSemantics], which excludes a subtree from the semantics tree
/// (which might be useful if it is, e.g., totally decorative and not
/// important to the user).
/// * [RenderObject.semanticsAnnotator], the rendering library API through which
/// the [Semantics] widget is actually implemented.
/// * [RenderObject.describeSemanticsConfiguration], the rendering library API
/// through which the [Semantics] widget is actually implemented.
/// * [SemanticsNode], the object used by the rendering library to represent
/// semantics in the semantics tree.
/// * [SemanticsDebugger], an overlay to help visualize the semantics tree. Can
......@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ mixin WidgetsBinding on BindingBase, ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, GestureB
/// Called when the system locale changes.
/// Calls [dispatchLocaleChanged] to notify the binding observers.
/// Calls [dispatchLocalesChanged] to notify the binding observers.
/// See [Window.onLocaleChanged].
......@@ -961,15 +961,16 @@ mixin WidgetsBinding on BindingBase, ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, GestureB
/// Computes the locale the current platform would resolve to.
/// This method is meant to be used as part of a [localeListResolutionCallback].
/// Since this method may return null, a Flutter/dart algorithm should still be
/// provided as a fallback in case a native resolved locale cannot be determined
/// or if the native resolved locale is undesirable.
/// This method is meant to be used as part of a
/// [WidgetsApp.localeListResolutionCallback]. Since this method may return
/// null, a Flutter/dart algorithm should still be provided as a fallback in
/// case a native resolved locale cannot be determined or if the native
/// resolved locale is undesirable.
/// This method may return a null [Locale] if the platform does not support
/// native locale resolution, or if the resolution failed.
/// The first [supportedLocale] is treated as the default locale and will be returned
/// The first `supportedLocale` is treated as the default locale and will be returned
/// if no better match is found.
/// Android and iOS are currently supported.
......@@ -994,7 +995,7 @@ mixin WidgetsBinding on BindingBase, ServicesBinding, SchedulerBinding, GestureB
/// Second-best (and n-best) matching locales should be obtained by calling this
/// method again with the matched locale of the first call omitted from
/// [supportedLocales].
/// `supportedLocales`.
Locale computePlatformResolvedLocale(List<Locale> supportedLocales) {
return window.computePlatformResolvedLocale(supportedLocales);
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import 'framework.dart';
/// Provides non-leaking access to a [BuildContext].
/// A [BuildContext] is only valid if it is pointing to an active [Element].
/// Once the [Element.dispose] method is called, the [BuildContext] should not
/// be accessed further. This class makes it possible for a [StatefulWidget] to
/// share its build context safely with other objects.
/// Once the [Element] is unmounted, the [BuildContext] should not be accessed
/// further. This class makes it possible for a [StatefulWidget] to share its
/// build context safely with other objects.
/// Creators of this object must guarantee the following:
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import 'scroll_simulation.dart';
/// The signature of a method that provides a [BuildContext] and
/// [ScrollController] for building a widget that may overflow the draggable
/// [Axis] of the containing [DraggableScrollSheet].
/// [Axis] of the containing [DraggableScrollableSheet].
/// Users should apply the [scrollController] to a [ScrollView] subclass, such
/// as a [SingleChildScrollView], [ListView] or [GridView], to have the whole
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ const int _kObscureShowLatestCharCursorTicks = 3;
/// with a [TextEditingController].
/// * [EditableText], which is a raw region of editable text that can be
/// controlled with a [TextEditingController].
/// * Learn how to use a [TextEditingController] in one of our [cookbook recipe]s.(https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/forms/text-field-changes#2-use-a-texteditingcontroller)
/// * Learn how to use a [TextEditingController] in one of our [cookbook recipes](https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/forms/text-field-changes#2-use-a-texteditingcontroller).
class TextEditingController extends ValueNotifier<TextEditingValue> {
/// Creates a controller for an editable text field.
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ class ToolbarOptions {
/// action when running on an Android device will result in an error when in
/// debug mode. In release mode, incompatible [TextInputAction]s are replaced
/// either with "unspecified" on Android, or "default" on iOS. Appropriate
/// [inputAction]s can be chosen by checking the current platform and then
/// [textInputAction]s can be chosen by checking the current platform and then
/// selecting the appropriate action.
/// ## Lifecycle
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ enum UnfocusDisposition {
/// a widget might need to host one if the widget subsystem is not being used,
/// or if the [Focus] and [FocusScope] widgets provide insufficient control.
/// [FocusNodes] are organized into _scopes_ (see [FocusScopeNode]), which form
/// [FocusNode]s are organized into _scopes_ (see [FocusScopeNode]), which form
/// sub-trees of nodes that restrict traversal to a group of nodes. Within a
/// scope, the most recent nodes to have focus are remembered, and if a node is
/// focused and then unfocused, the previous node receives focus again.
......@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ class FocusNode with DiagnosticableTreeMixin, ChangeNotifier {
/// that manage their own [FocusScopeNode]s and [FocusNode]s, respectively. If
/// they aren't appropriate, [FocusScopeNode]s can be managed directly._
/// [FocusScopeNode] organizes [FocusNodes] into _scopes_. Scopes form sub-trees
/// [FocusScopeNode] organizes [FocusNode]s into _scopes_. Scopes form sub-trees
/// of nodes that can be traversed as a group. Within a scope, the most recent
/// nodes to have focus are remembered, and if a node is focused and then
/// removed, the original node receives focus again.
......@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ import 'inherited_notifier.dart';
/// A widget that manages a [FocusNode] to allow keyboard focus to be given
/// to this widget and its descendants.
/// When the focus is gained or lost, [onFocusChanged] is called.
/// When the focus is gained or lost, [onFocusChange] is called.
/// For keyboard events, [onKey] is called if [FocusNode.hasFocus] is true for
/// this widget's [focusNode], unless a focused descendant's [onKey] callback
/// returns true when called.
/// This widget does not provide any visual indication that the focus has
/// changed. Any desired visual changes should be made when [onFocusChanged] is
/// changed. Any desired visual changes should be made when [onFocusChange] is
/// called.
/// To access the [FocusNode] of the nearest ancestor [Focus] widget and
......@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ class _FocusMarker extends InheritedNotifier<FocusNode> {
/// A widget that controls whether or not the descendants of this widget are
/// focusable.
/// Does not affect the value of [canRequestFocus] on the descendants.
/// Does not affect the value of [Focus.canRequestFocus] on the descendants.
/// See also:
......@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ class ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy extends FocusTraversalPolicy with DirectionalF
/// * [FocusTraversalGroup], a widget that groups together and imposes a
/// traversal policy on the [Focus] nodes below it in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [FocusTraversalOrder], a widget that assigns an order to a widget subtree
/// for the [OrderedFocusTraversalPolicy] to use.
/// for the [OrderedTraversalPolicy] to use.
/// * [NumericFocusOrder], for a focus order that describes its order with a
/// `double`.
/// * [LexicalFocusOrder], a focus order that assigns a string-based lexical
......@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ abstract class FocusOrder with Diagnosticable implements Comparable<FocusOrder>
/// See also:
/// * [FocusTraversalOrder], a widget that assigns an order to a widget subtree
/// for the [OrderedFocusTraversalPolicy] to use.
/// for the [OrderedTraversalPolicy] to use.
class NumericFocusOrder extends FocusOrder {
/// Const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
......@@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ class NumericFocusOrder extends FocusOrder {
/// See also:
/// * [FocusTraversalOrder], a widget that assigns an order to a widget subtree
/// for the [OrderedFocusTraversalPolicy] to use.
/// for the [OrderedTraversalPolicy] to use.
class LexicalFocusOrder extends FocusOrder {
/// Const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
......@@ -4506,7 +4506,7 @@ typedef TransitionBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child);
/// A builder that creates a widget given the two callbacks `onStepContinue` and
/// `onStepCancel`.
/// Used by [Stepper.builder].
/// Used by [Stepper.controlsBuilder].
/// See also:
......@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ ImageConfiguration createLocalImageConfiguration(BuildContext context, { Size si
/// large, or some other criteria implemented by a custom [ImageCache]
/// implementation.
/// The [ImageCache] holds a reference to all images passed to [putIfAbsent] as
/// long as their [ImageStreamCompleter] has at least one listener. This method
/// will wait until the end of the frame after its future completes before
/// releasing its own listener. This gives callers a chance to listen to the
/// stream if necessary. A caller can determine if the image ended up in the
/// cache by calling [ImageProvider.obtainCacheStatus]. If it is only held as
/// [ImageCacheStatus.live], and the caller wishes to keep the resolved
/// image in memory, the caller should immediately call `provider.resolve` and
/// add a listener to the returned [ImageStream]. The image will remain pinned
/// in memory at least until the caller removes its listener from the stream,
/// even if it would not otherwise fit into the cache.
/// The [ImageCache] holds a reference to all images passed to
/// [ImageCache.putIfAbsent] as long as their [ImageStreamCompleter] has at
/// least one listener. This method will wait until the end of the frame after
/// its future completes before releasing its own listener. This gives callers a
/// chance to listen to the stream if necessary. A caller can determine if the
/// image ended up in the cache by calling [ImageProvider.obtainCacheStatus]. If
/// it is only held as [ImageCacheStatus.live], and the caller wishes to keep
/// the resolved image in memory, the caller should immediately call
/// `provider.resolve` and add a listener to the returned [ImageStream]. The
/// image will remain pinned in memory at least until the caller removes its
/// listener from the stream, even if it would not otherwise fit into the cache.
/// Callers should be cautious about pinning large images or a large number of
/// images in memory, as this can result in running out of memory and being
......@@ -281,12 +281,12 @@ typedef ImageErrorWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(
/// The [Image.asset], [Image.network], [Image.file], and [Image.memory]
/// constructors allow a custom decode size to be specified through
/// [cacheWidth] and [cacheHeight] parameters. The engine will decode the
/// `cacheWidth` and `cacheHeight` parameters. The engine will decode the
/// image to the specified size, which is primarily intended to reduce the
/// memory usage of [ImageCache].
/// In the case where a network image is used on the Web platform, the
/// [cacheWidth] and [cacheHeight] parameters are ignored as the Web engine
/// `cacheWidth` and `cacheHeight` parameters are ignored as the Web engine
/// delegates image decoding of network images to the Web, which does not support
/// custom decode sizes.
......@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ abstract class AnimatedWidgetBaseState<T extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget> exten
/// {@tool dartpad --template=stateful_widget_scaffold}
/// The following example (depicted above) transitions an AnimatedContainer
/// between two states. It adjusts the [height], [width], [color], and
/// between two states. It adjusts the `height`, `width`, `color`, and
/// [alignment] properties when tapped.
/// ```dart
......@@ -790,7 +790,8 @@ class _AnimatedContainerState extends AnimatedWidgetBaseState<AnimatedContainer>
/// * [AnimatedContainer], which can transition more values at once.
/// * [AnimatedAlign], which automatically transitions its child's
/// position over a given duration whenever the given [alignment] changes.
/// position over a given duration whenever the given
/// [AnimatedAlign.alignment] changes.
class AnimatedPadding extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget {
/// Creates a widget that insets its child by a value that animates
/// implicitly.
......@@ -1535,7 +1536,7 @@ class _SliverAnimatedOpacityState extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState<SliverAn
/// without explicit style) over a given duration whenever the given style
/// changes.
/// The [textAlign], [softWrap], [textOverflow], [maxLines], [textWidthBasis]
/// The [textAlign], [softWrap], [overflow], [maxLines], [textWidthBasis]
/// and [textHeightBehavior] properties are not animated and take effect
/// immediately when changed.
......@@ -300,12 +300,12 @@ class FixedExtentScrollController extends ScrollController {
/// Metrics for a [ScrollPosition] to a scroll view with fixed item sizes.
/// The metrics are available on [ScrollNotification]s generated from a scroll
/// views such as [ListWheelScrollView]s with a [FixedExtentScrollController] and
/// exposes the current [itemIndex] and the scroll view's [itemExtent].
/// views such as [ListWheelScrollView]s with a [FixedExtentScrollController]
/// and exposes the current [itemIndex] and the scroll view's extents.
/// `FixedExtent` refers to the fact that the scrollable items have the same size.
/// This is distinct from `Fixed` in the parent class name's [FixedScrollMetric]
/// which refers to its immutability.
/// `FixedExtent` refers to the fact that the scrollable items have the same
/// size. This is distinct from `Fixed` in the parent class name's
/// [FixedScrollMetrics] which refers to its immutability.
class FixedExtentMetrics extends FixedScrollMetrics {
/// Creates an immutable snapshot of values associated with a
/// [ListWheelScrollView].
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class _WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<WidgetsLocaliz
/// * [GlobalWidgetsLocalizations], which provides widgets localizations for
/// many languages.
/// * [WidgetsApp.delegates], which automatically includes
/// * [WidgetsApp.localizationsDelegates], which automatically includes
/// [DefaultWidgetsLocalizations.delegate] by default.
class DefaultWidgetsLocalizations implements WidgetsLocalizations {
/// Construct an object that defines the localized values for the widgets
......@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ abstract class Route<T> {
/// Returns whether calling [Navigator.maybePop] when this [Route] is current
/// ([isCurrent]) should do anything.
/// [Navigator.maybePop] is usually used instead of [pop] to handle the system
/// back button.
/// [Navigator.maybePop] is usually used instead of [Navigator.pop] to handle
/// the system back button.
/// By default, if a [Route] is the first route in the history (i.e., if
/// [isFirst]), it reports that pops should be bubbled
......@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@ class DefaultTransitionDelegate<T> extends TransitionDelegate<T> {
/// root [Navigator].
/// In practice, the nested [Navigator]s for tabbed navigation sit in the
/// [WidgetApp] and [CupertinoTabView] widgets and do not need to be explicitly
/// [WidgetsApp] and [CupertinoTabView] widgets and do not need to be explicitly
/// created or managed.
/// {@tool sample --template=freeform}
......@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ class DefaultTransitionDelegate<T> extends TransitionDelegate<T> {
/// [Navigator.of] operates on the nearest ancestor [Navigator] from the given
/// [BuildContext]. Be sure to provide a [BuildContext] below the intended
/// [Navigator], especially in large [build] methods where nested [Navigator]s
/// [Navigator], especially in large `build` methods where nested [Navigator]s
/// are created. The [Builder] widget can be used to access a [BuildContext] at
/// a desired location in the widget subtree.
class Navigator extends StatefulWidget {
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ typedef NestedScrollViewHeaderSliversBuilder = List<Widget> Function(BuildContex
/// view. The app bar can still expand and contract as the user scrolls, but it
/// will remain visible rather than being scrolled out of view.
/// This works naturally in a [NestedScroll] view, as the pinned [SliverAppBar]
/// This works naturally in a [NestedScrollView], as the pinned [SliverAppBar]
/// is not expected to move in or out of the visible portion of the viewport.
/// As the inner or outer [Scrollable]s are moved, the app bar persists as
/// expected.
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ typedef NestedScrollViewHeaderSliversBuilder = List<Widget> Function(BuildContex
/// ### Snapping [SliverAppBar]s
/// Floating [SliverAppBars] also have the option to perform a snapping animation.
/// Floating [SliverAppBar]s also have the option to perform a snapping animation.
/// If [SliverAppBar.snap] is true, then a scroll that exposes the floating app
/// bar will trigger an animation that slides the entire app bar into view.
/// Similarly if a scroll dismisses the app bar, the animation will slide the
......@@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ typedef NestedScrollViewHeaderSliversBuilder = List<Widget> Function(BuildContex
/// This simple example shows a [NestedScrollView] whose header contains a
/// snapping, floating [SliverAppBar]. _Without_ setting any additional flags,
/// e.g [NestedScrollView.floatHeaderSlivers] and [SliverAppBar.nestedSnap], the
/// [SliverAppBar] will animate in and out without floating. The
/// [SliverOverlapAbsorber] and [SliverOverlapInjector] maintain the proper
/// alignment between the two separate scroll views.
/// e.g [NestedScrollView.floatHeaderSlivers], the [SliverAppBar] will animate
/// in and out without floating. The [SliverOverlapAbsorber] and
/// [SliverOverlapInjector] maintain the proper alignment between the two
/// separate scroll views.
/// ```dart
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
......@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ class SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle extends ChangeNotifier {
/// A sliver that wraps another, forcing its layout extent to be treated as
/// overlap.
/// The difference between the overlap requested by the child [sliver] and the
/// The difference between the overlap requested by the child `sliver` and the
/// overlap reported by this widget, called the _absorbed overlap_, is reported
/// to the [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle], which is typically passed to a
/// [SliverOverlapInjector].
......@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ class SliverOverlapAbsorber extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
/// A sliver that wraps another, forcing its layout extent to be treated as
/// overlap.
/// The difference between the overlap requested by the child [sliver] and the
/// The difference between the overlap requested by the child `sliver` and the
/// overlap reported by this widget, called the _absorbed overlap_, is reported
/// to the [SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle], which is typically passed to a
/// [RenderSliverOverlapInjector].
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import 'framework.dart';
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@template flutter.widgets.platformViews.gestures}
/// The widget participates in Flutter's [GestureArena]s, and dispatches touch events to the
/// The widget participates in Flutter's gesture arenas, and dispatches touch events to the
/// platform view iff it won the arena. Specific gestures that should be dispatched to the platform
/// view can be specified in the `gestureRecognizers` constructor parameter. If
/// the set of gesture recognizers is empty, a gesture will be dispatched to the platform
......@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ typedef PlatformViewSurfaceFactory = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Platf
/// Constructs a [PlatformViewController].
/// The [PlatformViewController.id] field of the created controller must match the value of the
/// The [PlatformViewController.viewId] field of the created controller must match the value of the
/// params [PlatformViewCreationParams.id] field.
/// See also:
......@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ class _PlatformViewLinkState extends State<PlatformViewLink> {
/// See also:
/// * [AndroidView] which embeds an Android platform view in the widget hierarchy using a [TextureLayer].
/// * [UIKitView] which embeds an iOS platform view in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [UiKitView] which embeds an iOS platform view in the widget hierarchy.
// TODO(amirh): Link to the embedder's system compositor documentation once available.
class PlatformViewSurface extends LeafRenderObjectWidget {
......@@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ class PlatformViewSurface extends LeafRenderObjectWidget {
/// See also:
/// * [AndroidView] which embeds an Android platform view in the widget hierarchy using a [TextureLayer].
/// * [UIKitView] which embeds an iOS platform view in the widget hierarchy.
/// * [UiKitView] which embeds an iOS platform view in the widget hierarchy.
class AndroidViewSurface extends PlatformViewSurface {
/// Construct an `AndroidPlatformViewSurface`.
const AndroidViewSurface({
......@@ -838,12 +838,12 @@ abstract class BoxScrollView extends ScrollView {
/// list instead of destroying them. When scrolled back into view, the render
/// object is repainted as-is (if it wasn't marked dirty in the interim).
/// This only works if [addAutomaticKeepAlives] and [addRepaintBoundaries]
/// This only works if `addAutomaticKeepAlives` and `addRepaintBoundaries`
/// are false since those parameters cause the [ListView] to wrap each child
/// widget subtree with other widgets.
/// * Using [AutomaticKeepAlive] widgets (inserted by default when
/// [addAutomaticKeepAlives] is true). [AutomaticKeepAlive] allows descendant
/// `addAutomaticKeepAlives` is true). [AutomaticKeepAlive] allows descendant
/// widgets to control whether the subtree is actually kept alive or not.
/// This behavior is in contrast with [KeepAlive], which will unconditionally keep
/// the subtree alive.
......@@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@ class ListView extends BoxScrollView {
/// {@tool snippet}
/// This example demonstrates how to create a [GridView] with two columns. The
/// children are spaced apart using the [crossAxisSpacing] and [mainAxisSpacing]
/// children are spaced apart using the `crossAxisSpacing` and `mainAxisSpacing`
/// properties.
/// ![The GridView displays six children with different background colors arranged in two columns](https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/widgets/grid_view.png)
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ abstract class SliverChildDelegate {
/// Find index of child element with associated key.
/// This will be called during [performRebuild] in [SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement]
/// This will be called during `performRebuild` in [SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement]
/// to check if a child has moved to a different position. It should return the
/// index of the child element with associated key, null if not found.
int findIndexByKey(Key key) => null;
......@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ class SliverChildListDelegate extends SliverChildDelegate {
/// See also:
/// * [IndexedChildSemantics], for an explanation of how to manually
/// * [IndexedSemantics], for an explanation of how to manually
/// provide semantic indexes.
final bool addSemanticIndexes;
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class SliverFillViewport extends StatelessWidget {
/// widget along this main axis, such as in a [CustomScrollView] with multiple
/// children.
/// This option cannot be [null]. If [viewportFraction] >= 1.0, this option has no
/// effect. Defaults to [true].
/// This option cannot be null. If [viewportFraction] >= 1.0, this option has no
/// effect. Defaults to true.
final bool padEnds;
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.sliverMultiBoxAdaptor.delegate}
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class _RenderSliverFractionalPadding extends RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding {
/// size its child to fill the maximum available extent. [SliverFillRemaining]
/// will not constrain the scrollable area, as it could potentially have an
/// infinite depth. This is also true for use cases such as a [ScrollView] when
/// [ScrollView.shrinkwrap] is true.
/// [ScrollView.shrinkWrap] is true.
/// ### When [SliverFillRemaining] does not have a scrollable child
......@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ class SliverFillRemaining extends StatelessWidget {
/// Setting this value to false will allow the child to fill the remainder of
/// the viewport and not extend further. However, if the
/// [precedingScrollExtent] of the [SliverConstraints] and/or the [child]'s
/// [SliverConstraints.precedingScrollExtent] and/or the [child]'s
/// extent exceeds the size of the viewport, the sliver will defer to the
/// child's size rather than overriding it.
final bool hasScrollBody;
......@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ class TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder {
/// Handler for [TextSelectionGestureDetector.onDoubleTapDown].
/// By default, it selects a word through [renderEditable.selectWord] if
/// By default, it selects a word through [RenderEditable.selectWord] if
/// selectionEnabled and shows toolbar if necessary.
/// See also:
......@@ -1099,7 +1099,8 @@ class TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder {
/// Handler for [TextSelectionGestureDetector.onDragSelectionUpdate].
/// By default, it updates the selection location specified in [details].
/// By default, it updates the selection location specified in the provided
/// details objects.
/// See also:
......@@ -1196,7 +1197,7 @@ class TextSelectionGestureDetector extends StatefulWidget {
final GestureTapDownCallback onTapDown;
/// Called when a pointer has tapped down and the force of the pointer has
/// just become greater than [ForcePressGestureDetector.startPressure].
/// just become greater than [ForcePressGestureRecognizer.startPressure].
final GestureForcePressStartCallback onForcePressStart;
/// Called when a pointer that had previously triggered [onForcePressStart] is
......@@ -1204,7 +1205,7 @@ class TextSelectionGestureDetector extends StatefulWidget {
final GestureForcePressEndCallback onForcePressEnd;
/// Called for each distinct tap except for every second tap of a double tap.
/// For example, if the detector was configured [onSingleTapDown] and
/// For example, if the detector was configured with [onTapDown] and
/// [onDoubleTapDown], three quick taps would be recognized as a single tap
/// down, followed by a double tap down, followed by a single tap down.
final GestureTapUpCallback onSingleTapUp;
......@@ -949,7 +949,9 @@ class DecoratedBoxTransition extends AnimatedWidget {
/// Animated version of an [Align] that animates its [Align.alignment] property.
/// Here's an illustration of the [DecoratedBoxTransition] widget, with it's
/// [decoration] animated by a [CurvedAnimation] set to [Curves.decelerate]:
/// [DecoratedBoxTransition.decoration] animated by a [CurvedAnimation] set to
/// [Curves.decelerate]:
/// {@animation 300 378 https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/widgets/align_transition.mp4}
/// See also:
......@@ -1894,7 +1894,7 @@ mixin WidgetInspectorService {
/// This method is called by [WidgetBinding.performReassemble] to flush caches
/// This method is called by [WidgetsBinding.performReassemble] to flush caches
/// of obsolete values after a hot reload.
/// Do not call this method directly. Instead, use
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