Unverified Commit 801ad5cd authored by Danny Tuppeny's avatar Danny Tuppeny Committed by GitHub

Don't terminate Dart process pids from VM Service, record flutter_tools VM pid (#100223)

* Don't terminate Dart process pids from VM Service

These processes may be on another device, and in the case of attach the debugee should not be terminated anyway.
parent dbbaf68e
......@@ -191,15 +191,11 @@ class FlutterDebugAdapter extends DartDebugAdapter<FlutterLaunchRequestArguments
Future<void> debuggerConnected(vm.VM vmInfo) async {
// Capture the PID from the VM Service so that we can terminate it when
// cleaning up. Terminating the process might not be enough as it could be
// just a shell script (e.g. flutter.bat on Windows) and may not pass the
// signal on correctly.
// See: https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code/issues/907
final int? pid = vmInfo.pid;
if (pid != null) {
// Usually we'd capture the pid from the VM here and record it for
// terminating, however for Flutter apps it may be running on a remote
// device so it's not valid to terminate a process with that pid locally.
// For attach, pids should never be collected as terminateRequest() should
// not terminate the debugee.
/// Called by [disconnectRequest] to request that we forcefully shut down the app being run (or in the case of an attach, disconnect).
......@@ -407,6 +403,17 @@ class FlutterDebugAdapter extends DartDebugAdapter<FlutterLaunchRequestArguments
/// Handles the daemon.connected event, recording the pid of the flutter_tools process.
void _handleDaemonConnected(Map<String, Object?> params) {
// On Windows, the pid from the process we spawn is the shell running
// flutter.bat and terminating it may not be reliable, so we also take the
// pid provided from the VM running flutter_tools.
final int? pid = params['pid'] as int?;
if (pid != null) {
/// Handles the app.debugPort event from Flutter, connecting to the VM Service if everything else is ready.
void _handleDebugPort(Map<String, Object?> params) {
// When running in noDebug mode, Flutter may still provide us a VM Service
......@@ -434,6 +441,9 @@ class FlutterDebugAdapter extends DartDebugAdapter<FlutterLaunchRequestArguments
void _handleJsonEvent(String event, Map<String, Object?>? params) {
params ??= <String, Object?>{};
switch (event) {
case 'daemon.connected':
case 'app.debugPort':
......@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/debug_adapters/flutter_adapter_args.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/globals.dart' as globals;
import 'package:test/fake.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'mocks.dart';
......@@ -23,6 +25,84 @@ void main() {
: '/fake/flutter';
group('launchRequest', () {
test('runs "flutter run" with --machine', () async {
final MockFlutterDebugAdapter adapter = MockFlutterDebugAdapter(fileSystem: globals.fs, platform: globals.platform);
final Completer<void> responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final FlutterLaunchRequestArguments args = FlutterLaunchRequestArguments(
cwd: '/project',
program: 'foo.dart',
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(MockRequest(), null, () {});
await adapter.launchRequest(MockRequest(), args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
expect(adapter.processArgs, containsAllInOrder(<String>['run', '--machine']));
test('does not record the VMs PID for terminating', () async {
final MockFlutterDebugAdapter adapter = MockFlutterDebugAdapter(fileSystem: globals.fs, platform: globals.platform);
final Completer<void> responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final FlutterLaunchRequestArguments args = FlutterLaunchRequestArguments(
cwd: '/project',
program: 'foo.dart',
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(MockRequest(), null, () {});
await adapter.launchRequest(MockRequest(), args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
// Trigger a fake debuggerConnected with a pid that we expect the
// adapter _not_ to record, because it may be on another device.
await adapter.debuggerConnected(_FakeVm(pid: 123));
// Ensure the VM's pid was not recorded.
expect(adapter.pidsToTerminate, isNot(contains(123)));
group('attachRequest', () {
test('runs "flutter attach" with --machine', () async {
final MockFlutterDebugAdapter adapter = MockFlutterDebugAdapter(fileSystem: globals.fs, platform: globals.platform);
final Completer<void> responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final FlutterAttachRequestArguments args = FlutterAttachRequestArguments(
cwd: '/project',
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(MockRequest(), null, () {});
await adapter.attachRequest(MockRequest(), args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
expect(adapter.processArgs, containsAllInOrder(<String>['attach', '--machine']));
test('does not record the VMs PID for terminating', () async {
final MockFlutterDebugAdapter adapter = MockFlutterDebugAdapter(fileSystem: globals.fs, platform: globals.platform);
final Completer<void> responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final FlutterAttachRequestArguments args = FlutterAttachRequestArguments(
cwd: '/project',
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(MockRequest(), null, () {});
await adapter.attachRequest(MockRequest(), args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
// Trigger a fake debuggerConnected with a pid that we expect the
// adapter _not_ to record, because it may be on another device.
await adapter.debuggerConnected(_FakeVm(pid: 123));
// Ensure the VM's pid was not recorded.
expect(adapter.pidsToTerminate, isNot(contains(123)));
group('--start-paused', () {
test('is passed for debug mode', () async {
final MockFlutterDebugAdapter adapter = MockFlutterDebugAdapter(fileSystem: globals.fs, platform: globals.platform);
......@@ -156,3 +236,10 @@ void main() {
class _FakeVm extends Fake implements VM {
_FakeVm({this.pid = 1});
final int pid;
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