Commit 7d71cf06 authored by Viktor Lidholt's avatar Viktor Lidholt

Adds documentation and cleans up code

parent 4bc4c978
......@@ -17,13 +17,25 @@ Point _cardinalSplineAt(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, double tension,
return new Point(x, y);
/// The spline action is used to animate a point along a spline definied by
/// a set of points.
class ActionSpline extends ActionInterval {
/// Creates a new spline action with a set of points. The [setter] is a
/// callback for setting the positions, [points] define the spline, and
/// [duration] is the time for the action to complete. Optionally a [curve]
/// can be used for easing.
ActionSpline(this.setter, this.points, double duration, [Curve curve]) : super(duration, curve) {
_dt = 1.0 / (points.length - 1.0);
/// The callback used to update a point when the action is run.
final Function setter;
/// A list of points that define the spline.
final List<Point> points;
/// The tension of the spline, defines the roundness of the curve.
double tension = 0.5;
double _dt;
part of skysprites;
/// A constraint limits or otherwise controls a [Node]'s properties, such as
/// position or rotation. Add a list of constraints by setting the [Node]'s
/// constraints property.
/// Constrains are applied after the update calls are
/// completed. They can also be applied at any time by calling a [Node]'s
/// [applyConstraints] method. It's possible to create custom constraints by
/// overriding this class and implementing the [constrain] method.
abstract class Constraint {
/// Called before the node's update method is called. This method can be
/// overridden to create setup work that needs to happen before the the
/// node is updated, e.g. to calculate the node's speed.
void preUpdate(Node node, double dt) {
/// Called after update is complete, if the constraint has been added to a
/// [Node]. Override this method to modify the node's property according to
/// the constraint.
void constrain(Node node, double dt);
......@@ -19,10 +33,17 @@ double _dampenRotation(double src, double dst, double dampening) {
return src + delta;
/// A [Constraint] that aligns a nodes rotation to its movement.
class ConstraintRotationToMovement extends Constraint {
/// Creates a new constraint the aligns a nodes rotation to its movement
/// vector. A [baseRotation] and [dampening] can optionally be set.
ConstraintRotationToMovement({this.baseRotation: 0.0, this.dampening});
/// The filter factor used when constraining the rotation of the node. Valid
/// values are in the range 0.0 to 1.0
final double dampening;
/// The base rotation will be added to a the movement vectors rotation.
final double baseRotation;
Point _lastPosition;
......@@ -43,11 +64,23 @@ class ConstraintRotationToMovement extends Constraint {
/// A [Constraint] that rotates a node to point towards another node. The target
/// node is allowed to have a different parent, but they must be in the same
/// [SpriteBox].
class ConstraintRotationToNode extends Constraint {
/// Creates a new [Constraint] that rotates the node towards the [targetNode].
/// The [baseRotation] will be added to the nodes rotation, and [dampening]
/// can be used to ease the rotation.
ConstraintRotationToNode(this.targetNode, {this.baseRotation: 0.0, this.dampening});
/// The node to rotate towards.
final Node targetNode;
/// The base rotation will be added after the target rotation is calculated.
final double baseRotation;
/// The filter factor used when constraining the rotation of the node. Valid
/// values are in the range 0.0 to 1.0
final double dampening;
void constrain(Node node, double dt) {
......@@ -71,7 +104,13 @@ class ConstraintRotationToNode extends Constraint {
/// A [Constraint] that constrains the position of a node to equal the position
/// of another node, optionally with dampening.
class ConstraintPositionToNode extends Constraint {
/// Creates a new [Constraint] that constrains the poistion of a node to be
/// equal to the position of the [targetNode]. Optionally an [offset] can
/// be used and also [dampening]. The targetNode doesn't need to have the
/// same parent, but they need to be added to the same [SpriteBox].
ConstraintPositionToNode(this.targetNode, {this.dampening, this.offset:});
final Node targetNode;
part of skysprites;
/// Labels are used to display a string of text in a the node tree. To align
/// the label, the textAlign property of teh [TextStyle] can be set.
class Label extends Node {
/// Creates a new Label with the provided [_text] and [_textStyle].
Label(this._text, [this._textStyle]) {
if (_textStyle == null) {
_textStyle = new TextStyle();
......@@ -10,6 +12,7 @@ class Label extends Node {
String _text;
/// The text being drawn by the label.
String get text => _text;
set text(String text) {
......@@ -19,6 +22,7 @@ class Label extends Node {
TextStyle _textStyle;
/// The style to draw the text in.
TextStyle get textStyle => _textStyle;
set textStyle(TextStyle textStyle) {
......@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ class Node {
List<Constraint> _constraints;
/// A [List] of [Constraint]s that will be applied to the node.
/// The constraints are applied after the [update] method has been called.
List<Constraint> get constraints {
return _constraints;
......@@ -87,6 +89,9 @@ class Node {
if (_spriteBox != null) _spriteBox._constrainedNodes = null;
/// Called to apply the [constraints] to the node. Normally, this method is
/// called automatically by the [SpriteBox], but it can be called manually
/// if the constraints need to be applied immediately.
void applyConstraints(double dt) {
if (_constraints == null) return;
......@@ -5,18 +5,22 @@ math.Random _random = new math.Random();
// Random methods
/// Returns a random [double] in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
double randomDouble() {
return _random.nextDouble();
/// Returns a random [double] in the range of -1.0 to 1.0.
double randomSignedDouble() {
return _random.nextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0;
/// Returns a random [int] from 0 to max - 1.
int randomInt(int max) {
return _random.nextInt(max);
/// Returns either [true] or [false] in a most random fashion.
bool randomBool() {
return _random.nextDouble() < 0.5;
......@@ -54,9 +58,13 @@ class _Atan2Constants {
final Float64List nnx = new Float64List(size + 1);
/// Provides convenience methods for calculations often carried out in graphics.
/// Some of the methods are returning approximations.
class GameMath {
static final _Atan2Constants _atan2 = new _Atan2Constants();
/// Returns the angle of two vector components. The result is less acurate
/// than the standard atan2 function in the math package.
static double atan2(double y, double x) {
if (x >= 0) {
if (y >= 0) {
......@@ -85,7 +93,9 @@ class GameMath {
static double pointQuickDist(Point a, Point b) {
/// Approximates the distance between two points. The returned value can be
/// up to 6% wrong in the worst case.
static double distanceBetweenPoints(Point a, Point b) {
double dx = a.x - b.x;
double dy = a.y - b.y;
if (dx < 0.0) dx = -dx;
......@@ -98,20 +108,26 @@ class GameMath {
/// Interpolates a [double] between [a] and [b] according to the
/// [filterFactor], which should be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
static double filter (double a, double b, double filterFactor) {
return (a * (1-filterFactor)) + b * filterFactor;
/// Interpolates a [Point] between [a] and [b] according to the
/// [filterFactor], which should be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
static Point filterPoint(Point a, Point b, double filterFactor) {
return new Point(filter(a.x, b.x, filterFactor), filter(a.y, b.y, filterFactor));
static Point lineIntersection(Point p, Point p2, Point q, Point q2) {
/// Returns the intersection between two line segmentss defined by p0, p1 and
/// q0, q1. If the lines are not intersecting null is returned.
static Point lineIntersection(Point p0, Point p1, Point q0, Point q1) {
double epsilon = 1e-10;
Vector2 r = new Vector2(p2.x - p.x, p2.y - p.y);
Vector2 s = new Vector2(q2.x - q.x, q2.y - q.y);
Vector2 qp = new Vector2(q.x - p.x, q.y - p.y);
Vector2 r = new Vector2(p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y);
Vector2 s = new Vector2(q1.x - q0.x, q1.y - q0.y);
Vector2 qp = new Vector2(q0.x - p0.x, q0.y - p0.y);
double rxs = cross2(r, s);
......@@ -124,7 +140,7 @@ class GameMath {
double u = cross2(qp, r) / rxs;
if ((0.0 <= t && t <= 1.0) && (0.0 <= u && u <= 1.0)) {
return new Point(p.x + t * r.x, p.y + t * r.y);
return new Point(p0.x + t * r.x, p0.y + t * r.y);
// No intersection between the lines
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