Unverified Commit 7baffa6e authored by Stanislav Baranov's avatar Stanislav Baranov Committed by GitHub

Dynamic patching support for native code libraries. (#28349)

parent adc8e159
......@@ -517,12 +517,13 @@ Future<void> _buildGradleProjectV2(
if (oldFile != null && oldFile.crc32 == newFile.crc32)
// Only allow changes under assets/.
if (!newFile.name.startsWith('assets/'))
// Only allow certain changes.
if (!newFile.name.startsWith('assets/') &&
!(buildInfo.usesAot && newFile.name.endsWith('.so')))
throwToolExit("Error: Dynamic patching doesn't support changes to ${newFile.name}.");
final String name = fs.path.relative(newFile.name, from: 'assets/');
if (name.contains('_snapshot_')) {
final String name = newFile.name;
if (name.contains('_snapshot_') || name.endsWith('.so')) {
final List<int> diff = bsdiff(oldFile.content, newFile.content);
final int ratio = 100 * diff.length ~/ newFile.content.length;
printStatus('Deflated $name by ${ratio == 0 ? 99 : 100 - ratio}%');
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