Unverified Commit 79f377da authored by Casey Hillers's avatar Casey Hillers Committed by GitHub

[devicelab] Only upload results on master (#87125)

parent 889ab838
......@@ -98,8 +98,11 @@ class Cocoon {
resultsJson['NewStatus'] = testStatus;
resultsJson['TestFlaky'] = isTestFlaky ?? false;
const List<String> supportedBranches = <String>['master'];
if(supportedBranches.contains(resultsJson['CommitBranch'])) {
await _sendUpdateTaskRequest(resultsJson);
/// Write the given parameters into an update task request and store the JSON in [resultsPath].
Future<void> writeTaskResultToFile({
......@@ -178,6 +178,31 @@ void main() {
expect(() => cocoon.sendResultsPath(resultsPath: resultsPath),
test('does not upload results on non-supported branches', () async {
// Any network failure would cause the upoad to fail
mockClient = MockClient((Request request) async => Response('', 500));
cocoon = Cocoon(
serviceAccountTokenPath: serviceAccountTokenPath,
fs: fs,
httpClient: mockClient,
requestRetryLimit: 0,
const String resultsPath = 'results.json';
const String updateTaskJson = '{'
// This will fail if it decided to upload results
await cocoon.sendResultsPath(resultsPath: resultsPath);
group('AuthenticatedCocoonClient', () {
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