Unverified Commit 77508722 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Remove race conditions involving finding available ports (#18488)

parent 38065376
......@@ -35,12 +35,14 @@ void main() {
.listen((String line) {
print('run:stdout: $line');
if (lineContainsServicePort(line)) {
if (vmServicePort == null) {
vmServicePort = parseServicePort(line);
print('service protocol connection available at port $vmServicePort');
print('run: ready!');
ok ??= true;
if (vmServicePort != null) {
print('service protocol connection available at port $vmServicePort');
print('run: ready!');
ok ??= true;
......@@ -41,12 +41,14 @@ void main() {
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) {
print('run:stdout: $line');
if (lineContainsServicePort(line)) {
if (vmServicePort == null) {
vmServicePort = parseServicePort(line);
print('service protocol connection available at port $vmServicePort');
print('run: ready!');
ok ??= true;
if (vmServicePort != null) {
print('service protocol connection available at port $vmServicePort');
print('run: ready!');
ok ??= true;
......@@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ void main() {
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) {
print('run:stdout: $line');
if (lineContainsServicePort(line)) {
if (vmServicePort == null) {
vmServicePort = parseServicePort(line);
print('service protocol connection available at port $vmServicePort');
print('run: ready!');
ok ??= true;
if (vmServicePort != null) {
print('service protocol connection available at port $vmServicePort');
print('run: ready!');
ok ??= true;
......@@ -28,9 +28,8 @@ Future<Map<String, dynamic>> runTask(String taskName, { bool silent = false }) a
if (!file(taskExecutable).existsSync())
throw 'Executable Dart file not found: $taskExecutable';
final int vmServicePort = await findAvailablePort();
final Process runner = await startProcess(dartBin, <String>[
......@@ -41,10 +40,17 @@ Future<Map<String, dynamic>> runTask(String taskName, { bool silent = false }) a
runnerFinished = true;
final Completer<int> port = new Completer<int>();
final StreamSubscription<String> stdoutSub = runner.stdout
.transform(const Utf8Decoder())
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) {
if (!port.isCompleted) {
final int portValue = parseServicePort(line, prefix: 'Observatory listening on ');
if (portValue != null)
if (!silent) {
stdout.writeln('[$taskName] [STDOUT] $line');
......@@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ Future<Map<String, dynamic>> runTask(String taskName, { bool silent = false }) a
String waitingFor = 'connection';
try {
final VMIsolateRef isolate = await _connectToRunnerIsolate(vmServicePort);
final VMIsolateRef isolate = await _connectToRunnerIsolate(await port.future);
waitingFor = 'task completion';
final Map<String, dynamic> taskResult =
await isolate.invokeExtension('ext.cocoonRunTask').timeout(taskTimeoutWithGracePeriod);
......@@ -480,21 +480,6 @@ Future<Null> runAndCaptureAsyncStacks(Future<Null> callback()) {
return completer.future;
/// Return an unused TCP port number.
Future<int> findAvailablePort() async {
int port = 20000;
while (true) {
try {
final ServerSocket socket =
await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, port); // ignore: deprecated_member_use
await socket.close();
return port;
} catch (_) {
bool canRun(String path) => _processManager.canRun(path);
String extractCloudAuthTokenArg(List<String> rawArgs) {
......@@ -517,13 +502,20 @@ String extractCloudAuthTokenArg(List<String> rawArgs) {
return token;
// "An Observatory debugger and profiler on ... is available at:"
final RegExp _kObservatoryRegExp = new RegExp(r'An Observatory debugger .* is available at: (\S+:(\d+))');
bool lineContainsServicePort(String line) => line.contains(_kObservatoryRegExp);
int parseServicePort(String line) {
final Match match = _kObservatoryRegExp.firstMatch(line);
/// Tries to extract a port from the string.
/// The `prefix`, if specified, is a regular expression pattern and must not contain groups.
/// The `multiLine` flag should be set to true if `line` is actually a buffer of many lines.
int parseServicePort(String line, {
String prefix = 'An Observatory debugger .* is available at: ',
bool multiLine = false,
}) {
// e.g. "An Observatory debugger and profiler on ... is available at:"
final RegExp pattern = new RegExp('$prefix(\\S+:(\\d+)/\\S*)\$', multiLine: multiLine);
final Match match = pattern.firstMatch(line);
return match == null ? null : int.parse(match.group(2));
......@@ -364,8 +364,6 @@ class MemoryTest {
if (deviceOperatingSystem == DeviceOperatingSystem.ios)
await prepareProvisioningCertificates(testDirectory);
final int observatoryPort = await findAvailablePort();
final List<String> runOptions = <String>[
......@@ -373,11 +371,14 @@ class MemoryTest {
if (testTarget != null)
runOptions.addAll(<String>['-t', testTarget]);
await flutter('run', options: runOptions);
final String output = await evalFlutter('run', options: runOptions);
final int observatoryPort = parseServicePort(output, prefix: 'Successfully connected to service protocol: ', multiLine: true);
if (observatoryPort == null)
throw new Exception('Could not find observatory port in "flutter run" output.');
final Map<String, dynamic> startData = await device.getMemoryStats(packageName);
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import '../base/common.dart' show throwToolExit;
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/port_scanner.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../base/process_manager.dart';
import '../base/utils.dart';
......@@ -844,7 +843,7 @@ class _AndroidDevicePortForwarder extends DevicePortForwarder {
final int devicePort = _extractPort(splitLine[2]);
// Failed, skip.
if ((hostPort == null) || (devicePort == null))
if (hostPort == null || devicePort == null)
ports.add(new ForwardedPort(hostPort, devicePort));
......@@ -855,16 +854,30 @@ class _AndroidDevicePortForwarder extends DevicePortForwarder {
Future<int> forward(int devicePort, { int hostPort }) async {
if ((hostPort == null) || (hostPort == 0)) {
// Auto select host port.
hostPort = await portScanner.findAvailablePort();
await runCheckedAsync(device.adbCommandForDevice(
Future<int> forward(int devicePort, {int hostPort}) async {
hostPort ??= 0;
final RunResult process = await runCheckedAsync(device.adbCommandForDevice(
<String>['forward', 'tcp:$hostPort', 'tcp:$devicePort']
if (process.stderr.isNotEmpty)
process.throwException('adb returned error:\n${process.stderr}');
if (process.exitCode != 0) {
if (process.stdout.isNotEmpty)
process.throwException('adb returned error:\n${process.stdout}');
process.throwException('adb failed without a message');
if (hostPort == 0) {
if (process.stdout.isEmpty)
process.throwException('adb did not report forwarded port');
hostPort = int.tryParse(process.stdout) ?? (throw 'adb returned invalid port number:\n${process.stdout}');
} else {
if (process.stdout.isNotEmpty)
process.throwException('adb returned error:\n${process.stdout}');
return hostPort;
......@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
import 'file_system.dart';
import 'platform.dart';
const int kDefaultObservatoryPort = 8100;
/// Return the absolute path of the user's home directory
String get homeDirPath {
if (_homeDirPath == null) {
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'context.dart';
import 'io.dart';
const int _kMaxSearchIterations = 20;
PortScanner get portScanner => context[PortScanner];
abstract class PortScanner {
const PortScanner();
/// Returns true if the specified [port] is available to bind to.
Future<bool> isPortAvailable(int port);
/// Returns an available ephemeral port.
Future<int> findAvailablePort();
/// Returns an available port as close to [defaultPort] as possible.
/// If [defaultPort] is available, this will return it. Otherwise, it will
/// search for an available port close to [defaultPort]. If it cannot find one,
/// it will return any available port.
Future<int> findPreferredPort(int defaultPort) async {
int iterationCount = 0;
while (iterationCount < _kMaxSearchIterations) {
final int port = defaultPort + iterationCount;
if (await isPortAvailable(port))
return port;
return findAvailablePort();
class HostPortScanner extends PortScanner {
const HostPortScanner();
Future<bool> isPortAvailable(int port) async {
try {
// TODO(ianh): This is super racy.
final ServerSocket socket = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, port); // ignore: deprecated_member_use
await socket.close();
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
Future<int> findAvailablePort() async {
ServerSocket socket;
try {
socket = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, 0); // ignore: deprecated_member_use
} on SocketException {
socket = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6, 0, v6Only: true); // ignore: deprecated_member_use
final int port = socket.port;
await socket.close();
return port;
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Future<RunResult> runAsync(List<String> cmd, {
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: _environment(allowReentrantFlutter, environment),
final RunResult runResults = new RunResult(results);
final RunResult runResults = new RunResult(results, cmd);
return runResults;
......@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ Future<RunResult> runCheckedAsync(List<String> cmd, {
Map<String, String> environment
}) async {
final RunResult result = await runAsync(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
allowReentrantFlutter: allowReentrantFlutter,
environment: environment
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
allowReentrantFlutter: allowReentrantFlutter,
environment: environment,
if (result.exitCode != 0)
throw 'Exit code ${result.exitCode} from: ${cmd.join(' ')}:\n$result';
......@@ -364,10 +364,12 @@ class ProcessExit implements Exception {
class RunResult {
RunResult(this.processResult, this._command) : assert(_command != null), assert(_command.isNotEmpty);
final ProcessResult processResult;
final List<String> _command;
int get exitCode => processResult.exitCode;
String get stdout => processResult.stdout;
String get stderr => processResult.stderr;
......@@ -381,4 +383,14 @@ class RunResult {
return out.toString().trimRight();
/// Throws a [ProcessException] with the given `message`.
void throwException(String message) {
throw new ProcessException(
......@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ abstract class RunCommandBase extends FlutterCommand {
void usesPortOptions() {
help: 'Listen to the given port for an observatory debugger connection.\n'
'Specifying port 0 will find a random free port.\n'
'Defaults to the first available port after $kDefaultObservatoryPort.'
'Specifying port 0 (the default) will find a random free port.'
......@@ -16,14 +16,18 @@ import '../tracing.dart';
class TraceCommand extends FlutterCommand {
TraceCommand() {
argParser.addFlag('start', negatable: false, help: 'Start tracing.');
argParser.addFlag('stop', negatable: false, help: 'Stop tracing.');
argParser.addOption('out', help: 'Specify the path of the saved trace file.');
defaultsTo: '10', abbr: 'd', help: 'Duration in seconds to trace.');
defaultsTo: kDefaultObservatoryPort.toString(),
help: 'Local port where the observatory is listening.');
help: 'Local port where the observatory is listening. Required.',
argParser.addFlag('start', negatable: false, help: 'Start tracing. Implied if --stop is also omitted.');
argParser.addFlag('stop', negatable: false, help: 'Stop tracing. Implied if --start is also omitted.');
abbr: 'd',
help: 'Time to wait after starting (if --start is specified or implied) and before\n'
'stopping (if --stop is specified or implied).\n'
'Defaults to ten seconds if --stop is specified or implied, zero otherwise.',
argParser.addOption('out', help: 'Specify the path of the saved trace file.');
......@@ -34,13 +38,39 @@ class TraceCommand extends FlutterCommand {
final String usageFooter =
'\`trace\` called with no arguments will automatically start tracing, delay a set amount of\n'
'time (controlled by --duration), and stop tracing. To explicitly control tracing, call trace\n'
'with --start and later with --stop.';
'\`trace\` called without the --start or --stop flags will automatically start tracing,\n'
'delay a set amount of time (controlled by --duration), and stop tracing. To explicitly\n'
'control tracing, call trace with --start and later with --stop.\n'
'The --debug-port argument is required.';
Future<Null> runCommand() async {
final int observatoryPort = int.parse(argResults['debug-port']);
int observatoryPort;
if (argResults.wasParsed('debug-port')) {
observatoryPort = int.tryParse(argResults['debug-port']);
if (observatoryPort == null) {
throwToolExit('The --debug-port argument must be specified.');
bool start = argResults['start'];
bool stop = argResults['stop'];
if (!start && !stop) {
start = true;
stop = true;
assert(start || stop);
Duration duration;
if (argResults.wasParsed('duration')) {
try {
duration = new Duration(seconds: int.parse(argResults['duration']));
} on FormatException {
throwToolExit('Invalid duration passed to --duration; it should be a positive number of seconds.');
} else {
duration = stop ? const Duration(seconds: 10) : Duration.zero;
// TODO(danrubel): this will break if we move to the new observatory URL
// See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/7038
......@@ -56,20 +86,11 @@ class TraceCommand extends FlutterCommand {
if ((!argResults['start'] && !argResults['stop']) ||
(argResults['start'] && argResults['stop'])) {
// Setting neither flags or both flags means do both commands and wait
// duration seconds in between.
if (start)
await tracing.startTracing();
await new Future<Null>.delayed(
new Duration(seconds: int.parse(argResults['duration'])),
() => _stopTracing(tracing)
} else if (argResults['stop']) {
await new Future<Null>.delayed(duration);
if (stop)
await _stopTracing(tracing);
} else {
await tracing.startTracing();
Future<Null> _stopTracing(Tracing tracing) async {
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import 'base/io.dart';
import 'base/logger.dart';
import 'base/os.dart';
import 'base/platform.dart';
import 'base/port_scanner.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'cache.dart';
import 'compile.dart';
......@@ -70,7 +69,6 @@ Future<T> runInContext<T>(
KernelCompiler: () => const KernelCompiler(),
Logger: () => platform.isWindows ? new WindowsStdoutLogger() : new StdoutLogger(),
OperatingSystemUtils: () => new OperatingSystemUtils(),
PortScanner: () => const HostPortScanner(),
SimControl: () => new SimControl(),
Stdio: () => const Stdio(),
Usage: () => new Usage(),
......@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'android/android_device.dart';
import 'application_package.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/port_scanner.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'build_info.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
......@@ -367,14 +365,6 @@ class DebuggingOptions {
final int observatoryPort;
bool get hasObservatoryPort => observatoryPort != null;
/// Return the user specified observatory port. If that isn't available,
/// return [kDefaultObservatoryPort], or a port close to that one.
Future<int> findBestObservatoryPort() {
if (hasObservatoryPort)
return new Future<int>.value(observatoryPort);
return portScanner.findPreferredPort(observatoryPort ?? kDefaultObservatoryPort);
class LaunchResult {
......@@ -414,9 +404,9 @@ abstract class DevicePortForwarder {
List<ForwardedPort> get forwardedPorts;
/// Forward [hostPort] on the host to [devicePort] on the device.
/// If [hostPort] is null, will auto select a host port.
/// If [hostPort] is null or zero, will auto select a host port.
/// Returns a Future that completes with the host port.
Future<int> forward(int devicePort, { int hostPort });
Future<int> forward(int devicePort, {int hostPort});
/// Stops forwarding [forwardedPort].
Future<Null> unforward(ForwardedPort forwardedPort);
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/logger.dart';
import '../base/platform.dart';
import '../base/port_scanner.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../base/process_manager.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
......@@ -509,26 +508,40 @@ class _IOSDevicePortForwarder extends DevicePortForwarder {
Future<int> forward(int devicePort, {int hostPort}) async {
if ((hostPort == null) || (hostPort == 0)) {
// Auto select host port.
hostPort = await portScanner.findAvailablePort();
final bool autoselect = hostPort == null || hostPort == 0;
if (autoselect)
hostPort = 1024;
Process process;
bool connected = false;
while (!connected) {
process = await runCommand(<String>[
connected = !await process.stdout.isEmpty;
if (!connected) {
if (autoselect) {
hostPort += 1;
if (hostPort > 65535)
throw 'Could not find open port on host.';
} else {
throw 'Port $hostPort is not available.';
assert(process != null);
final Process process = await runCommand(<String>[
final ForwardedPort forwardedPort = new ForwardedPort.withContext(hostPort,
devicePort, process);
final ForwardedPort forwardedPort = new ForwardedPort.withContext(
hostPort, devicePort, process,
printTrace('Forwarded port $forwardedPort');
return hostPort;
......@@ -305,8 +305,7 @@ class IOSSimulator extends Device {
if (debuggingOptions.useTestFonts)
final int observatoryPort = await debuggingOptions.findBestObservatoryPort();
final int observatoryPort = debuggingOptions.observatoryPort ?? 0;
......@@ -693,7 +692,7 @@ class _IOSSimulatorDevicePortForwarder extends DevicePortForwarder {
Future<int> forward(int devicePort, {int hostPort}) async {
if ((hostPort == null) || (hostPort == 0)) {
if (hostPort == null || hostPort == 0) {
hostPort = devicePort;
assert(devicePort == hostPort);
......@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/io.dart';
import 'base/port_scanner.dart';
import 'device.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
......@@ -18,10 +16,8 @@ class ProtocolDiscovery {
this.serviceName, {
}) : assert(logReader != null),
assert(portForwarder == null || defaultHostPort != null),
_prefix = '$serviceName listening on ' {
_deviceLogSubscription = logReader.logLines.listen(_handleLine);
......@@ -37,7 +33,6 @@ class ProtocolDiscovery {
logReader, kObservatoryService,
portForwarder: portForwarder,
hostPort: hostPort,
defaultHostPort: kDefaultObservatoryPort,
ipv6: ipv6,
......@@ -46,7 +41,6 @@ class ProtocolDiscovery {
final String serviceName;
final DevicePortForwarder portForwarder;
final int hostPort;
final int defaultHostPort;
final bool ipv6;
final String _prefix;
......@@ -88,16 +82,15 @@ class ProtocolDiscovery {
Uri hostUri = deviceUri;
if (portForwarder != null) {
final int devicePort = deviceUri.port;
int hostPort = this.hostPort ?? await portScanner.findPreferredPort(defaultHostPort);
hostPort = await portForwarder.forward(devicePort, hostPort: hostPort);
printTrace('Forwarded host port $hostPort to device port $devicePort for $serviceName');
hostUri = deviceUri.replace(port: hostPort);
final int actualDevicePort = deviceUri.port;
final int actualHostPort = await portForwarder.forward(actualDevicePort, hostPort: hostPort);
printTrace('Forwarded host port $actualHostPort to device port $actualDevicePort for $serviceName');
hostUri = deviceUri.replace(port: actualHostPort);
assert(new InternetAddress(hostUri.host).isLoopback);
if (ipv6) {
hostUri = hostUri.replace(host: InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V6.host); // ignore: deprecated_member_use
hostUri = hostUri.replace(host: InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6.host);
return hostUri;
......@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ class FlutterTesterDevice extends Device {
if (debuggingOptions.hasObservatoryPort)
// Build assets and perform initial compilation.
......@@ -170,9 +169,10 @@ class FlutterTesterDevice extends Device {
if (!debuggingOptions.debuggingEnabled)
return new LaunchResult.succeeded();
final ProtocolDiscovery observatoryDiscovery =
new ProtocolDiscovery.observatory(getLogReader(),
hostPort: debuggingOptions.observatoryPort);
final ProtocolDiscovery observatoryDiscovery = new ProtocolDiscovery.observatory(
hostPort: debuggingOptions.observatoryPort,
final Uri observatoryUri = await observatoryDiscovery.uri;
return new LaunchResult.succeeded(observatoryUri: observatoryUri);
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void main() {
fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot.d'): '${fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot_assembly.S')} : ',
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''));
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''), <String>['command name', 'arguments...']);
when(xcode.cc(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
when(xcode.clang(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ void main() {
fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot.d'): '${fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot_assembly.S')} : ',
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''));
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''), <String>['command name', 'arguments...']);
when(xcode.cc(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
when(xcode.clang(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
......@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ void main() {
fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot.d'): '${fs.path.join(outputPath, 'vm_snapshot_data')} : ',
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''));
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''), <String>['command name', 'arguments...']);
when(xcode.cc(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
when(xcode.clang(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
......@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ void main() {
fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot.d'): '${fs.path.join(outputPath, 'vm_snapshot_data')} : ',
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''));
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''), <String>['command name', 'arguments...']);
when(xcode.cc(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
when(xcode.clang(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
......@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ void main() {
fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot.d'): '${fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot_assembly.S')} : ',
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''));
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''), <String>['command name', 'arguments...']);
when(xcode.cc(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
when(xcode.clang(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
......@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ void main() {
fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot.d'): '${fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot_assembly.S')} : ',
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''));
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''), <String>['command name', 'arguments...']);
when(xcode.cc(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
when(xcode.clang(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
......@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ void main() {
fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot.d'): '${fs.path.join(outputPath, 'vm_snapshot_data')} : ',
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''));
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''), <String>['command name', 'arguments...']);
when(xcode.cc(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
when(xcode.clang(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
......@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ void main() {
fs.path.join(outputPath, 'snapshot.d'): '${fs.path.join(outputPath, 'vm_snapshot_data')} : ',
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''));
final RunResult successResult = new RunResult(new ProcessResult(1, 0, '', ''), <String>['command name', 'arguments...']);
when(xcode.cc(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
when(xcode.clang(any)).thenAnswer((_) => new Future<RunResult>.value(successResult));
......@@ -115,16 +115,16 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('default port', () async {
final MockDeviceLogReader logReader = new MockDeviceLogReader();
final ProtocolDiscovery discoverer = new ProtocolDiscovery.observatory(
portForwarder: new MockPortForwarder(99),
hostPort: 54777);
portForwarder: new MockPortForwarder(99),
// Get next port future.
final Future<Uri> nextUri = discoverer.uri;
logReader.addLine('I/flutter : Observatory listening on');
final Uri uri = await nextUri;
expect(uri.port, 54777);
expect('$uri', '');
expect(uri.port, 99);
expect('$uri', '');
......@@ -133,9 +133,10 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('specified port', () async {
final MockDeviceLogReader logReader = new MockDeviceLogReader();
final ProtocolDiscovery discoverer = new ProtocolDiscovery.observatory(
portForwarder: new MockPortForwarder(99),
hostPort: 1243);
portForwarder: new MockPortForwarder(99),
hostPort: 1243,
// Get next port future.
final Future<Uri> nextUri = discoverer.uri;
......@@ -148,13 +149,33 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('specified port zero', () async {
final MockDeviceLogReader logReader = new MockDeviceLogReader();
final ProtocolDiscovery discoverer = new ProtocolDiscovery.observatory(
portForwarder: new MockPortForwarder(99),
hostPort: 0,
// Get next port future.
final Future<Uri> nextUri = discoverer.uri;
logReader.addLine('I/flutter : Observatory listening on');
final Uri uri = await nextUri;
expect(uri.port, 99);
expect('$uri', '');
testUsingContext('ipv6', () async {
final MockDeviceLogReader logReader = new MockDeviceLogReader();
final ProtocolDiscovery discoverer = new ProtocolDiscovery.observatory(
portForwarder: new MockPortForwarder(99),
hostPort: 54777,
ipv6: true);
portForwarder: new MockPortForwarder(99),
hostPort: 54777,
ipv6: true,
// Get next port future.
final Future<Uri> nextUri = discoverer.uri;
......@@ -175,7 +196,12 @@ class MockPortForwarder extends DevicePortForwarder {
Future<int> forward(int devicePort, {int hostPort}) async => hostPort ?? availablePort;
Future<int> forward(int devicePort, {int hostPort}) async {
hostPort ??= 0;
if (hostPort == 0)
return availablePort;
return hostPort;
List<ForwardedPort> get forwardedPorts => throw 'not implemented';
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/logger.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/os.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/port_scanner.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/context_runner.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/device.dart';
......@@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ void testUsingContext(String description, dynamic testMethod(), {
Logger: () => new BufferLogger(),
OperatingSystemUtils: () => new MockOperatingSystemUtils(),
PortScanner: () => new MockPortScanner(),
SimControl: () => new MockSimControl(),
Usage: () => new MockUsage(),
XcodeProjectInterpreter: () => new MockXcodeProjectInterpreter(),
......@@ -127,16 +125,6 @@ void _printBufferedErrors(AppContext testContext) {
class MockPortScanner extends PortScanner {
static int _nextAvailablePort = 12345;
Future<bool> isPortAvailable(int port) async => true;
Future<int> findAvailablePort() async => _nextAvailablePort++;
class MockDeviceManager implements DeviceManager {
List<Device> devices = <Device>[];
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/port_scanner.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/vmservice.dart';
import 'src/common.dart';
......@@ -13,9 +12,8 @@ import 'src/context.dart';
void main() {
group('VMService', () {
testUsingContext('fails connection eagerly in the connect() method', () async {
final int port = await const HostPortScanner().findAvailablePort();
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