Unverified Commit 76be5581 authored by LongCatIsLooong's avatar LongCatIsLooong Committed by GitHub

Move caret/highlight painting to custom painters (#72828)

parent 09adc359
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui' as ui show TextBox, lerpDouble, BoxHeightStyle, BoxWidthStyle;
import 'dart:ui' as ui show TextBox, BoxHeightStyle, BoxWidthStyle;
import 'package:characters/characters.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import 'package:flutter/semantics.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'box.dart';
import 'custom_paint.dart';
import 'layer.dart';
import 'object.dart';
import 'viewport_offset.dart';
......@@ -21,10 +22,10 @@ const double _kCaretHeightOffset = 2.0; // pixels
// The additional size on the x and y axis with which to expand the prototype
// cursor to render the floating cursor in pixels.
const Offset _kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease = Offset(0.5, 1.0);
const EdgeInsets _kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 0.5, vertical: 1.0);
// The corner radius of the floating cursor in pixels.
const double _kFloatingCaretRadius = 1.0;
const Radius _kFloatingCaretRadius = Radius.circular(1.0);
/// Signature for the callback that reports when the user changes the selection
/// (including the cursor location).
......@@ -211,16 +212,18 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
double? cursorHeight,
Radius? cursorRadius,
bool paintCursorAboveText = false,
Offset? cursorOffset,
Offset cursorOffset = Offset.zero,
double devicePixelRatio = 1.0,
ui.BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight,
ui.BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight,
bool? enableInteractiveSelection,
EdgeInsets floatingCursorAddedMargin = const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(4, 4, 4, 5),
this.floatingCursorAddedMargin = const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(4, 4, 4, 5),
TextRange? promptRectRange,
Color? promptRectColor,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
required this.textSelectionDelegate,
RenderEditablePainter? painter,
RenderEditablePainter? foregroundPainter,
}) : assert(textAlign != null),
assert(textDirection != null, 'RenderEditable created without a textDirection.'),
assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0),
......@@ -262,40 +265,139 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
textHeightBehavior: textHeightBehavior,
textWidthBasis: textWidthBasis,
_cursorColor = cursorColor,
_backgroundCursorColor = backgroundCursorColor,
_showCursor = showCursor ?? ValueNotifier<bool>(false),
_maxLines = maxLines,
_minLines = minLines,
_expands = expands,
_selectionColor = selectionColor,
_selection = selection,
_offset = offset,
_cursorWidth = cursorWidth,
_cursorHeight = cursorHeight,
_cursorRadius = cursorRadius,
_paintCursorOnTop = paintCursorAboveText,
_cursorOffset = cursorOffset,
_floatingCursorAddedMargin = floatingCursorAddedMargin,
_enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection,
_devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio,
_selectionHeightStyle = selectionHeightStyle,
_selectionWidthStyle = selectionWidthStyle,
_startHandleLayerLink = startHandleLayerLink,
_endHandleLayerLink = endHandleLayerLink,
_obscuringCharacter = obscuringCharacter,
_obscureText = obscureText,
_readOnly = readOnly,
_forceLine = forceLine,
_promptRectRange = promptRectRange,
_clipBehavior = clipBehavior {
assert(_showCursor != null);
assert(!_showCursor.value || cursorColor != null);
this.hasFocus = hasFocus ?? false;
if (promptRectColor != null)
_promptRectPaint.color = promptRectColor;
_selectionPainter.highlightColor = selectionColor;
_selectionPainter.highlightedRange = selection;
_selectionPainter.selectionHeightStyle = selectionHeightStyle;
_selectionPainter.selectionWidthStyle = selectionWidthStyle;
_autocorrectHighlightPainter.highlightColor = promptRectColor;
_autocorrectHighlightPainter.highlightedRange = promptRectRange;
_caretPainter.caretColor = cursorColor;
_caretPainter.cursorRadius = cursorRadius;
_caretPainter.cursorOffset = cursorOffset;
_caretPainter.backgroundCursorColor = backgroundCursorColor;
/// Child render objects
_RenderEditableCustomPaint? _foregroundRenderObject;
_RenderEditableCustomPaint? _backgroundRenderObject;
void _updateForegroundPainter(RenderEditablePainter? newPainter) {
final _CompositeRenderEditablePainter effectivePainter = newPainter == null
? _builtInForegroundPainters
: _CompositeRenderEditablePainter(painters: <RenderEditablePainter>[
if (_foregroundRenderObject == null) {
final _RenderEditableCustomPaint foregroundRenderObject = _RenderEditableCustomPaint(painter: effectivePainter);
_foregroundRenderObject = foregroundRenderObject;
} else {
_foregroundRenderObject?.painter = effectivePainter;
_foregroundPainter = newPainter;
/// The [RenderEditablePainter] to use for painting above this
/// [RenderEditable]'s text content.
/// The new [RenderEditablePainter] will replace the previously specified
/// foreground painter, and schedule a repaint if the new painter's
/// `shouldRepaint` method returns true.
RenderEditablePainter? get foregroundPainter => _foregroundPainter;
RenderEditablePainter? _foregroundPainter;
set foregroundPainter(RenderEditablePainter? newPainter) {
if (newPainter == _foregroundPainter)
void _updatePainter(RenderEditablePainter? newPainter) {
final _CompositeRenderEditablePainter effectivePainter = newPainter == null
? _builtInPainters
: _CompositeRenderEditablePainter(painters: <RenderEditablePainter>[_builtInPainters, newPainter]);
if (_backgroundRenderObject == null) {
final _RenderEditableCustomPaint backgroundRenderObject = _RenderEditableCustomPaint(painter: effectivePainter);
_backgroundRenderObject = backgroundRenderObject;
} else {
_backgroundRenderObject?.painter = effectivePainter;
_painter = newPainter;
/// Sets the [RenderEditablePainter] to use for painting beneath this
/// [RenderEditable]'s text content.
/// The new [RenderEditablePainter] will replace the previously specified
/// painter, and schedule a repaint if the new painter's `shouldRepaint`
/// method returns true.
RenderEditablePainter? get painter => _painter;
RenderEditablePainter? _painter;
set painter(RenderEditablePainter? newPainter) {
if (newPainter == _painter)
// Caret Painters:
// The floating painter. This painter paints the regular caret as well.
late final _FloatingCursorPainter _caretPainter = _FloatingCursorPainter(_onCaretChanged);
// Text Highlight painters:
final _TextHighlightPainter _selectionPainter = _TextHighlightPainter();
final _TextHighlightPainter _autocorrectHighlightPainter = _TextHighlightPainter();
_CompositeRenderEditablePainter get _builtInForegroundPainters => _cachedBuiltInForegroundPainters ??= _createBuiltInForegroundPainters();
_CompositeRenderEditablePainter? _cachedBuiltInForegroundPainters;
_CompositeRenderEditablePainter _createBuiltInForegroundPainters() {
return _CompositeRenderEditablePainter(
painters: <RenderEditablePainter>[
if (paintCursorAboveText) _caretPainter,
_CompositeRenderEditablePainter get _builtInPainters => _cachedBuiltInPainters ??= _createBuiltInPainters();
_CompositeRenderEditablePainter? _cachedBuiltInPainters;
_CompositeRenderEditablePainter _createBuiltInPainters() {
return _CompositeRenderEditablePainter(
painters: <RenderEditablePainter>[
if (!paintCursorAboveText) _caretPainter,
/// Called when the selection changes.
/// If this is null, then selection changes will be ignored.
......@@ -304,8 +406,17 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
double? _textLayoutLastMaxWidth;
double? _textLayoutLastMinWidth;
Rect? _lastCaretRect;
// TODO(LongCatIsLooong): currently EditableText uses this callback to keep
// the text field visible. But we don't always paint the caret, for example
// when the selection is not collapsed.
/// Called during the paint phase when the caret location changes.
CaretChangedHandler? onCaretChanged;
void _onCaretChanged(Rect caretRect) {
if (_lastCaretRect != caretRect)
_lastCaretRect = onCaretChanged == null ? null : caretRect;
/// Whether the [handleEvent] will propagate pointer events to selection
/// handlers.
......@@ -375,6 +486,23 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
/// Controls how tall the selection highlight boxes are computed to be.
/// See [ui.BoxHeightStyle] for details on available styles.
ui.BoxHeightStyle get selectionHeightStyle => _selectionPainter.selectionHeightStyle;
set selectionHeightStyle(ui.BoxHeightStyle value) {
_selectionPainter.selectionHeightStyle = value;
/// Controls how wide the selection highlight boxes are computed to be.
/// See [ui.BoxWidthStyle] for details on available styles.
ui.BoxWidthStyle get selectionWidthStyle => _selectionPainter.selectionWidthStyle;
set selectionWidthStyle(ui.BoxWidthStyle value) {
_selectionPainter.selectionWidthStyle = value;
/// The object that controls the text selection, used by this render object
/// for implementing cut, copy, and paste keyboard shortcuts.
......@@ -382,9 +510,6 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
/// with the most recently set [TextSelectionDelegate].
TextSelectionDelegate textSelectionDelegate;
Rect? _lastCaretRect;
late Rect _currentCaretRect;
/// Track whether position of the start of the selected text is within the viewport.
/// For example, if the text contains "Hello World", and the user selects
......@@ -881,6 +1006,14 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
void markNeedsPaint() {
// Tell the painers to repaint since text layout may have changed.
/// Marks the render object as needing to be laid out again and have its text
/// metrics recomputed.
......@@ -989,26 +1122,18 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
/// The color to use when painting the cursor.
Color? get cursorColor => _cursorColor;
Color? _cursorColor;
Color? get cursorColor => _caretPainter.caretColor;
set cursorColor(Color? value) {
if (_cursorColor == value)
_cursorColor = value;
_caretPainter.caretColor = value;
/// The color to use when painting the cursor aligned to the text while
/// rendering the floating cursor.
/// The default is light grey.
Color? get backgroundCursorColor => _backgroundCursorColor;
Color? _backgroundCursorColor;
Color? get backgroundCursorColor => _caretPainter.backgroundCursorColor;
set backgroundCursorColor(Color? value) {
if (backgroundCursorColor == value)
_backgroundCursorColor = value;
_caretPainter.backgroundCursorColor = value;
/// Whether to paint the cursor.
......@@ -1019,11 +1144,16 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
if (_showCursor == value)
if (attached)
_showCursor = value;
if (attached)
if (attached) {
void _showHideCursor() {
_caretPainter.shouldPaint = showCursor.value;
/// Whether the editable is currently focused.
......@@ -1114,13 +1244,9 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
/// The color to use when painting the selection.
Color? get selectionColor => _selectionColor;
Color? _selectionColor;
Color? get selectionColor => _selectionPainter.highlightColor;
set selectionColor(Color? value) {
if (_selectionColor == value)
_selectionColor = value;
_selectionPainter.highlightColor = value;
/// The number of font pixels for each logical pixel.
......@@ -1136,8 +1262,6 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
List<ui.TextBox>? _selectionRects;
/// The region of text that is selected, if any.
/// The caret position is represented by a collapsed selection.
......@@ -1150,7 +1274,7 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
if (_selection == value)
_selection = value;
_selectionRects = null;
_selectionPainter.highlightedRange = value;
......@@ -1212,7 +1336,12 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
if (_paintCursorOnTop == value)
_paintCursorOnTop = value;
// Clear cached built-in painters and reconfigure painters.
_cachedBuiltInForegroundPainters = null;
_cachedBuiltInPainters = null;
// Call update methods to rebuild and set the effective painters.
/// {@template flutter.rendering.RenderEditable.cursorOffset}
......@@ -1223,25 +1352,17 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
/// platforms. The origin from where the offset is applied to is the arbitrary
/// location where the cursor ends up being rendered from by default.
/// {@endtemplate}
Offset? get cursorOffset => _cursorOffset;
Offset? _cursorOffset;
set cursorOffset(Offset? value) {
if (_cursorOffset == value)
_cursorOffset = value;
Offset get cursorOffset => _caretPainter.cursorOffset;
set cursorOffset(Offset value) {
_caretPainter.cursorOffset = value;
/// How rounded the corners of the cursor should be.
/// A null value is the same as [Radius.zero].
Radius? get cursorRadius => _cursorRadius;
Radius? _cursorRadius;
Radius? get cursorRadius => _caretPainter.cursorRadius;
set cursorRadius(Radius? value) {
if (_cursorRadius == value)
_cursorRadius = value;
_caretPainter.cursorRadius = value;
/// The [LayerLink] of start selection handle.
......@@ -1274,45 +1395,11 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
/// moving the floating cursor.
/// Defaults to a padding with left, top and right set to 4, bottom to 5.
EdgeInsets get floatingCursorAddedMargin => _floatingCursorAddedMargin;
EdgeInsets _floatingCursorAddedMargin;
set floatingCursorAddedMargin(EdgeInsets value) {
if (_floatingCursorAddedMargin == value)
_floatingCursorAddedMargin = value;
EdgeInsets floatingCursorAddedMargin;
bool _floatingCursorOn = false;
late Offset _floatingCursorOffset;
late TextPosition _floatingCursorTextPosition;
/// Controls how tall the selection highlight boxes are computed to be.
/// See [ui.BoxHeightStyle] for details on available styles.
ui.BoxHeightStyle get selectionHeightStyle => _selectionHeightStyle;
ui.BoxHeightStyle _selectionHeightStyle;
set selectionHeightStyle(ui.BoxHeightStyle value) {
assert(value != null);
if (_selectionHeightStyle == value)
_selectionHeightStyle = value;
/// Controls how wide the selection highlight boxes are computed to be.
/// See [ui.BoxWidthStyle] for details on available styles.
ui.BoxWidthStyle get selectionWidthStyle => _selectionWidthStyle;
ui.BoxWidthStyle _selectionWidthStyle;
set selectionWidthStyle(ui.BoxWidthStyle value) {
assert(value != null);
if (_selectionWidthStyle == value)
_selectionWidthStyle = value;
/// Whether to allow the user to change the selection.
/// Since [RenderEditable] does not handle selection manipulation
......@@ -1366,23 +1453,11 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
// TODO(ianh): We should change the getter to return null when _promptRectRange is null
// (otherwise, if you set it to null and then get it, you get back non-null).
// Alternatively, we could stop supporting setting this to null.
Color? get promptRectColor => _promptRectPaint.color;
Color? get promptRectColor => _autocorrectHighlightPainter.highlightColor;
set promptRectColor(Color? newValue) {
// Painter.color cannot be null.
if (newValue == null) {
if (promptRectColor == newValue)
_promptRectPaint.color = newValue;
if (_promptRectRange != null)
_autocorrectHighlightPainter.highlightColor = newValue;
TextRange? _promptRectRange;
/// Dismisses the currently displayed prompt rectangle and displays a new prompt rectangle
/// over [newRange] in the given color [promptRectColor].
......@@ -1390,11 +1465,7 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
/// When set to null, the currently displayed prompt rectangle (if any) will be dismissed.
void setPromptRectRange(TextRange? newRange) {
if (_promptRectRange == newRange)
_promptRectRange = newRange;
_autocorrectHighlightPainter.highlightedRange = newRange;
/// The maximum amount the text is allowed to scroll.
......@@ -1558,12 +1629,16 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
_tap = TapGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this)
..onTapDown = _handleTapDown
..onTap = _handleTap;
_longPress = LongPressGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this)..onLongPress = _handleLongPress;
......@@ -1571,10 +1646,32 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
if (_listenerAttached)
void redepthChildren() {
final RenderObject? foregroundChild = _foregroundRenderObject;
final RenderObject? backgroundChild = _backgroundRenderObject;
if (foregroundChild != null)
if (backgroundChild != null)
void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) {
final RenderObject? foregroundChild = _foregroundRenderObject;
final RenderObject? backgroundChild = _backgroundRenderObject;
if (foregroundChild != null)
if (backgroundChild != null)
bool get _isMultiline => maxLines != 1;
......@@ -1632,7 +1729,6 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
final Offset paintOffset = _paintOffset;
final List<ui.TextBox> boxes = selection.isCollapsed ?
<ui.TextBox>[] : _textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(selection);
if (boxes.isEmpty) {
......@@ -1703,12 +1799,9 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
_layoutText(minWidth: constraints.minWidth, maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth);
final Offset caretOffset = _textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(caretPosition, _caretPrototype);
// This rect is the same as _caretPrototype but without the vertical padding.
Rect rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, cursorWidth, cursorHeight).shift(caretOffset + _paintOffset);
final Rect rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, cursorWidth, cursorHeight).shift(caretOffset + _paintOffset + cursorOffset);
// Add additional cursor offset (generally only if on iOS).
if (_cursorOffset != null)
rect = rect.shift(_cursorOffset!);
return rect.shift(_getPixelPerfectCursorOffset(rect));
return rect.shift(_snapToPhysicalPixel(rect.topLeft));
......@@ -2079,6 +2172,21 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
// Computes the offset to apply to the given [sourceOffset] so it perfectly
// snaps to physical pixels.
Offset _snapToPhysicalPixel(Offset sourceOffset) {
final Offset globalOffset = localToGlobal(sourceOffset);
final double pixelMultiple = 1.0 / _devicePixelRatio;
return Offset(
? (globalOffset.dx / pixelMultiple).round() * pixelMultiple - globalOffset.dx
: 0,
? (globalOffset.dy / pixelMultiple).round() * pixelMultiple - globalOffset.dy
: 0,
Size computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) {
_layoutText(minWidth: constraints.minWidth, maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth);
......@@ -2092,7 +2200,6 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
final BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints;
_layoutText(minWidth: constraints.minWidth, maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth);
_selectionRects = null;
// We grab _textPainter.size here because assigning to `size` on the next
// line will trigger us to validate our intrinsic sizes, which will change
// _textPainter's layout because the intrinsic size calculations are
......@@ -2106,144 +2213,15 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
.constrainWidth(_textPainter.size.width + _caretMargin);
size = Size(width, constraints.constrainHeight(_preferredHeight(constraints.maxWidth)));
final Size contentSize = Size(textPainterSize.width + _caretMargin, textPainterSize.height);
_maxScrollExtent = _getMaxScrollExtent(contentSize);
offset.applyContentDimensions(0.0, _maxScrollExtent);
/// Computes the offset to apply to the given [caretRect] so it perfectly
/// snaps to physical pixels.
Offset _getPixelPerfectCursorOffset(Rect caretRect) {
final Offset caretPosition = localToGlobal(caretRect.topLeft);
final double pixelMultiple = 1.0 / _devicePixelRatio;
final double pixelPerfectOffsetX = caretPosition.dx.isFinite
? (caretPosition.dx / pixelMultiple).round() * pixelMultiple - caretPosition.dx
: 0;
final double pixelPerfectOffsetY = caretPosition.dy.isFinite
? (caretPosition.dy / pixelMultiple).round() * pixelMultiple - caretPosition.dy
: 0;
return Offset(pixelPerfectOffsetX, pixelPerfectOffsetY);
void _paintCaretIfNeeded(Canvas canvas, Offset effectiveOffset, TextPosition textPosition) {
assert(_textLayoutLastMaxWidth == constraints.maxWidth &&
_textLayoutLastMinWidth == constraints.minWidth,
'Last width ($_textLayoutLastMinWidth, $_textLayoutLastMaxWidth) not the same as max width constraint (${constraints.minWidth}, ${constraints.maxWidth}).');
assert(_caretPrototype != null);
// If the floating cursor is enabled, the text cursor's color is [backgroundCursorColor] while
// the floating cursor's color is _cursorColor;
final Paint paint = Paint()
..color = (_floatingCursorOn ? backgroundCursorColor : _cursorColor)!;
final Offset caretOffset = _textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(textPosition, _caretPrototype) + effectiveOffset;
Rect caretRect = _caretPrototype.shift(caretOffset);
if (_cursorOffset != null)
caretRect = caretRect.shift(_cursorOffset!);
final double? caretHeight = _textPainter.getFullHeightForCaret(textPosition, _caretPrototype);
if (caretHeight != null) {
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
final double heightDiff = caretHeight - caretRect.height;
// Center the caret vertically along the text.
caretRect = Rect.fromLTWH(
caretRect.top + heightDiff / 2,
case TargetPlatform.android:
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
case TargetPlatform.windows:
// Override the height to take the full height of the glyph at the TextPosition
// when not on iOS. iOS has special handling that creates a taller caret.
// TODO(garyq): See the TODO for _computeCaretPrototype().
caretRect = Rect.fromLTWH(
caretRect.top - _kCaretHeightOffset,
caretRect = caretRect.shift(_getPixelPerfectCursorOffset(caretRect));
_currentCaretRect = caretRect;
final BoxConstraints painterConstraints = BoxConstraints.tight(contentSize);
if (!_showCursor.value)
if (cursorRadius == null) {
canvas.drawRect(caretRect, paint);
} else {
final RRect caretRRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(caretRect, cursorRadius!);
canvas.drawRRect(caretRRect, paint);
void _updateCaretRect() {
if (_currentCaretRect != _lastCaretRect) {
_lastCaretRect = _currentCaretRect;
if (onCaretChanged != null)
/// Sets the screen position of the floating cursor and the text position
/// closest to the cursor.
void setFloatingCursor(FloatingCursorDragState state, Offset boundedOffset, TextPosition lastTextPosition, { double? resetLerpValue }) {
assert(state != null);
assert(boundedOffset != null);
assert(lastTextPosition != null);
if (state == FloatingCursorDragState.Start) {
_relativeOrigin = Offset.zero;
_previousOffset = null;
_resetOriginOnBottom = false;
_resetOriginOnTop = false;
_resetOriginOnRight = false;
_resetOriginOnBottom = false;
_floatingCursorOn = state != FloatingCursorDragState.End;
_resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue = resetLerpValue;
if (_floatingCursorOn) {
_floatingCursorOffset = boundedOffset;
_floatingCursorTextPosition = lastTextPosition;
void _paintFloatingCaret(Canvas canvas, Offset effectiveOffset) {
assert(_textLayoutLastMaxWidth == constraints.maxWidth &&
_textLayoutLastMinWidth == constraints.minWidth,
'Last width ($_textLayoutLastMinWidth, $_textLayoutLastMaxWidth) not the same as max width constraint (${constraints.minWidth}, ${constraints.maxWidth}).');
// We always want the floating cursor to render at full opacity.
final Paint paint = Paint()..color = _cursorColor!.withOpacity(0.75);
double sizeAdjustmentX = _kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease.dx;
double sizeAdjustmentY = _kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease.dy;
if (_resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue != null) {
sizeAdjustmentX = ui.lerpDouble(sizeAdjustmentX, 0, _resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue!)!;
sizeAdjustmentY = ui.lerpDouble(sizeAdjustmentY, 0, _resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue!)!;
final Rect floatingCaretPrototype = Rect.fromLTRB(
_caretPrototype.left - sizeAdjustmentX,
_caretPrototype.top - sizeAdjustmentY,
_caretPrototype.right + sizeAdjustmentX,
_caretPrototype.bottom + sizeAdjustmentY,
final Rect caretRect = floatingCaretPrototype.shift(effectiveOffset);
const Radius floatingCursorRadius = Radius.circular(_kFloatingCaretRadius);
final RRect caretRRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(caretRect, floatingCursorRadius);
canvas.drawRRect(caretRRect, paint);
_maxScrollExtent = _getMaxScrollExtent(contentSize);
offset.applyContentDimensions(0.0, _maxScrollExtent);
// The relative origin in relation to the distance the user has theoretically
......@@ -2305,32 +2283,33 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
return adjustedOffset;
void _paintSelection(Canvas canvas, Offset effectiveOffset) {
assert(_textLayoutLastMaxWidth == constraints.maxWidth &&
_textLayoutLastMinWidth == constraints.minWidth,
'Last width ($_textLayoutLastMinWidth, $_textLayoutLastMaxWidth) not the same as max width constraint (${constraints.minWidth}, ${constraints.maxWidth}).');
assert(_selectionRects != null);
final Paint paint = Paint()..color = _selectionColor!;
for (final ui.TextBox box in _selectionRects!)
canvas.drawRect(box.toRect().shift(effectiveOffset), paint);
final Paint _promptRectPaint = Paint();
void _paintPromptRectIfNeeded(Canvas canvas, Offset effectiveOffset) {
if (_promptRectRange == null || promptRectColor == null) {
/// Sets the screen position of the floating cursor and the text position
/// closest to the cursor.
void setFloatingCursor(FloatingCursorDragState state, Offset boundedOffset, TextPosition lastTextPosition, { double? resetLerpValue }) {
assert(state != null);
assert(boundedOffset != null);
assert(lastTextPosition != null);
if (state == FloatingCursorDragState.Start) {
_relativeOrigin = Offset.zero;
_previousOffset = null;
_resetOriginOnBottom = false;
_resetOriginOnTop = false;
_resetOriginOnRight = false;
_resetOriginOnBottom = false;
final List<TextBox> boxes = _textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(
baseOffset: _promptRectRange!.start,
extentOffset: _promptRectRange!.end,
for (final TextBox box in boxes) {
canvas.drawRect(box.toRect().shift(effectiveOffset), _promptRectPaint);
_floatingCursorOn = state != FloatingCursorDragState.End;
_resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue = resetLerpValue;
if (_floatingCursorOn) {
_floatingCursorTextPosition = lastTextPosition;
final double? animationValue = _resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue;
final EdgeInsets sizeAdjustment = animationValue != null
? EdgeInsets.lerp(_kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease, EdgeInsets.zero, animationValue)!
: _kFloatingCaretSizeIncrease;
_caretPainter.floatingCursorRect = sizeAdjustment.inflateRect(_caretPrototype).shift(boundedOffset);
} else {
_caretPainter.floatingCursorRect = null;
_caretPainter.showRegularCaret = _resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue == null;
void _paintContents(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
......@@ -2339,46 +2318,22 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
'Last width ($_textLayoutLastMinWidth, $_textLayoutLastMaxWidth) not the same as max width constraint (${constraints.minWidth}, ${constraints.maxWidth}).');
final Offset effectiveOffset = offset + _paintOffset;
bool showSelection = false;
bool canShowCaret = false;
if (selection != null && !_floatingCursorOn) {
if (selection!.isCollapsed && cursorColor != null)
canShowCaret = true;
else if (!selection!.isCollapsed && _selectionColor != null)
showSelection = true;
if (showSelection) {
assert(selection != null);
_selectionRects ??= _textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(selection!, boxHeightStyle: _selectionHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle: _selectionWidthStyle);
_paintSelection(context.canvas, effectiveOffset);
_paintPromptRectIfNeeded(context.canvas, effectiveOffset);
final RenderBox? foregroundChild = _foregroundRenderObject;
final RenderBox? backgroundChild = _backgroundRenderObject;
// On iOS, the cursor is painted over the text, on Android, it's painted
// under it.
if (paintCursorAboveText)
_textPainter.paint(context.canvas, effectiveOffset);
if (canShowCaret) {
assert(selection != null);
_paintCaretIfNeeded(context.canvas, effectiveOffset, selection!.extent);
// The painters paint in the viewport's coordinate space, since the
// textPainter's coordinate space is not known to high level widgets.
if (backgroundChild != null)
context.paintChild(backgroundChild, offset);
if (!paintCursorAboveText)
_textPainter.paint(context.canvas, effectiveOffset);
if (_floatingCursorOn) {
if (_resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue == null) {
_paintCaretIfNeeded(context.canvas, effectiveOffset, _floatingCursorTextPosition);
_paintFloatingCaret(context.canvas, _floatingCursorOffset);
if (foregroundChild != null)
context.paintChild(foregroundChild, offset);
void _paintHandleLayers(PaintingContext context, List<TextSelectionPoint> endpoints) {
......@@ -2405,6 +2360,7 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
_layoutText(minWidth: constraints.minWidth, maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth);
......@@ -2449,3 +2405,412 @@ class RenderEditable extends RenderBox with RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
class _RenderEditableCustomPaint extends RenderBox {
RenderEditablePainter? painter,
}) : _painter = painter,
RenderEditable? get parent => super.parent as RenderEditable?;
bool get isRepaintBoundary => true;
bool get sizedByParent => true;
RenderEditablePainter? get painter => _painter;
RenderEditablePainter? _painter;
set painter(RenderEditablePainter? newValue) {
if (newValue == painter)
final RenderEditablePainter? oldPainter = painter;
_painter = newValue;
if (newValue?.shouldRepaint(oldPainter) ?? true)
if (attached) {
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
final RenderEditable? parent = this.parent;
assert(parent != null);
final RenderEditablePainter? painter = this.painter;
if (painter != null && parent != null) {
painter.paint(context.canvas, size, parent);
void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
void detach() {
Size computeDryLayout(BoxConstraints constraints) => constraints.biggest;
/// An interface that paints within a [RenderEditable]'s bounds, above or
/// beneath its text content.
/// This painter is typically used for painting auxiliary content that depends
/// on text layout metrics (for instance, for painting carets and text highlight
/// blocks). It can paint independently from its [RenderEditable], allowing it
/// to repaint without triggering a repaint on the entire [RenderEditable] stack
/// when only auxiliary content changes (e.g. a blinking cursor) are present. It
/// will be scheduled to repaint when:
/// * It's assigned to a new [RenderEditable] and the [shouldRepaint] method
/// returns true.
/// * Any of the [RenderEditable]s it is attached to repaints.
/// * The [notifyListeners] method is called, which typically happens when the
/// painter's attributes change.
/// See also:
/// * [RenderEditable.foregroundPainter], which takes a [RenderEditablePainter]
/// and sets it as the foreground painter of the [RenderEditable].
/// * [RenderEditable.painter], which takes a [RenderEditablePainter]
/// and sets it as the background painter of the [RenderEditable].
/// * [CustomPainter] a similar class which paints within a [RenderCustomPaint].
abstract class RenderEditablePainter extends ChangeNotifier {
/// Determines whether repaint is needed when a new [RenderEditablePainter]
/// is provided to a [RenderEditable].
/// If the new instance represents different information than the old
/// instance, then the method should return true, otherwise it should return
/// false. When [oldDelegate] is null, this method should always return true
/// unless the new painter initially does not paint anything.
/// If the method returns false, then the [paint] call might be optimized
/// away. However, the [paint] method will get called whenever the
/// [RenderEditable]s it attaches to repaint, even if [shouldRepaint] returns
/// false.
bool shouldRepaint(RenderEditablePainter? oldDelegate);
/// Paints within the bounds of a [RenderEditable].
/// The given [Canvas] has the same coordinate space as the [RenderEditable],
/// which may be different from the coordinate space the [RenderEditable]'s
/// [TextPainter] uses, when the text moves inside the [RenderEditable].
/// Paint operations performed outside of the region defined by the [canvas]'s
/// origin and the [size] parameter may get clipped, when [RenderEditable]'s
/// [RenderEditable.clipBehavior] is not [Clip.none].
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size, RenderEditable renderEditable);
class _TextHighlightPainter extends RenderEditablePainter {
TextRange? highlightedRange,
Color? highlightColor
}) : _highlightedRange = highlightedRange,
_highlightColor = highlightColor;
final Paint highlightPaint = Paint();
Color? get highlightColor => _highlightColor;
Color? _highlightColor;
set highlightColor(Color? newValue) {
if (newValue == _highlightColor)
_highlightColor = newValue;
TextRange? get highlightedRange => _highlightedRange;
TextRange? _highlightedRange;
set highlightedRange(TextRange? newValue) {
if (newValue == _highlightedRange)
_highlightedRange = newValue;
/// Controls how tall the selection highlight boxes are computed to be.
/// See [ui.BoxHeightStyle] for details on available styles.
ui.BoxHeightStyle get selectionHeightStyle => _selectionHeightStyle;
ui.BoxHeightStyle _selectionHeightStyle = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight;
set selectionHeightStyle(ui.BoxHeightStyle value) {
assert(value != null);
if (_selectionHeightStyle == value)
_selectionHeightStyle = value;
/// Controls how wide the selection highlight boxes are computed to be.
/// See [ui.BoxWidthStyle] for details on available styles.
ui.BoxWidthStyle get selectionWidthStyle => _selectionWidthStyle;
ui.BoxWidthStyle _selectionWidthStyle = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight;
set selectionWidthStyle(ui.BoxWidthStyle value) {
assert(value != null);
if (_selectionWidthStyle == value)
_selectionWidthStyle = value;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size, RenderEditable renderEditable) {
final TextRange? range = highlightedRange;
final Color? color = highlightColor;
if (range == null || color == null || range.isCollapsed) {
highlightPaint.color = color;
final List<TextBox> boxes = renderEditable._textPainter.getBoxesForSelection(
TextSelection(baseOffset: range.start, extentOffset: range.end),
boxHeightStyle: selectionHeightStyle,
boxWidthStyle: selectionWidthStyle
for (final TextBox box in boxes)
canvas.drawRect(box.toRect().shift(renderEditable._paintOffset), highlightPaint);
bool shouldRepaint(RenderEditablePainter? oldDelegate) {
if (identical(oldDelegate, this))
return false;
if (oldDelegate == null)
return highlightColor != null && highlightedRange != null;
return oldDelegate is! _TextHighlightPainter
|| oldDelegate.highlightColor != highlightColor
|| oldDelegate.highlightedRange != highlightedRange
|| oldDelegate.selectionHeightStyle != selectionHeightStyle
|| oldDelegate.selectionWidthStyle != selectionWidthStyle;
class _FloatingCursorPainter extends RenderEditablePainter {
bool get shouldPaint => _shouldPaint;
bool _shouldPaint = true;
set shouldPaint(bool value) {
if (shouldPaint == value)
_shouldPaint = value;
CaretChangedHandler caretPaintCallback;
bool showRegularCaret = false;
final Paint caretPaint = Paint();
late final Paint floatingCursorPaint = Paint();
Color? get caretColor => _caretColor;
Color? _caretColor;
set caretColor(Color? value) {
if (caretColor?.value == value?.value)
_caretColor = value;
Radius? get cursorRadius => _cursorRadius;
Radius? _cursorRadius;
set cursorRadius(Radius? value) {
if (_cursorRadius == value)
_cursorRadius = value;
Offset get cursorOffset => _cursorOffset;
Offset _cursorOffset = Offset.zero;
set cursorOffset(Offset value) {
if (_cursorOffset == value)
_cursorOffset = value;
Color? get backgroundCursorColor => _backgroundCursorColor;
Color? _backgroundCursorColor;
set backgroundCursorColor(Color? value) {
if (backgroundCursorColor?.value == value?.value)
_backgroundCursorColor = value;
if (showRegularCaret)
Rect? get floatingCursorRect => _floatingCursorRect;
Rect? _floatingCursorRect;
set floatingCursorRect(Rect? value) {
if (_floatingCursorRect == value)
_floatingCursorRect = value;
void paintRegularCursor(Canvas canvas, RenderEditable renderEditable, Color caretColor, TextPosition textPosition) {
final Rect caretPrototype = renderEditable._caretPrototype;
final Offset caretOffset = renderEditable._textPainter.getOffsetForCaret(textPosition, caretPrototype);
Rect caretRect = caretPrototype.shift(caretOffset + cursorOffset);
final double? caretHeight = renderEditable._textPainter.getFullHeightForCaret(textPosition, caretPrototype);
if (caretHeight != null) {
switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
final double heightDiff = caretHeight - caretRect.height;
// Center the caret vertically along the text.
caretRect = Rect.fromLTWH(
caretRect.top + heightDiff / 2,
case TargetPlatform.android:
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
case TargetPlatform.windows:
// Override the height to take the full height of the glyph at the TextPosition
// when not on iOS. iOS has special handling that creates a taller caret.
// TODO(garyq): See the TODO for _computeCaretPrototype().
caretRect = Rect.fromLTWH(
caretRect.top - _kCaretHeightOffset,
caretRect = caretRect.shift(renderEditable._paintOffset);
final Rect integralRect = caretRect.shift(renderEditable._snapToPhysicalPixel(caretRect.topLeft));
if (shouldPaint) {
final Radius? radius = cursorRadius;
caretPaint.color = caretColor;
if (radius == null) {
canvas.drawRect(integralRect, caretPaint);
} else {
final RRect caretRRect = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(integralRect, radius);
canvas.drawRRect(caretRRect, caretPaint);
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size, RenderEditable renderEditable) {
// Compute the caret location even when `shouldPaint` is false.
assert(renderEditable != null);
final TextSelection? selection = renderEditable.selection;
// TODO(LongCatIsLooong): skip painting the caret when the selection is
// (-1, -1).
if (selection == null || !selection.isCollapsed)
final Rect? floatingCursorRect = this.floatingCursorRect;
final Color? caretColor = floatingCursorRect == null
? this.caretColor
: showRegularCaret ? backgroundCursorColor : null;
final TextPosition caretTextPosition = floatingCursorRect == null
? selection.extent
: renderEditable._floatingCursorTextPosition;
if (caretColor != null) {
paintRegularCursor(canvas, renderEditable, caretColor, caretTextPosition);
final Color? floatingCursorColor = this.caretColor?.withOpacity(0.75);
// Floating Cursor.
if (floatingCursorRect == null || floatingCursorColor == null || !shouldPaint)
RRect.fromRectAndRadius(floatingCursorRect.shift(renderEditable._paintOffset), _kFloatingCaretRadius),
floatingCursorPaint..color = floatingCursorColor,
bool shouldRepaint(RenderEditablePainter? oldDelegate) {
if (identical(this, oldDelegate))
return false;
if (oldDelegate == null)
return shouldPaint;
return oldDelegate is! _FloatingCursorPainter
|| oldDelegate.shouldPaint != shouldPaint
|| oldDelegate.showRegularCaret != showRegularCaret
|| oldDelegate.caretColor != caretColor
|| oldDelegate.cursorRadius != cursorRadius
|| oldDelegate.cursorOffset != cursorOffset
|| oldDelegate.backgroundCursorColor != backgroundCursorColor
|| oldDelegate.floatingCursorRect != floatingCursorRect;
class _CompositeRenderEditablePainter extends RenderEditablePainter {
_CompositeRenderEditablePainter({ required this.painters });
final List<RenderEditablePainter> painters;
void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {
for (final RenderEditablePainter painter in painters)
void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {
for (final RenderEditablePainter painter in painters)
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size, RenderEditable renderEditable) {
for (final RenderEditablePainter painter in painters)
painter.paint(canvas, size, renderEditable);
bool shouldRepaint(RenderEditablePainter? oldDelegate) {
if (identical(oldDelegate, this))
return false;
if (oldDelegate is! _CompositeRenderEditablePainter || oldDelegate.painters.length != painters.length)
return true;
final Iterator<RenderEditablePainter> oldPainters = oldDelegate.painters.iterator;
final Iterator<RenderEditablePainter> newPainters = painters.iterator;
while (oldPainters.moveNext() && newPainters.moveNext())
if (newPainters.current.shouldRepaint(oldPainters.current))
return true;
return false;
......@@ -2640,7 +2640,7 @@ class EditableTextState extends State<EditableText> with AutomaticKeepAliveClien
cursorWidth: widget.cursorWidth,
cursorHeight: widget.cursorHeight,
cursorRadius: widget.cursorRadius,
cursorOffset: widget.cursorOffset,
cursorOffset: widget.cursorOffset ?? Offset.zero,
selectionHeightStyle: widget.selectionHeightStyle,
selectionWidthStyle: widget.selectionWidthStyle,
paintCursorAboveText: widget.paintCursorAboveText,
......@@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@ class _Editable extends LeafRenderObjectWidget {
required this.cursorWidth,
required this.cursorOffset,
required this.paintCursorAboveText,
this.selectionHeightStyle = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight,
this.selectionWidthStyle = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight,
......@@ -2772,7 +2772,7 @@ class _Editable extends LeafRenderObjectWidget {
final double cursorWidth;
final double? cursorHeight;
final Radius? cursorRadius;
final Offset? cursorOffset;
final Offset cursorOffset;
final bool paintCursorAboveText;
final ui.BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle;
final ui.BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle;
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void main() {
editable.toStringDeep(minLevel: DiagnosticLevel.info),
' │ parentData: MISSING\n'
' │ constraints: MISSING\n'
' │ size: MISSING\n'
......@@ -134,10 +134,12 @@ void main() {
offset: 0,
editable.layout(BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(1000.0, 1000.0)));
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(500.0, 500.0)));
// Prepare for painting after layout.
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
(Canvas canvas) => editable.paint(TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas), Offset.zero),
paints..clipRect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 10.0)),
paints..clipRect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 500.0, 10.0)),
......@@ -169,6 +171,9 @@ void main() {
editable.layout(BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
// Prepare for painting after layout.
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
// Draw no cursor by default.
......@@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ void main() {
editable.showCursor = showCursor;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
expect(editable, paints..rect(
color: const Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00),
......@@ -187,7 +192,7 @@ void main() {
editable.cursorColor = const Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
editable.cursorWidth = 4;
editable.cursorRadius = const Radius.circular(3);
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
expect(editable, paints..rrect(
color: const Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF),
......@@ -198,7 +203,7 @@ void main() {
editable.textScaleFactor = 2;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
// Now the caret height is much bigger due to the bigger font scale.
expect(editable, paints..rrect(
......@@ -211,7 +216,7 @@ void main() {
// Can turn off caret.
showCursor.value = false;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
expect(editable, paintsExactlyCountTimes(#drawRRect, 0));
......@@ -265,9 +270,8 @@ void main() {
editable.layout(BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
// Draw no cursor by default.
......@@ -275,7 +279,7 @@ void main() {
editable.showCursor = showCursor;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
expect(editable, paints..rect(
color: const Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00),
......@@ -286,7 +290,7 @@ void main() {
editable.cursorColor = const Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
editable.cursorWidth = 4;
editable.cursorRadius = const Radius.circular(3);
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
expect(editable, paints..rrect(
color: const Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF),
......@@ -297,7 +301,7 @@ void main() {
editable.textScaleFactor = 2;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
// Now the caret height is much bigger due to the bigger font scale.
expect(editable, paints..rrect(
......@@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ void main() {
// Can turn off caret.
showCursor.value = false;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
expect(editable, paintsExactlyCountTimes(#drawRRect, 0));
}, skip: isBrowser); // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/61024
......@@ -393,7 +397,7 @@ void main() {
expect(editable, paintsExactlyCountTimes(#drawRect, 1));
editable.paintCursorAboveText = false;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
......@@ -501,7 +505,7 @@ void main() {
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
......@@ -654,7 +658,9 @@ void main() {
promptRectColor: promptRectColor,
promptRectRange: const TextRange(start: 0, end: 1),
editable.layout(BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(1000.0, 1000.0)));
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(1000.0, 1000.0)));
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
(Canvas canvas) => editable.paint(TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas), Offset.zero),
......@@ -664,9 +670,9 @@ void main() {
editable.promptRectColor = null;
editable.layout(BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(1000.0, 1000.0)));
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
expect(editable.promptRectColor, promptRectColor);
expect(editable.promptRectColor, null);
(Canvas canvas) => editable.paint(TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas), Offset.zero),
isNot(paints..rect(color: promptRectColor)),
......@@ -1658,4 +1664,261 @@ void main() {
expect(RenderEditable.previousCharacter(4, '0123👨‍👩‍👦2345'), 3);
group('custom painters', () {
final TextSelectionDelegate delegate = FakeEditableTextState();
final _TestRenderEditable editable = _TestRenderEditable(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
offset: ViewportOffset.zero(),
textSelectionDelegate: delegate,
text: const TextSpan(
text: 'test',
style: TextStyle(
height: 1.0,
fontSize: 10.0,
fontFamily: 'Ahem',
startHandleLayerLink: LayerLink(),
endHandleLayerLink: LayerLink(),
selection: const TextSelection.collapsed(
offset: 4,
affinity: TextAffinity.upstream,
setUp(() { EditableText.debugDeterministicCursor = true; });
tearDown(() {
EditableText.debugDeterministicCursor = false;
editable.foregroundPainter = null;
editable.painter = null;
editable.paintCount = 0;
final AbstractNode? parent = editable.parent;
if (parent is RenderConstrainedBox)
parent.child = null;
test('paints in the correct order', () {
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
// Prepare for painting after layout.
// Foreground painter.
editable.foregroundPainter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
(Canvas canvas) => editable.paint(TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas), Offset.zero),
..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(1, 1, 1, 1), color: const Color(0x12345678)),
// Background painter.
editable.foregroundPainter = null;
editable.painter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
(Canvas canvas) => editable.paint(TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas), Offset.zero),
..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(1, 1, 1, 1), color: const Color(0x12345678))
editable.foregroundPainter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
editable.painter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
(Canvas canvas) => editable.paint(TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas), Offset.zero),
..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(1, 1, 1, 1), color: const Color(0x12345678))
..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(1, 1, 1, 1), color: const Color(0x12345678)),
test('changing foreground painter', () {
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
// Prepare for painting after layout.
_TestRenderEditablePainter currentPainter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
// Foreground painter.
editable.foregroundPainter = currentPainter;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(currentPainter.paintCount, 1);
editable.foregroundPainter = (currentPainter = _TestRenderEditablePainter()..repaint = false);
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(currentPainter.paintCount, 0);
editable.foregroundPainter = (currentPainter = _TestRenderEditablePainter()..repaint = true);
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(currentPainter.paintCount, 1);
test('changing background painter', () {
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
// Prepare for painting after layout.
_TestRenderEditablePainter currentPainter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
// Foreground painter.
editable.painter = currentPainter;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(currentPainter.paintCount, 1);
editable.painter = (currentPainter = _TestRenderEditablePainter()..repaint = false);
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(currentPainter.paintCount, 0);
editable.painter = (currentPainter = _TestRenderEditablePainter()..repaint = true);
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(currentPainter.paintCount, 1);
test('swapping painters', () {
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
final _TestRenderEditablePainter painter1 = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
final _TestRenderEditablePainter painter2 = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
editable.painter = painter1;
editable.foregroundPainter = painter2;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
<_TestRenderEditablePainter>[painter1, painter2],
editable.painter = painter2;
editable.foregroundPainter = painter1;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
<_TestRenderEditablePainter>[painter2, painter1],
test('reusing the same painter', () {
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
final _TestRenderEditablePainter painter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
FlutterErrorDetails? errorDetails;
editable.painter = painter;
editable.foregroundPainter = painter;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint, onErrors: () {
errorDetails = renderer.takeFlutterErrorDetails();
expect(errorDetails, isNull);
<_TestRenderEditablePainter>[painter, painter],
(Canvas canvas) => editable.paint(TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas), Offset.zero),
..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(1, 1, 1, 1), color: const Color(0x12345678))
..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(1, 1, 1, 1), color: const Color(0x12345678)),
test('does not repaint the render editable when custom painters need repaint', () {
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
final _TestRenderEditablePainter painter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
editable.painter = painter;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
editable.paintCount = 0;
painter.paintCount = 0;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(editable.paintCount, 0);
expect(painter.paintCount, 1);
test('repaints when its RenderEditable repaints', () {
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
final _TestRenderEditablePainter painter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
editable.painter = painter;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
editable.paintCount = 0;
painter.paintCount = 0;
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.paint);
expect(editable.paintCount, 1);
expect(painter.paintCount, 1);
test('correct coordinate space', () {
layout(editable, constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(const Size(100, 100)));
final _TestRenderEditablePainter painter = _TestRenderEditablePainter();
editable.painter = painter;
editable.offset = ViewportOffset.fixed(1000);
pumpFrame(phase: EnginePhase.compositingBits);
(Canvas canvas) => editable.paint(TestRecordingPaintingContext(canvas), Offset.zero),
..rect(rect: const Rect.fromLTRB(1, 1, 1, 1), color: const Color(0x12345678))
class _TestRenderEditable extends RenderEditable {
required TextDirection textDirection,
required ViewportOffset offset,
required TextSelectionDelegate textSelectionDelegate,
TextSpan? text,
required LayerLink startHandleLayerLink,
required LayerLink endHandleLayerLink,
TextSelection? selection,
}) : super(
textDirection: textDirection,
offset: offset,
textSelectionDelegate: textSelectionDelegate,
text: text,
startHandleLayerLink: startHandleLayerLink,
endHandleLayerLink: endHandleLayerLink,
selection: selection,
int paintCount = 0;
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
super.paint(context, offset);
paintCount += 1;
class _TestRenderEditablePainter extends RenderEditablePainter {
bool repaint = true;
int paintCount = 0;
static final List<_TestRenderEditablePainter> paintHistory = <_TestRenderEditablePainter>[];
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size, RenderEditable renderEditable) {
paintCount += 1;
canvas.drawRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(1, 1, 1, 1), Paint()..color = const Color(0x12345678));
bool shouldRepaint(RenderEditablePainter? oldDelegate) => repaint;
void markNeedsPaint() {
......@@ -5792,7 +5792,7 @@ void main() {
await tester.pump();
// Nothing called when only the remote changes.
expect(log.length, 0);
expect(log, isEmpty);
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