Commit 76844e25 authored by Matt Perry's avatar Matt Perry Committed by GitHub

Fix Bruschetta typo. (#6568)

parent 3e524fed
......@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ class RecipeStep {
final List<Recipe> kPestoRecipes = <Recipe>[
const Recipe(
name: 'Pesto Bruchetta',
name: 'Pesto Bruschetta',
author: 'Peter Carlsson',
ingredientsImagePath: 'packages/flutter_gallery_assets/pesto/quick.png',
description: 'Bask in greens this season by trying this delightful take on traditional bruschetta. Top with a dollop of homemade pesto, and season with freshly ground sea salt and pepper.',
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ void main() {
await tester.pump(); // Launch pesto
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // transition is complete
await tester.tap(find.text('Pesto Bruchetta'));
await tester.tap(find.text('Pesto Bruschetta'));
await tester.pump(); // Launch the recipe page
await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1)); // transition is complete
await tester.scroll(find.text('Pesto Bruchetta'), const Offset(0.0, -300.0));
await tester.scroll(find.text('Pesto Bruschetta'), const Offset(0.0, -300.0));
await tester.pump();
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