Unverified Commit 763a8d6d authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

add support to multiroot scheme to PackageUriMapper (#27207)

parent 39289b83
......@@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ class StdoutHandler {
void handler(String message) {
const String kResultPrefix = 'result ';
if (boundaryKey == null) {
if (message.startsWith(kResultPrefix))
if (boundaryKey == null && message.startsWith(kResultPrefix)) {
boundaryKey = message.substring(kResultPrefix.length);
} else if (message.startsWith(boundaryKey)) {
if (message.length <= boundaryKey.length) {
......@@ -112,36 +111,45 @@ class StdoutHandler {
/// Converts filesystem paths to package URIs.
class PackageUriMapper {
PackageUriMapper(String scriptPath, String packagesPath) {
PackageUriMapper(String scriptPath, String packagesPath, String fileSystemScheme, List<String> fileSystemRoots) {
final Map<String, Uri> packageMap = PackageMap(fs.path.absolute(packagesPath)).map;
final String scriptUri = Uri.file(scriptPath, windows: platform.isWindows).toString();
for (String packageName in packageMap.keys) {
final String prefix = packageMap[packageName].toString();
if (fileSystemScheme != null && fileSystemRoots != null && prefix.contains(fileSystemScheme)) {
_packageName = packageName;
_uriPrefixes = fileSystemRoots
.map((String name) => Uri.file('$name/lib/', windows: platform.isWindows).toString())
if (scriptUri.startsWith(prefix)) {
_packageName = packageName;
_uriPrefix = prefix;
_uriPrefixes = <String>[prefix];
String _packageName;
String _uriPrefix;
List<String> _uriPrefixes;
Uri map(String scriptPath) {
if (_packageName == null)
if (_packageName == null) {
return null;
final String scriptUri = Uri.file(scriptPath, windows: platform.isWindows).toString();
if (scriptUri.startsWith(_uriPrefix)) {
return Uri.parse('package:$_packageName/${scriptUri.substring(_uriPrefix.length)}');
for (String uriPrefix in _uriPrefixes) {
if (scriptUri.startsWith(uriPrefix)) {
return Uri.parse('package:$_packageName/${scriptUri.substring(uriPrefix.length)}');
return null;
static Uri findUri(String scriptPath, String packagesPath) {
return PackageUriMapper(scriptPath, packagesPath).map(scriptPath);
static Uri findUri(String scriptPath, String packagesPath, String fileSystemScheme, List<String> fileSystemRoots) {
return PackageUriMapper(scriptPath, packagesPath, fileSystemScheme, fileSystemRoots).map(scriptPath);
......@@ -223,7 +231,7 @@ class KernelCompiler {
Uri mainUri;
if (packagesPath != null) {
command.addAll(<String>['--packages', packagesPath]);
mainUri = PackageUriMapper.findUri(mainPath, packagesPath);
mainUri = PackageUriMapper.findUri(mainPath, packagesPath, fileSystemScheme, fileSystemRoots);
if (outputFilePath != null) {
command.addAll(<String>['--output-dill', outputFilePath]);
......@@ -256,7 +264,7 @@ class KernelCompiler {
.listen((String message) { printError(message); });
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
......@@ -400,15 +408,20 @@ class ResidentCompiler {
// First time recompile is called we actually have to compile the app from
// scratch ignoring list of invalidated files.
PackageUriMapper packageUriMapper;
if (request.packagesFilePath != null) {
packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper(request.mainPath, request.packagesFilePath);
if (request.packagesFilePath != null || _packagesPath != null) {
packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper(
request.packagesFilePath ?? _packagesPath,
if (_server == null) {
return _compile(
_mapFilename(request.mainPath, packageUriMapper),
_mapFilename(request.packagesFilePath, /* packageUriMapper= */ null)
_mapFilename(request.packagesFilePath ?? _packagesPath, /* packageUriMapper= */ null)
......@@ -22,36 +22,58 @@ final Generator _kNoColorTerminalPlatform = () => FakePlatform.fromPlatform(cons
void main() {
group(PackageUriMapper, () {
const String packagesContents = r'''
group('single-root', () {
const String packagesContents = r'''
final MockFileSystem mockFileSystem = MockFileSystem();
final MockFile mockFile = MockFile();
testUsingContext('Can map main.dart to correct package', () async {
final PackageUriMapper packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper('/example/lib/main.dart', '.packages');
expect(packageUriMapper.map('/example/lib/main.dart').toString(), 'package:example/main.dart');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem,
final MockFileSystem mockFileSystem = MockFileSystem();
final MockFile mockFile = MockFile();
testUsingContext('Can map main.dart to correct package', () async {
final PackageUriMapper packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper('/example/lib/main.dart', '.packages', null, null);
expect(packageUriMapper.map('/example/lib/main.dart').toString(), 'package:example/main.dart');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem,
testUsingContext('Maps file from other package to null', () async {
final PackageUriMapper packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper('/example/lib/main.dart', '.packages');
expect(packageUriMapper.map('/xml/lib/xml.dart'), null);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem,
testUsingContext('Maps file from other package to null', () async {
final PackageUriMapper packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper('/example/lib/main.dart', '.packages', null, null);
expect(packageUriMapper.map('/xml/lib/xml.dart'), null);
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem,
testUsingContext('Maps non-main file from same package', () async {
final PackageUriMapper packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper('/example/lib/main.dart', '.packages', null, null);
expect(packageUriMapper.map('/example/lib/src/foo.dart').toString(), 'package:example/src/foo.dart');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem,
testUsingContext('Maps non-main file from same package', () async {
final PackageUriMapper packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper('/example/lib/main.dart', '.packages');
expect(packageUriMapper.map('/example/lib/src/foo.dart').toString(), 'package:example/src/foo.dart');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem,
group('multi-root', () {
final MockFileSystem mockFileSystem = MockFileSystem();
final MockFile mockFile = MockFile();
const String multiRootPackagesContents = r'''
testUsingContext('Maps main file from same package on multiroot scheme', () async {
final PackageUriMapper packageUriMapper = PackageUriMapper('/example/lib/main.dart', '.packages', 'org-dartlang-app', <String>['/example', '/gen']);
expect(packageUriMapper.map('/example/lib/main.dart').toString(), 'package:example/main.dart');
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => mockFileSystem,
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