Commit 71c8a96f authored by Hixie's avatar Hixie

Fix --debug

...and some style nits.
parent 3f8fdb66
......@@ -123,10 +123,11 @@ class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner {
defaultsTo: 'out/ios_sim_Release/');
String get usageFooter =>
'Run "flutter -h -v" for verbose help output, including less commonly used options.\n'
String get usageFooter {
return 'Run "flutter -h -v" for verbose help output, including less commonly used options.\n'
List<BuildConfiguration> get buildConfigurations {
if (_buildConfigurations == null)
......@@ -136,21 +137,17 @@ class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner {
List<BuildConfiguration> _buildConfigurations;
String get enginePath {
if (!_enginePathSet) {
_enginePath = _findEnginePath(_globalResults);
_enginePathSet = true;
assert(ArtifactStore.flutterRoot != null);
_enginePath ??= _findEnginePath(_globalResults);
return _enginePath;
String _enginePath;
bool _enginePathSet = false;
ArgResults _globalResults;
String get _defaultFlutterRoot {
if (Platform.environment.containsKey(kFlutterRootEnvironmentVariableName))
return Platform.environment[kFlutterRootEnvironmentVariableName];
try {
String script = Platform.script.toFilePath();
if (path.basename(script) == kSnapshotFileName)
......@@ -170,6 +167,12 @@ class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner {
if (globalResults['verbose'])
logger.verbose = true;
// we must set ArtifactStore.flutterRoot early because other features use it
// (e.g. enginePath's initialiser uses it)
ArtifactStore.flutterRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(globalResults['flutter-root']));
if (globalResults.wasParsed('package-root'))
ArtifactStore.packageRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(globalResults['package-root']));
// See if the user specified a specific device.
deviceManager.specifiedDeviceId = globalResults['device-id'];
......@@ -184,15 +187,10 @@ class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner {
if (androidSdk != null) {
printTrace('Using Android SDK at ${}.');
if (androidSdk.latestVersion != null)
ArtifactStore.flutterRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(globalResults['flutter-root']));
if (globalResults.wasParsed('package-root'))
ArtifactStore.packageRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(globalResults['package-root']));
if (globalResults['version']) {
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