Unverified Commit 6f8945fc authored by Yegor's avatar Yegor Committed by GitHub

extract engine sub-metrics; change reported metrics (#55331)

* extract engine sub-metrics; change reported metrics

- Extract sub-metrics reported by the Web engine: "preroll_frame", "apply_frame".
- Add a concept of unreported metrics: displayed on the benchmark UI, but not on the dashboard.
- Make "sceneBuildDuration" and "windowRenderDuration" unreported, which are too fine-grained. They are included in "drawFrameDuration" already.
- Report outlier ratio instead of outlier average. The ratio is more useful of the two.
parent e8a987e1
......@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ class BenchPictureRecording extends RawRecorder {
}, reported: true);
profile.record('estimatePaintBounds', () {
}, reported: true);
......@@ -58,11 +58,6 @@ void _useCanvasText(bool useCanvasText) {
typedef OnBenchmark = void Function(String name, num value);
void _onBenchmark(OnBenchmark listener) {
js_util.setProperty(html.window, '_flutter_internal_on_benchmark', listener);
/// Repeatedly lays out a paragraph using the DOM measurement approach.
/// Creates a different paragraph each time in order to avoid hitting the cache.
......@@ -132,21 +127,21 @@ class BenchTextLayout extends RawRecorder {
}) {
profile.record('$keyPrefix.layout', () {
paragraph.layout(ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: maxWidth));
}, reported: true);
profile.record('$keyPrefix.getBoxesForRange', () {
for (int start = 0; start < text.length; start += 3) {
for (int end = start + 1; end < text.length; end *= 2) {
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(start, end);
}, reported: true);
profile.record('$keyPrefix.getPositionForOffset', () {
for (double dx = 0.0; dx < paragraph.width; dx += 10.0) {
for (double dy = 0.0; dy < paragraph.height; dy += 10.0) {
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(Offset(dx, dy));
}, reported: true);
......@@ -179,7 +174,7 @@ class BenchTextCachedLayout extends RawRecorder {
final ui.Paragraph paragraph = builder.build();
profile.record('layout', () {
paragraph.layout(const ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: double.infinity));
}, reported: true);
......@@ -242,7 +237,7 @@ class BenchBuildColorsGrid extends WidgetBuildRecorder {
if (mode == _TestMode.useDomTextLayout) {
_onBenchmark((String name, num value) {
registerEngineBenchmarkValueListener('text_layout', (num value) {
_textLayoutMicros += value;
......@@ -250,7 +245,7 @@ class BenchBuildColorsGrid extends WidgetBuildRecorder {
Future<void> tearDownAll() async {
......@@ -268,6 +263,7 @@ class BenchBuildColorsGrid extends WidgetBuildRecorder {
Duration(microseconds: _textLayoutMicros.toInt()),
reported: true,
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:js_util' as js_util;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui';
......@@ -27,6 +28,16 @@ const int _kMeasuredSampleCount = 100;
/// The total number of samples collected by a benchmark.
const int kTotalSampleCount = _kWarmUpSampleCount + _kMeasuredSampleCount;
/// A benchmark metric that includes frame-related computations prior to
/// submitting layer and picture operations to the underlying renderer, such as
/// HTML and CanvasKit. During this phase we compute transforms, clips, and
/// other information needed for rendering.
const String kProfilePrerollFrame = 'preroll_frame';
/// A benchmark metric that includes submitting layer and picture information
/// to the renderer.
const String kProfileApplyFrame = 'apply_frame';
/// Measures the amount of time [action] takes.
Duration timeAction(VoidCallback action) {
final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
......@@ -221,9 +232,9 @@ abstract class SceneBuilderRecorder extends Recorder {
final Scene scene = sceneBuilder.build();
profile.record('windowRenderDuration', () {
}, reported: false);
}, reported: false);
}, reported: true);
if (profile.shouldContinue()) {
......@@ -331,7 +342,7 @@ abstract class WidgetRecorder extends Recorder implements FrameRecorder {
void frameDidDraw() {
profile.addDataPoint('drawFrameDuration', _drawFrameStopwatch.elapsed);
profile.addDataPoint('drawFrameDuration', _drawFrameStopwatch.elapsed, reported: true);
if (profile.shouldContinue()) {
......@@ -353,12 +364,30 @@ abstract class WidgetRecorder extends Recorder implements FrameRecorder {
final _RecordingWidgetsBinding binding =
final Widget widget = createWidget();
registerEngineBenchmarkValueListener(kProfilePrerollFrame, (num value) {
Duration(microseconds: value.toInt()),
reported: false,
registerEngineBenchmarkValueListener(kProfileApplyFrame, (num value) {
Duration(microseconds: value.toInt()),
reported: false,
binding._beginRecording(this, widget);
try {
await _runCompleter.future;
return localProfile;
} finally {
_runCompleter = null;
profile = null;
......@@ -421,7 +450,7 @@ abstract class WidgetBuildRecorder extends Recorder implements FrameRecorder {
// Only record frames that show the widget.
if (showWidget) {
profile.addDataPoint('drawFrameDuration', _drawFrameStopwatch.elapsed);
profile.addDataPoint('drawFrameDuration', _drawFrameStopwatch.elapsed, reported: true);
if (profile.shouldContinue()) {
......@@ -488,11 +517,21 @@ class _WidgetBuildRecorderHostState extends State<_WidgetBuildRecorderHost> {
/// calculations will only apply to the latest [_kMeasuredSampleCount] data
/// points.
class Timeseries {
Timeseries(this.name, this.isReported);
/// The label of this timeseries used for debugging and result inspection.
final String name;
/// Whether this timeseries is reported to the benchmark dashboard.
/// If `true` a new benchmark card is created for the timeseries and is
/// visible on the dashboard.
/// If `false` the data is stored but it does not show up on the dashboard.
/// Use unreported metrics for metrics that are useful for manual inspection
/// but that are too fine-grained to be useful for tracking on the dashboard.
final bool isReported;
/// List of all the values that have been recorded.
/// This list has no limit.
......@@ -700,14 +739,20 @@ class Profile {
final Map<String, dynamic> extraData = <String, dynamic>{};
/// Invokes [callback] and records the duration of its execution under [key].
Duration record(String key, VoidCallback callback) {
Duration record(String key, VoidCallback callback, { @required bool reported }) {
final Duration duration = timeAction(callback);
addDataPoint(key, duration);
addDataPoint(key, duration, reported: reported);
return duration;
void addDataPoint(String key, Duration duration) {
scoreData.putIfAbsent(key, () => Timeseries(key)).add(duration.inMicroseconds.toDouble());
/// Adds a timed sample to the timeseries corresponding to [key].
/// Set [reported] to `true` to report the timeseries to the dashboard UI.
/// Set [reported] to `false` to store the data, but not show it on the
/// dashboard UI.
void addDataPoint(String key, Duration duration, { @required bool reported }) {
scoreData.putIfAbsent(key, () => Timeseries(key, reported)).add(duration.inMicroseconds.toDouble());
/// Decides whether the data collected so far is sufficient to stop, or
......@@ -740,9 +785,16 @@ class Profile {
for (final String key in scoreData.keys) {
final Timeseries timeseries = scoreData[key];
if (timeseries.isReported) {
// Report `outlierRatio` rather than `outlierAverage`, because
// the absolute value of outliers is less interesting than the
// ratio.
final TimeseriesStats stats = timeseries.computeStats();
json['$key.average'] = stats.average;
json['$key.outlierAverage'] = stats.outlierAverage;
......@@ -958,3 +1010,55 @@ void endMeasureFrame() {
_currentFrameNumber += 1;
/// A function that receives a benchmark value from the framework.
typedef EngineBenchmarkValueListener = void Function(num value);
// Maps from a value label name to a listener.
final Map<String, EngineBenchmarkValueListener> _engineBenchmarkListeners = <String, EngineBenchmarkValueListener>{};
/// Registers a [listener] for engine benchmark values labeled by [name].
/// If another listener is already registered, overrides it.
void registerEngineBenchmarkValueListener(String name, EngineBenchmarkValueListener listener) {
if (listener == null) {
throw ArgumentError(
'Listener must not be null. To stop listening to engine benchmark values '
'under label "$name", call stopListeningToEngineBenchmarkValues(\'$name\').',
if (_engineBenchmarkListeners.containsKey(name)) {
throw StateError(
'A listener for "$name" is already registered.\n'
'Call `stopListeningToEngineBenchmarkValues` to unregister the previous '
'listener before registering a new one.'
if (_engineBenchmarkListeners.isEmpty) {
// The first listener is being registered. Register the global listener.
js_util.setProperty(html.window, '_flutter_internal_on_benchmark', _dispatchEngineBenchmarkValue);
_engineBenchmarkListeners[name] = listener;
/// Stops listening to engine benchmark values under labeled by [name].
void stopListeningToEngineBenchmarkValues(String name) {
if (_engineBenchmarkListeners.isEmpty) {
// The last listener unregistered. Remove the global listener.
js_util.setProperty(html.window, '_flutter_internal_on_benchmark', null);
// Dispatches a benchmark value reported by the engine to the relevant listener.
// If there are no listeners registered for [name], ignores the value.
void _dispatchEngineBenchmarkValue(String name, double value) {
final EngineBenchmarkValueListener listener = _engineBenchmarkListeners[name];
if (listener != null) {
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