Unverified Commit 6ccd9939 authored by Jenn Magder's avatar Jenn Magder Committed by GitHub

Add `flutter build ipa --no-codesign` flag (#101766)

parent d4bfb013
......@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ class BuildIOSCommand extends _BuildIOSSubCommand {
help: 'Build for the iOS simulator instead of the device. This changes '
'the default build mode to debug if otherwise unspecified.',
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Codesign the application bundle (only available on device builds).',
......@@ -53,9 +49,6 @@ class BuildIOSCommand extends _BuildIOSSubCommand {
bool get configOnly => boolArg('config-only');
bool get shouldCodesign => boolArg('codesign');
Directory _outputAppDirectory(String xcodeResultOutput) => globals.fs.directory(xcodeResultOutput).parent;
......@@ -105,9 +98,6 @@ class BuildIOSArchiveCommand extends _BuildIOSSubCommand {
final bool configOnly = false;
final bool shouldCodesign = true;
String? get exportOptionsPlist => stringArg('export-options-plist');
......@@ -141,13 +131,18 @@ class BuildIOSArchiveCommand extends _BuildIOSSubCommand {
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
final FlutterCommandResult xcarchiveResult = await super.runCommand();
final BuildInfo buildInfo = await getBuildInfo();
final BuildInfo buildInfo = await cachedBuildInfo;
final FlutterCommandResult xcarchiveResult = await super.runCommand();
// xcarchive failed or not at expected location.
if (xcarchiveResult.exitStatus != ExitStatus.success) {
globals.printStatus('Skipping IPA');
globals.printStatus('Skipping IPA.');
return xcarchiveResult;
if (!shouldCodesign) {
globals.printStatus('Codesigning disabled with --no-codesign, skipping IPA.');
return xcarchiveResult;
......@@ -291,6 +286,10 @@ abstract class _BuildIOSSubCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
addBundleSkSLPathOption(hide: !verboseHelp);
addNullSafetyModeOptions(hide: !verboseHelp);
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Codesign the application bundle (only available on device builds).',
......@@ -305,7 +304,8 @@ abstract class _BuildIOSSubCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
XcodeBuildResult? xcodeBuildResult;
EnvironmentType get environmentType;
bool get configOnly;
bool get shouldCodesign;
bool get shouldCodesign => boolArg('codesign');
late final Future<BuildInfo> cachedBuildInfo = getBuildInfo();
......@@ -501,6 +501,49 @@ void main() {
XcodeProjectInterpreter: () => FakeXcodeProjectInterpreterWithBuildSettings(),
testUsingContext('ipa build --no-codesign skips codesigning and IPA creation', () async {
final BuildCommand command = BuildCommand();
const FakeCommand(
command: <String>[
'-configuration', 'Release',
'-workspace', 'Runner.xcworkspace',
'-scheme', 'Runner',
'-sdk', 'iphoneos',
'-resultBundleVersion', '3',
await createTestCommandRunner(command).run(
const <String>['build', 'ipa', '--no-pub', '--no-codesign']
expect(fakeProcessManager, hasNoRemainingExpectations);
expect(testLogger.statusText, contains('Codesigning disabled with --no-codesign, skipping IPA'));
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => fileSystem,
ProcessManager: () => fakeProcessManager,
Platform: () => macosPlatform,
XcodeProjectInterpreter: () => FakeXcodeProjectInterpreterWithBuildSettings(),
testUsingContext('code size analysis fails when app not found', () async {
final BuildCommand command = BuildCommand();
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