Commit 6ca36a94 authored by Matt Perry's avatar Matt Perry

Add a text selection handle for the collapsed case. (#3467)

Also simplify handle drawing. All 3 cases are the same, just rotated.

Also fix selection changes on iOS.
parent cd084005
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
......@@ -248,22 +250,27 @@ class _InputState extends State<Input> {
height: _kTextSelectionHandleSize,
child: new CustomPaint(
painter: new _TextSelectionHandlePainter(
type: type,
color: Theme.of(context).textSelectionHandleColor
// [handle] is a circle, with a rectangle in the top left quadrant of that
// circle (an onion pointing to 10:30). We rotate [handle] to point
// straight up or up-right depending on the handle type.
switch (type) {
case TextSelectionHandleType.left:
// Shift the child left by 100% of its width, so its top-right corner
// touches the selection endpoint.
return new FractionalTranslation(
translation: const FractionalOffset(-1.0, 0.0),
case TextSelectionHandleType.left: // points up-right
return new Transform(
transform: new Matrix4.identity().rotateZ(math.PI / 2.0),
child: handle
case TextSelectionHandleType.right:
case TextSelectionHandleType.right: // points up-left
return handle;
case TextSelectionHandleType.collapsed: // points up
return new Transform(
transform: new Matrix4.identity().rotateZ(math.PI / 4.0),
child: handle
......@@ -304,36 +311,20 @@ class _FormFieldData {
/// Draws a single text selection handle. The [type] determines where the handle
/// points (e.g. the [left] handle points up and to the right).
class _TextSelectionHandlePainter extends CustomPainter {
_TextSelectionHandlePainter({this.type, this.color});
_TextSelectionHandlePainter({ this.color });
final TextSelectionHandleType type;
final Color color;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
Paint paint = new Paint()..color = color;
// Each handle is a circle, with a rectangle in the top quadrant of that
// circle in the direction it's pointing. [rect] here is the size of the
// corner rect, e.g. half the diameter of the circle.
double radius = size.width/2.0;
canvas.drawCircle(new Point(radius, radius), radius, paint);
Rect rect;
switch (type) {
case TextSelectionHandleType.left:
rect = new Rect.fromLTWH(radius, 0.0, radius, radius);
case TextSelectionHandleType.right:
rect = new Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, radius, radius);
canvas.drawRect(rect, paint);
canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTWH(0.0, 0.0, radius, radius), paint);
bool shouldRepaint(_TextSelectionHandlePainter oldPainter) {
return type != oldPainter.type ||
color != oldPainter.color;
return color != oldPainter.color;
......@@ -289,10 +289,6 @@ class RawInputLineState extends ScrollableState<RawInputLine> {
if (_keyboardClient.inputValue.text != config.value.text) {
_selectionHandles = null;
} else {
// If the text is unchanged, this was probably called for a selection
// change.
......@@ -310,6 +306,11 @@ class RawInputLineState extends ScrollableState<RawInputLine> {
if (config.onChanged != null)
config.onChanged(_keyboardClient.inputValue.copyWith(selection: selection));
if (_selectionHandles != null) {
_selectionHandles = null;
if (_selectionHandles == null &&
_keyboardClient.inputValue.text.isNotEmpty &&
config.selectionHandleBuilder != null) {
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import 'overlay.dart';
/// mixed text: '<the nwor<b quick fox'
/// Here 'the b' is selected, but 'brown' is RTL. Both are drawn with the
/// [left] type.
enum TextSelectionHandleType { left, right }
enum TextSelectionHandleType { left, right, collapsed }
/// Builds a handle of the given type.
typedef Widget TextSelectionHandleBuilder(BuildContext context, TextSelectionHandleType type);
......@@ -190,8 +190,10 @@ class _TextSelectionHandleOverlayState extends State<_TextSelectionHandleOverlay
TextSelectionHandleType ltrType,
TextSelectionHandleType rtlType
) {
// [direction] is null when it doesn't matter.
switch (endpoint.direction ?? TextDirection.ltr) {
if (config.selection.isCollapsed)
return TextSelectionHandleType.collapsed;
switch (endpoint.direction) {
case TextDirection.ltr:
return ltrType;
case TextDirection.rtl:
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