Unverified Commit 6a51e0c2 authored by michaellee8's avatar michaellee8 Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] Add support for launching fuchsia app using session_control (#85752)

parent d3c3b891
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import 'fuchsia_build.dart';
import 'fuchsia_pm.dart';
import 'fuchsia_sdk.dart';
import 'fuchsia_workflow.dart';
import 'session_control.dart';
import 'tiles_ctl.dart';
/// The [FuchsiaDeviceTools] instance.
......@@ -44,6 +45,9 @@ class FuchsiaDeviceTools {
FuchsiaTilesCtl _tilesCtl;
FuchsiaTilesCtl get tilesCtl => _tilesCtl ??= FuchsiaTilesCtl();
FuchsiaSessionControl _sessionControl;
FuchsiaSessionControl get sessionControl => _sessionControl ??= FuchsiaSessionControl();
final String _ipv4Loopback = InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4.address;
......@@ -266,6 +270,22 @@ class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
bool get supportsStartPaused => false;
bool _isSession;
Future<bool> get isSession async => _isSession ??= await _initIsSession();
/// Determine if the Fuchsia device is running a session based build.
/// If the device is running a session based build, `session_control` should be
/// used to launch apps, otherwise `tiles_ctl` should be used.
Future<bool> _initIsSession() async {
final RunResult result = await shell('which session_control');
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
return false;
return true;
Future<bool> isAppInstalled(
ApplicationPackage app, {
......@@ -304,6 +324,12 @@ class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
bool ipv6 = false,
String userIdentifier,
}) async {
if (await isSession) {
globals.printTrace('Running on a session framework based build.');
} else {
globals.printTrace('Running on a non session framework based build.');
if (!prebuiltApplication) {
await buildFuchsia(fuchsiaProject: FlutterProject.current().fuchsia,
targetPlatform: await targetPlatform,
......@@ -341,17 +367,26 @@ class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
FuchsiaPackageServer fuchsiaPackageServer;
bool serverRegistered = false;
String fuchsiaUrl;
try {
// Ask amber to pre-fetch some things we'll need before setting up our own
// package server. This is to avoid relying on amber correctly using
// multiple package servers, support for which is in flux.
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.amberCtl.getUp(this, 'tiles')) {
globals.printError('Failed to get amber to prefetch tiles');
return LaunchResult.failed();
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.amberCtl.getUp(this, 'tiles_ctl')) {
globals.printError('Failed to get amber to prefetch tiles_ctl');
return LaunchResult.failed();
if (await isSession) {
// Prefetch session_control
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.amberCtl.getUp(this, 'session_control')) {
globals.printError('Failed to get amber to prefetch session_control');
return LaunchResult.failed();
} else {
// Ask amber to pre-fetch some things we'll need before setting up our own
// package server. This is to avoid relying on amber correctly using
// multiple package servers, support for which is in flux.
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.amberCtl.getUp(this, 'tiles')) {
globals.printError('Failed to get amber to prefetch tiles');
return LaunchResult.failed();
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.amberCtl.getUp(this, 'tiles_ctl')) {
globals.printError('Failed to get amber to prefetch tiles_ctl');
return LaunchResult.failed();
// Start up a package server.
......@@ -417,17 +452,26 @@ class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
return LaunchResult.failed();
// Ensure tiles_ctl is started, and start the app.
if (!await FuchsiaTilesCtl.ensureStarted(this)) {
globals.printError('Failed to ensure that tiles is started on the device');
return LaunchResult.failed();
fuchsiaUrl = 'fuchsia-pkg://$packageServerName/$appName#meta/$appName.cmx';
// Instruct tiles_ctl to start the app.
final String fuchsiaUrl = 'fuchsia-pkg://$packageServerName/$appName#meta/$appName.cmx';
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.tilesCtl.add(this, fuchsiaUrl, <String>[])) {
globals.printError('Failed to add the app to tiles');
return LaunchResult.failed();
if (await isSession) {
// Instruct session_control to start the app
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.sessionControl.add(this, fuchsiaUrl)) {
globals.printError('Failed to add the app to session_control');
return LaunchResult.failed();
} else {
// Ensure tiles_ctl is started, and start the app.
if (!await FuchsiaTilesCtl.ensureStarted(this)) {
globals.printError('Failed to ensure that tiles is started on the device');
return LaunchResult.failed();
// Instruct tiles_ctl to start the app.
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.tilesCtl.add(this, fuchsiaUrl, <String>[])) {
globals.printError('Failed to add the app to tiles');
return LaunchResult.failed();
} finally {
// Try to un-teach the package controller about the package server if
......@@ -470,6 +514,11 @@ class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
covariant FuchsiaApp app, {
String userIdentifier,
}) async {
if (await isSession) {
// Currently there are no way to close a running app programmatically
// using the session framework afaik. So this is a no-op.
return true;
final int appKey = await FuchsiaTilesCtl.findAppKey(this, app.id);
if (appKey != -1) {
if (!await fuchsiaDeviceTools.tilesCtl.remove(this, appKey)) {
......@@ -522,7 +571,7 @@ class FuchsiaDevice extends Device {
throw 'Could not take a screenshot on device $name:\n$screencapResult';
try {
final RunResult scpResult = await scp('/tmp/screenshot.ppm', outputFile.path);
final RunResult scpResult = await scp('/tmp/screenshot.ppm', outputFile.path);
if (scpResult.exitCode != 0) {
throw 'Failed to copy screenshot from device:\n$scpResult';
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.8
import '../base/process.dart';
import 'fuchsia_device.dart';
// Usage: session_control <command> [<args>]
// Various operations to control sessions.
// Options:
// --help display usage information
// Commands:
// launch Launch a new session.
// restart Restart the current session.
// add Add an element to the current session.
// Usage: session_control launch <session_url>
// Launch a new session.
// Options:
// --help display usage information
// Usage: session_control restart
// Restart the current session.
// Options:
// --help display usage information
// Usage: session_control add <element_url>
// Add an element to the current session.
// Options:
// --help display usage information
/// A simple wrapper around the 'session_control' tool running on the Fuchsia device.
class FuchsiaSessionControl {
/// Instructs session_control on the device to add the app at [url] as an element.
/// [url] should be formatted as a Fuchsia-style package URL, e.g.:
/// fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/flutter_gallery#meta/flutter_gallery.cmx
/// Returns true on success and false on failure.
Future<bool> add(FuchsiaDevice device, String url) async {
final RunResult result = await device.shell('session_control add $url');
return result.exitCode == 0;
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